2ooM: The Master of Orion Reverse Engineering Project liblbx - library and tools for handling Moo2 data files. IMPORTANT NOTE: The library is under heavy development, and the API may be subject to frequent changes. Probably not a good idea for it to be used in external programs, yet. Requirements: - A C99 compiler - The tools themselves currently require some GNU library features, this should change in the future. - The lbximg tool requires libpng-1.2 The configure script will attempt to autodetect the presence of the above; if it fails to work for some reason, paths can be specified manually. Currently, the library makes some assertions about the format of input files; it will print error messages to stderr if they fail. This is intended to help find exceptions to the current format specs. Pass --disable-assert to configure if you do not wish for these messages to be printed. Eventually, when format specs are believed to be correct, these will be removed.