/* * Curses UI for slide puzzle game * Copyright © 2022 Nick Bowler * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "help.h" #include "version.h" #include "cursesopt.h" #include "game.h" #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) static const char *progname = "rrace"; static const struct option lopts[] = { LOPTS_INITIALIZER, {0} }; enum { WINDOW_TILEBORDER, WINDOW_TILEFILL, WINDOW_AREA, WINDOW_MAX, }; static struct app_state { struct board board; WINDOW *gamewin[WINDOW_MAX], *goalwin[WINDOW_MAX]; int cursor; } state; static void print_version(void) { version_print_head("rrace-curses", stdout); puts("License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or any later version"); puts("This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."); puts("There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."); } static void print_usage(FILE *f) { fprintf(f, "Usage: %s [options]\n", progname); if (f != stdout) fprintf(f, "Try %s --help for more information.\n", progname); } static void print_help(void) { struct lopt_help help = {0}; const struct option *opt; print_usage(stdout); putchar('\n'); puts("Options:"); for (opt = lopts; opt->name; opt++) { if (!lopt_get_help(opt, &help)) continue; help_print_option(opt, help.arg, help.desc, 20); } putchar('\n'); printf("Report bugs to <%s>.\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); } static void draw_tile(WINDOW **win, unsigned colour, unsigned selected, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned start_column) { WINDOW *border = win[WINDOW_TILEBORDER], *fill = win[WINDOW_TILEFILL]; int w, h, attr, ch, bc = selected ? '#' : 0; assert(colour < TILE_MAX); attr = COLOR_PAIR(colour); switch (colour) { case TILE_RED: ch = 'X'; break; case TILE_ORANGE: ch = '|'; break; case TILE_GREEN: ch = '+'; break; case TILE_YELLOW: ch = '~'; attr |= A_BOLD; break; case TILE_BLUE: ch = 'o'; attr |= A_BOLD; break; case TILE_WHITE: ch = '.'; attr |= A_BOLD; break; case TILE_EMPTY: attr = A_BOLD|COLOR_PAIR(TILE_MAX); } getmaxyx(border, h, w); w = 2*(w+1)/2; if (mvwin(border, 2+h*y, start_column+w*x) == ERR) return; if (colour != TILE_EMPTY) { mvderwin(fill, 1, 1); wbkgdset(fill, A_REVERSE|attr|ch); werase(fill); } else { werase(border); } if (bc || colour) { wattrset(border, attr); wborder(border, bc, bc, bc, bc, bc, bc, bc, bc); } wnoutrefresh(border); } static int redraw_tile(WINDOW **win, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned start_column, uint_fast32_t bit0, uint_fast32_t bit1, uint_fast32_t bit2, unsigned selected) { uint_fast32_t pos = board_position(x, y); unsigned char tile = 0; if (bit0 & pos) tile |= 1; if (bit1 & pos) tile |= 2; if (bit2 & pos) tile |= 4; assert(tile < TILE_MAX); draw_tile(win, tile, selected, x, y, start_column); return tile; } static void redraw_area_border(WINDOW **win, unsigned x, unsigned sz) { int w, h, tr = 0, rs = 0, br = 0, bs = 0, bl = 0; WINDOW *area = win[WINDOW_AREA]; getmaxyx(stdscr, h, w); if (h <= 2) { bl = ACS_ULCORNER, br = ACS_URCORNER; } else if (h <= 3*sz+2) { bl = br = ACS_VLINE, bs = ' '; } if (w <= x+1) { tr = ACS_ULCORNER, br = ACS_LLCORNER; } else if (w <= 6*sz+x+2) { tr = ACS_HLINE, rs = ' '; br = br ? ' ' : ACS_HLINE; } wborder(area, 0, rs, 0, bs, 0, tr, bl, br); wnoutrefresh(area); } static void curs_redraw_game(struct app_state *state, uint_fast32_t mask) { uint_least32_t *gp = state->board.game; int i; if (mask == -1) redraw_area_border(state->gamewin, 2, 5); for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { if (mask & 1) { redraw_tile(state->gamewin, i%5, i/5, 4, gp[0], gp[1], gp[2], i == state->cursor); } mask >>= 1; } } static void curs_redraw_goal(struct app_state *state, uint_fast32_t mask) { uint_least16_t *gp = state->board.goal; int i, x, y; if (!state->goalwin[WINDOW_AREA]) return; getbegyx(state->goalwin[WINDOW_AREA], y, x); if (mask == -1) redraw_area_border(state->goalwin, x, 3); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (mask & 1) { redraw_tile(state->goalwin, i%3, i/3, x+2, gp[0], gp[1], gp[2], 0); } mask >>= 1; } } static WINDOW *realloc_area(WINDOW **orig, int h, int w, int y, int x) { WINDOW *win = *orig; if (win) { #if HAVE_CURSES_WRESIZE if (wresize(win, h, w) != ERR) { mvwin(win, y, x); return win; } #endif delwin(win); } if (w > 0 && h > 0) return *orig = subwin(stdscr, h, w, y, x); return *orig = NULL; } static void realloc_tiles(WINDOW **win, int h) { WINDOW *border = win[WINDOW_TILEBORDER], *fill = win[WINDOW_TILEFILL]; int w = 2*h - 1; if (fill && border) { int old_w, old_h; #if HAVE_CURSES_WRESIZE if (wresize(fill, h-2, w-2) != ERR && wresize(border, h, w) != ERR) { return; } #endif getmaxyx(border, old_h, old_w); if (old_h == h) return; } if (fill) delwin(fill); if (border) delwin(border); win[WINDOW_TILEBORDER] = border = newwin(h, w, 0, 0); win[WINDOW_TILEFILL] = derwin(border, h-2, w-2, 1, 1); } static void setup_mainwin(struct app_state *state) { int