/* * 2ooM: The Master of Orion II Reverse Engineering Project * Library for working with LBX archive files. * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nick Bowler * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pack.h" #include "misc.h" #include "lbx.h" #define LBX_MAGIC 0x0000fead #define LBX_HDR_SIZE 8 int lbx_errno = 0; struct lbx_state { const char *name; const struct lbx_file_ops *fops; int (*dtor)(void *handle); void *f; uint16_t nfiles; uint32_t offsets[]; }; static struct lbx_state *lbx_init(unsigned char hdr[static LBX_HDR_SIZE]) { unsigned short nfiles = unpack_16_le(hdr+0); unsigned long magic = unpack_32_le(hdr+2); unsigned short version = unpack_16_le(hdr+6); struct lbx_state *lbx; if (magic != LBX_MAGIC) { lbx_errno = -LBX_EMAGIC; return NULL; } lbx = malloc(sizeof *lbx + sizeof lbx->offsets[0] * (nfiles+1)); if (!lbx) { lbx_errno = -errno; return NULL; } *lbx = (struct lbx_state) { .nfiles = nfiles, }; return lbx; } struct lbx_state *lbx_open(void *f, const struct lbx_file_ops *fops, int (*destructor)(void *), const char *name) { unsigned char hdr_buf[LBX_HDR_SIZE]; struct lbx_state *lbx; if (fops->read(hdr_buf, sizeof hdr_buf, f) != sizeof hdr_buf) { lbx_errno = -errno; return NULL; } lbx = lbx_init(hdr_buf); if (!lbx) return NULL; lbx->dtor = destructor; lbx->name = name; lbx->fops = fops; lbx->f = f; for (unsigned i = 0; i <= lbx->nfiles; i++) { unsigned char buf[4]; if (fops->read(buf, sizeof buf, f) != sizeof buf) { lbx_errno = -errno; if (fops->eof(f)) lbx_errno = LBX_EEOF; free(lbx); return NULL; } lbx->offsets[i] = unpack_32_le(buf); } return lbx; } struct lbx_state *lbx_fopen(FILE *f, const char *name) { return lbx_open(f, &lbx_default_fops, NULL, name); } size_t lbx_numfiles(struct lbx_state *lbx) { return lbx->nfiles; } int lbx_stat(struct lbx_state *lbx, size_t index, struct lbx_statbuf *buf) { static char str[256]; /* FIXME */ if (index >= lbx->nfiles) { buf->name = NULL; lbx_errno = LBX_ERANGE; return -1; } snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%s.%03zu", lbx->name, index); buf->name = str; buf->size = lbx->offsets[index+1] - lbx->offsets[index]; return 0; } static size_t _lbx_fextract(struct lbx_state *lbx, size_t base, size_t len, FILE *of) { unsigned char buf[1024]; size_t rc, written = 0; assert(lbx->f); if (lbx->fops->seek(lbx->f, base, SEEK_SET) != 0) { lbx_errno = -errno; return 0; } while (len) { size_t amt = MIN(len, sizeof buf); rc = lbx->fops->read(buf, amt, lbx->f); len -= rc; if (rc < amt) { if (lbx->fops->eof(lbx->f)) lbx_errno = LBX_EEOF; else lbx_errno = -errno; break; } rc = fwrite(buf, 1, amt, of); written += rc; if (rc < amt) { lbx_errno = -errno; break; } } return written; } size_t lbx_extract(struct lbx_state *lbx, size_t index, FILE *of) { size_t base, len; if (index >= lbx->nfiles) { lbx_errno = LBX_ERANGE; return 0; } base = lbx->offsets[index]; len = lbx->offsets[index+1] - lbx->offsets[index]; return _lbx_fextract(lbx, base, len, of); } int lbx_close(struct lbx_state *lbx) { int rc = 0; if (lbx && lbx->dtor) rc = lbx->dtor(lbx->f); free(lbx); return rc; } const char *lbx_strerror(void) { if (lbx_errno < 0) return strerror(-lbx_errno); switch (lbx_errno) { case LBX_ESUCCESS: return "Success"; case LBX_EMAGIC: return "Bad magic number"; case LBX_EEOF: return "Unexpected end-of-file"; case LBX_ERANGE: return "Index out of range"; case LBX_EFORMAT: return "Invalid file format"; } return "Unknown error"; }