/* GOB C Preprocessor * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 the Free Software Foundation. * Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2001-2011 George (Jiri) Lebl * * Author: George (Jiri) Lebl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "treefuncs.h" #include "parse.h" #include "out.h" #include "util.h" #include "checks.h" #include "main.h" char *filename = NULL; int yyparse(void); extern int yydebug; extern FILE * yyin; extern Node *class; extern GList *nodes; extern GList *enums; extern GList *include_files; extern GHashTable *gtk_doc_hash; char *filebase; char *fullfilebase; static char *outfilebase; static char *outfilehbase; static char *outfilephbase; static char *funcbase; static char *pfuncbase; static char *macrobase; static char *macrois; static char *pmacrois; static char *macrotype; static char *pmacrotype; static char *typebase; static char *ptypebase; char *output_dir = NULL; char file_sep = '-'; static int signals = 0; /* number of signals */ static int set_properties = 0; /* number of named (set) properties */ static int get_properties = 0; /* number of named (get) properties */ static int overrides = 0; /* number of override methods */ static int privates = 0; /* number of private data members */ static int protecteds = 0; /* number of protected methods */ static int unreftors = 0; /* number of variable unreffing destructors */ static int destructors = 0; /* number of variable non-unreffing destructors */ static int initializers = 0; /* number of variable initializers */ static int glade_widgets = 0; /* number of glade widgets */ static gboolean overrode_get_type = FALSE; /* provided your won _get_type */ static gboolean made_aliases = FALSE; /* if we made any shorthand aliases and need the REALLY UGLY HACK to avoid warnings */ /* the special variable types we need to define */ static gboolean special_array[SPECIAL_LAST] = {0}; static gboolean any_special = FALSE; static gboolean need_constructor = FALSE; static Method * user_constructor = NULL; static gboolean need_dispose = FALSE; static Method * dispose_handler = NULL; static Method * user_dispose_method = NULL; static gboolean need_finalize = FALSE; static Method * finalize_handler = NULL; static Method * user_finalize_method = NULL; FILE *out = NULL; FILE *outh = NULL; FILE *outph = NULL; gboolean no_touch = FALSE; gboolean no_touch_headers = FALSE; gboolean for_cpp = FALSE; gboolean no_gnu = FALSE; gboolean exit_on_warn = FALSE; gboolean exit_on_error = TRUE; gboolean got_error = FALSE; gint private_header = PRIVATE_HEADER_ONDEMAND; gboolean no_extern_c = FALSE; gboolean no_write = FALSE; gboolean no_lines = FALSE; gboolean no_self_alias = FALSE; gboolean always_private_struct = FALSE; gint prealloc = 0; gboolean use_m4 = FALSE; /* preprocess sources with m4 */ gboolean use_m4_clean = FALSE; /* preprocess sources with m4, no m4 flags */ char *m4_commandline = NULL; #define M4_INCLUDE_DIR PKGDATADIR "/m4" #define M4_BASE_FILENAME "gobm4.m4" #define M4_FLAGS "-P -s -I" M4_INCLUDE_DIR " -DGOBM4_GOB_VERSION=" VERSION " " M4_BASE_FILENAME #define M4_COMMANDLINE "m4" int method_unique_id = 1; static void make_bases (void) { filebase = replace_sep (((Class *)class)->otype, file_sep); gob_strdown (filebase); if (output_dir != NULL && output_dir[0] != '\0') { fullfilebase = g_build_filename (output_dir, filebase, NULL); } else { fullfilebase = g_strdup (filebase); } funcbase = replace_sep (((Class *)class)->otype, '_'); gob_strdown (funcbase); pfuncbase = replace_sep (((Class *)class)->ptype, '_'); gob_strdown (pfuncbase); macrobase = replace_sep (((Class *)class)->otype, '_'); gob_strup (macrobase); macrois = make_pre_macro (((Class *)class)->otype, "IS"); pmacrois = make_pre_macro (((Class *)class)->ptype, "IS"); macrotype = make_pre_macro (((Class *)class)->otype, "TYPE"); pmacrotype = make_pre_macro (((Class *)class)->ptype, "TYPE"); typebase = remove_sep (((Class *)class)->otype); ptypebase = remove_sep (((Class *)class)->ptype); } static char * get_gtk_doc (const char *id) { char *val; if(!gtk_doc_hash) return NULL; val = g_hash_table_lookup(gtk_doc_hash, id); if(val) return g_strdup_printf("/**\n * %s_%s:\n%s **/\n", funcbase, id, val); val = g_hash_table_lookup(gtk_doc_hash, id); if(val) return g_strdup_printf("/**\n * %s_%s:\n%s **/\n", funcbase, id, val); return NULL; } static void print_type(FILE *fp, const Type *t, gboolean postfix_to_stars) { char *s; s = get_type(t, postfix_to_stars); out_printf(fp, "%s", s); g_free(s); } static void print_method (FILE *fp, const char *typeprefix, const char *nameprefix, const char *subnameprefix, const char *namepostfix, const char *afterargs, const char *postfix, const Method *m, gboolean print_funcattrs, gboolean one_arg_per_line, gboolean no_funcbase, gboolean kill_underscore, gboolean first_unused, gboolean fake_names) { GList *li; const char *id; out_printf(fp, "%s", typeprefix); print_type(fp, m->mtype, TRUE); id = m->id; if(no_funcbase) out_printf(fp, "%s%s%s%s(", nameprefix, subnameprefix, id, namepostfix); else out_printf(fp, "%s%s_%s%s%s(", nameprefix, funcbase, subnameprefix, id, namepostfix); if(m->args) { for(li=m->args; li; li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *arg = li->data; const char *unused = ""; if ( ! no_gnu && ! for_cpp && /* g++ has a cow with this */ li == m->args && first_unused) { unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; } print_type(fp, arg->atype, FALSE); if (fake_names) out_printf (fp, "___fake___"); if(li->next) out_printf(fp, "%s%s%s,%s", arg->name, arg->atype->postfix ? arg->atype->postfix : "", unused, one_arg_per_line ? "\n\t\t\t\t\t" : " "); else out_printf(fp, "%s%s%s", arg->name, arg->atype->postfix ? arg->atype->postfix : "", unused); } if(m->vararg) out_printf(fp, ",%s...", one_arg_per_line ? "\n\t\t\t\t\t" : " "); } else { out_printf(fp, "void"); } /* Slightly icky: sometimes we are called st m->funcattrs hasn't been set, but if so it should be NULL since its been zero-initialized. */ if(print_funcattrs && m->funcattrs != NULL && strlen(m->funcattrs) > 0) { /* To keep the output neat, we trim off the trailing '\n' from the end of funcattrs for a moment. */ size_t funcattrs_len = strlen(m->funcattrs); gboolean funcattrs_chomped = FALSE; if((m->funcattrs)[funcattrs_len - 1] == '\n') { m->funcattrs[funcattrs_len - 1] = '\0'; funcattrs_chomped = TRUE; } out_printf(fp, "%s)\n%s%s", afterargs, m->funcattrs, postfix); /* Put it back like it was (though it shouldn't matter). */ if (funcattrs_chomped) { (m->funcattrs)[funcattrs_len - 1] = '\n'; } } else { out_printf(fp, "%s)%s", afterargs, postfix); } } static gboolean any_method_to_alias(Class *c) { GList *li; for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)node; if(m->method == INIT_METHOD || m->method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->method == CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD || m->method == DISPOSE_METHOD || m->method == FINALIZE_METHOD || m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void make_method_aliases (Class *c) { GList *li; for(li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)node; if(m->method == INIT_METHOD || m->method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->method == CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD || m->method == DISPOSE_METHOD || m->method == FINALIZE_METHOD || m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; out_printf (out, "#define self_%s %s_%s\n", m->id, funcbase, m->id); } } } static void add_bad_hack_to_avoid_unused_warnings(const Class *c) { GList *li; /* if we haven't had any methods, just return */ if( ! made_aliases) return; if( ! no_gnu) out_printf(out, "\n\n#if (!defined __GNUC__) || (defined __GNUC__ && defined __STRICT_ANSI__)\n"); out_printf(out, "/*REALLY BAD HACK\n" " This is to avoid unused warnings if you don't call\n" " some method. I need to find a better way to do\n" " this, not needed in GCC since we use some gcc\n" " extentions to make saner, faster code */\n" "static void\n" "___%s_really_bad_hack_to_avoid_warnings(void)\n" "{\n", funcbase); out_printf(out, "\t((void (*)(void))GET_NEW_VARG)();\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)node; if(m->method == INIT_METHOD || m->method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->method == CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD || m->method == DISPOSE_METHOD || m->method == FINALIZE_METHOD || m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; /* in C++ mode we don't alias new */ if(for_cpp && strcmp(m->id, "new")==0) continue; out_printf(out, "\t((void (*)(void))self_%s)();\n", m->id); } } out_printf(out, "\t___%s_really_bad_hack_to_avoid_warnings();\n", funcbase); if(!no_gnu) out_printf(out, "}\n#endif /* !__GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ && __STRICT_ANSI__) */\n\n"); else out_printf(out, "}\n\n"); } static void put_variable(const Variable *v, FILE *fp) { out_printf(fp, "\t"); print_type(fp, v->vtype, FALSE); out_printf(fp, "%s%s;", v->id, v->vtype->postfix? v->vtype->postfix:""); if(v->scope == PROTECTED_SCOPE) out_printf(fp, " /* protected */"); out_printf(fp, "\n"); } static void put_vs_method(const Method *m) { if(m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && m->method != VIRTUAL_METHOD) return; /* if a signal mark it as such */ if(m->method != VIRTUAL_METHOD) print_method(outh, "\t/*signal*/", "(* ", "", ") ", "", ";\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else print_method(outh, "\t", "(* ", "", ") ", "", ";\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } static void put_pub_method(const Method *m) { if(m->scope != PUBLIC_SCOPE) return; out_addline_infile(outh, m->line_no); print_method(outh, "", "\t", "", "\t", "", ";\n", m, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); out_addline_outfile(outh); } static void put_signal_macro (const Method *m, gboolean gnu) { if(m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) return; if ( ! gnu) { /* connect */ out_printf (outh, "#define %s_connect__%s(object,func,data)\t" "g_signal_connect(%s(object),\"%s\"," "(GCallback)(func),(data))\n", funcbase, m->id, macrobase, m->id); /* connect_after */ out_printf (outh, "#define %s_connect_after__%s(object,func,data)\t" "g_signal_connect_after(%s(object),\"%s\"," "(GCallback)(func),(data))\n", funcbase, m->id, macrobase, m->id); /* connect_data */ out_printf (outh, "#define %s_connect_data__%s" "(object,func,data,destroy_data,flags)\t" "g_signal_connect_data(%s(object),\"%s\"," "(GCallback)(func),(data),(destroy_data),(GConnectFlags)(flags))\n", funcbase, m->id, macrobase, m->id); } else { /* connect */ out_printf (outh, "#define %s_connect__%s(object,func,data)\t" "g_signal_connect(" "%s(__extension__ ({%s *___object = (object); ___object; }))," "\"%s\"," "(GCallback) __extension__ ({", funcbase, m->id, macrobase, typebase, m->id); print_method (outh, "", "(* ___", "", ") ", ", gpointer ___data ", " = (func); ", m, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); out_printf (outh, "___%s; }), (data))\n", m->id); /* connect_after */ out_printf (outh, "#define %s_connect_after__%s(object,func,data)\t" "g_signal_connect_after(" "%s(__extension__ ({%s *___object = (object); ___object; }))," "\"%s\"," "(GCallback) __extension__ ({", funcbase, m->id, macrobase, typebase, m->id); print_method (outh, "", "(* ___", "", ") ", ", gpointer ___data ", " = (func); ", m, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); out_printf (outh, "___%s; }), (data))\n", m->id); /* connect_data */ out_printf (outh, "#define %s_connect_data__%s" "(object,func,data,destroy_data,flags)\t" "g_signal_connect_data(" "%s(__extension__ ({%s *___object = (object); ___object; }))," "\"%s\"," "(GCallback) __extension__ ({", funcbase, m->id, macrobase, typebase, m->id); print_method (outh, "", "(* ___", "", ") ", ", gpointer ___data ", " = (func); ", m, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); out_printf (outh, "___%s; }), (data), (destroy_data), (GConnectFlags)(flags))\n", m->id); } } static void put_signal_macros (const Class *c, gboolean gnu) { const GList *li; if (signals < 