w, h, gamesz, goalsz, scr_w, scr_h, split; getmaxyx(stdscr, scr_h, scr_w); /* First try to fit the game tiles based on window height. */ gamesz = MAX(3, (scr_h - 4) / 5); /* Adjust downward until we can fit smallest possible goal area. */ for (; split = 5+10*gamesz, gamesz > 3; gamesz--) { if (split + 20 < scr_w) break; } /* Pick a goal size that will fit in the remaining area */ goalsz = MAX(3, (scr_w - split - 4) / 6); if (goalsz >= gamesz) goalsz = MAX(3, gamesz - 1); realloc_tiles(state->gamewin, gamesz); realloc_tiles(state->goalwin, goalsz); /* Frame for game area */ w = MIN(scr_w-2, 3+10*gamesz); h = MIN(scr_h-1, 2+5*gamesz); realloc_area(&state->gamewin[WINDOW_AREA], h, w, 1, 2); /* Frame for goal area */ w = MIN(scr_w-split, 3+6*goalsz); h = MIN(scr_h-1, 2+3*goalsz); realloc_area(&state->goalwin[WINDOW_AREA], h, w, 1, split); } static void app_initialize(int argc, char **argv) { int enable_mouse = 1; int opt; if (argc > 0) progname = argv[0]; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, SOPT_STRING, lopts, 0)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case LOPT_MOUSE: enable_mouse = 2; break; case LOPT_NO_MOUSE: enable_mouse = 0; break; case LOPT_VERSION: print_version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case LOPT_HELP: print_help(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: print_usage(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } game_reset(&state.board); state.cursor = 5*state.board.y + state.board.x; initscr(); start_color(); if (curs_set(0) != ERR) leaveok(stdscr, TRUE); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); if (enable_mouse) { #if HAVE_CURSES_MOUSE_SET mouse_set(BUTTON1_PRESSED); #elif HAVE_CURSES_MOUSEMASK mousemask(BUTTON1_PRESSED, NULL); #endif #if HAVE_CURSES_MOUSEINTERVAL mouseinterval(0); #endif } noecho(); init_pair(TILE_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(TILE_ORANGE, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(TILE_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(TILE_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(TILE_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(TILE_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(TILE_MAX, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK); setup_mainwin(&state); refresh(); } static uint_fast32_t do_move(struct app_state *state, int x, int y) { uint_fast32_t mask; if ((mask = game_do_move(&state->board, x, y)) != 0) { curs_redraw_game(state, mask); refresh(); } return mask; } #if HAVE_CURSES_MOUSE_SUPPORT static void do_mouse(struct app_state *state) { unsigned long bstate; int x, y; #if HAVE_CURSES_GETMOUSE_NCURSES MEVENT mev; if (getmouse(&mev) == ERR) return; x = mev.x, y = mev.y; bstate = mev.bstate; #elif HAVE_CURSES_REQUEST_MOUSE_POS request_mouse_pos(); x = MOUSE_X_POS; y = MOUSE_Y_POS; bstate = 0; if (BUTTON_CHANGED(1)) { switch (BUTTON_STATUS(1)) { case BUTTON_RELEASED: bstate |= BUTTON1_RELEASED; case BUTTON_PRESSED: bstate |= BUTTON1_PRESSED; } } #endif if (bstate == BUTTON1_PRESSED) { uint_fast32_t cursor_mask, move_mask; int w, h; /* Determine size of the game area */ getmaxyx(state->gamewin[WINDOW_TILEBORDER], h, w); w = 2*(w+1)/2; if (x < 4 || (x -= 4)/5 >= w) return; if (y < 2 || (y -= 2)/5 >= h) return; /* Turn off the keyboard cursor when using the mouse */ cursor_mask = state->cursor < 0 ? -1 : 1ul << state->cursor; state->cursor = -1; move_mask = do_move(state, x/w, y/h); if ((cursor_mask & move_mask) == 0) { curs_redraw_game(state, cursor_mask); refresh(); } } } #endif static void do_move_cursor(struct app_state *state, int c) { uint_fast32_t mask = 1ul << state->cursor; if (state->cursor < 0) { /* Reset keyboard cursor to the empty position */ state->cursor = 5*state->board.y + state->board.x; } switch (c) { case KEY_UP: if ((state->cursor -= 5) < 0) state->cursor += 25; break; case KEY_DOWN: if ((state->cursor += 5) >= 25) state->cursor -= 25; break; case KEY_LEFT: if ((state->cursor -= 1) % 5 == 4 || state->cursor < 0) state->cursor += 5; break; case KEY_RIGHT: if ((state->cursor += 1) % 5 == 0) state->cursor -= 5; break; } curs_redraw_game(state, mask | 1ul << state->cursor); refresh(); } static void do_keystroke(struct app_state *state, int c) { switch (c) { case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_UP: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: do_move_cursor(state, c); break; case ' ': if (state->cursor >= 0) do_move(state, state->cursor%5, state->cursor/5); break; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); app_initialize(argc, argv); curs_redraw_game(&state, -1); curs_redraw_goal(&state, -1); refresh(); while (1) { int c = getch(); switch (c) { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE case KEY_RESIZE: setup_mainwin(&state); clear(); refresh(); curs_redraw_game(&state, -1); curs_redraw_goal(&state, -1); refresh(); break; #endif #if HAVE_CURSES_MOUSE_SUPPORT case KEY_MOUSE: do_mouse(&state); break; #endif default: do_keystroke(&state, c); } } }