0) return; for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { const Node *n = li->data; if (n->type == METHOD_NODE) put_signal_macro ((Method *)n, gnu); } } static void put_local_signal_macro (const Method *m) { if(m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) return; /* connect */ out_printf (out, "#define self_connect__%s(object,func,data)\t" "%s_connect__%s((object),(func),(data))\n", m->id, funcbase, m->id); /* connect_after */ out_printf (out, "#define self_connect_after__%s(object,func,data)\t" "%s_connect_after__%s((object),(func),(data))\n", m->id, funcbase, m->id); /* connect_data */ out_printf (out, "#define self_connect_data__%s(object,func,data,destroy_data,flags)\t" "%s_connect_data__%s((object),(func),(data),(destroy_data),(flags))\n", m->id, funcbase, m->id); } static void put_local_signal_macros (const Class *c) { const GList *li; if (signals < 0) return; for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { const Node *n = li->data; if (n->type == METHOD_NODE) put_local_signal_macro ((Method *)n); } } static void put_prot_method(const Method *m) { FILE *f; if(m->scope != PROTECTED_SCOPE) return; f = outph ? outph : out; out_addline_infile(f, m->line_no); print_method(f, "", "\t", "", "\t", "", ";\n", m, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); out_addline_outfile(f); } static void put_priv_method_prot(const Method *m) { if(m->method == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->method == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->method == VIRTUAL_METHOD) { if(m->cbuf) print_method(out, "static ", "___real_", "", " ", "", ";\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } /* no else, here, it might still have a private prototype, it's not * exclusive */ if((m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD && m->cbuf)) { /* add unique ID */ char *s = g_strdup_printf("___%x_", (guint)m->unique_id); if (m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", s, "", " ", "", no_gnu?";\n":" G_GNUC_UNUSED;\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if (m->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); g_free(s); } else if(m->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE || m->method == INIT_METHOD || m->method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->method == CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD || m->method == DISPOSE_METHOD || m->method == FINALIZE_METHOD) { if (m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", "", "", " ", "", no_gnu?";\n":" G_GNUC_UNUSED;\n", m, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); if (m->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); } } static GList * make_func_arg (const char *typename, gboolean is_class, const char *name) { Node *node; Node *type; char *tn; if (is_class) tn = g_strconcat (typename, ":Class", NULL); else tn = g_strdup (typename); type = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name:steal", tn, "pointer", "*", NULL); node = node_new (FUNCARG_NODE, "atype:steal", (Type *)type, "name", name, NULL); return g_list_prepend (NULL, node); } static void make_inits(Class *cl) { int got_class_init = FALSE; int got_init = FALSE; GList *li; Node *node; for(li=cl->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->method == INIT_METHOD) { if(got_init) error_print(GOB_ERROR, m->line_no, "init defined more then once"); got_init = TRUE; } else if(m->method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD) { if(got_class_init) error_print(GOB_ERROR, m->line_no, "class_init defined more then once"); got_class_init = TRUE; } } } if(!got_class_init) { Type *type = (Type *)node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", "void", NULL); node = node_new (METHOD_NODE, "scope", NO_SCOPE, "method", CLASS_INIT_METHOD, "mtype:steal", type, "id", "class_init", "args:steal", make_func_arg (cl->otype, TRUE /* is_class */, "c" /* name */), "unique_id", method_unique_id++, NULL); cl->nodes = g_list_prepend(cl->nodes, node); } if(!got_init) { Type *type = (Type *)node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", "void", NULL); node = node_new (METHOD_NODE, "scope", NO_SCOPE, "method", INIT_METHOD, "mtype:steal", type, "id", "init", "args:steal", make_func_arg (cl->otype, FALSE /* is_class */, "o" /* name */), "unique_id", method_unique_id++, NULL); cl->nodes = g_list_prepend(cl->nodes, node); } } static Method * find_method(const Class *cl, int method, const char *id) { GList *li; for(li=cl->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if (m->method == method && (id == NULL || strcmp(m->id, id)==0)) return m; } } return NULL; } static void find_constructor(const Class *cl) { user_constructor = find_method(cl, CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD, NULL); } static void find_dispose(const Class *cl) { dispose_handler = find_method(cl, OVERRIDE_METHOD, "dispose"); if (dispose_handler != NULL) { if(strcmp(dispose_handler->otype, "G:Object") != 0) error_print(GOB_ERROR, dispose_handler->line_no, "dispose method override " "of class other then " "G:Object"); if(g_list_length(dispose_handler->args) != 1) error_print(GOB_ERROR, dispose_handler->line_no, "dispose method override " "with more then one " "parameter"); } user_dispose_method = find_method(cl, DISPOSE_METHOD, NULL); } static void find_finalize(const Class *cl) { finalize_handler = find_method(cl, OVERRIDE_METHOD, "finalize"); if (finalize_handler != NULL) { if(strcmp(finalize_handler->otype, "G:Object") != 0) error_print(GOB_ERROR, finalize_handler->line_no, "finalize method override " "of class other then " "G:Object"); if(g_list_length(finalize_handler->args) != 1) error_print(GOB_ERROR, finalize_handler->line_no, "finalize method override " "with more then one " "parameter"); } user_finalize_method = find_method(cl, FINALIZE_METHOD, NULL); } /* hash of method -> name of signal prototype */ static GHashTable *marsh = NULL; /* list of methods with different signal prototypes, we check this list if we can use a signal prototype of a previous signal method, there are only uniques here */ static GList *eq_signal_methods = NULL; /* compare a list of strings */ static gboolean is_list_equal(const GList *a, const GList *b) { for(;a && b; a=a->next, b=b->next) { if(strcmp(a->data, b->data)!=0) { return FALSE; } } /* the the lists were different length */ if(a || b) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static Method * find_same_type_signal(const Method *m) { GList *li; for(li=eq_signal_methods;li;li=li->next) { Method *mm = li->data; if(is_list_equal(mm->gtktypes, m->gtktypes)) return mm; } return NULL; } static void print_signal_marsal_args (const Method *m) { if (strcmp (m->gtktypes->next->data, "NONE") != 0) { GList *li; int i; for (i = 0, li = m->gtktypes->next; li != NULL; i++, li = li->next) { char *get_func; if (strcmp (li->data, "UNICHAR") == 0) /* hack because glib is braindamaged */ get_func = g_strdup ("g_value_get_uint"); else if (strncmp(li->data, "BOXED_", 6) == 0) get_func = g_strdup ("g_value_get_boxed"); else get_func = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_get_%s", (char *)li->data); gob_strdown (get_func); out_printf (out, ",\n\t\t(%s) " "%s (param_values + %d)", get_cast (li->data, FALSE), get_func, i + 1); g_free (get_func); } } out_printf (out, ",\n\t\tdata2);\n"); } static void add_signal_prots(Method *m) { GList *li; static int sig = 1; char *s; Method *mm; gboolean ret_none = FALSE; gboolean arglist_none = FALSE; const char *retcast; const char *unused = ""; if ( ! no_gnu && ! for_cpp /* g++ has a cow with this */) { unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; } if (m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) return; if (marsh == NULL) marsh = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL); g_assert (m->gtktypes->next != NULL); ret_none = strcmp(m->gtktypes->data, "NONE") == 0; arglist_none = strcmp(m->gtktypes->next->data, "NONE") == 0; if (ret_none && arglist_none) return; /* if we already did a signal prototype just use that */ mm = find_same_type_signal (m); if (mm != NULL) { s = g_hash_table_lookup (marsh, mm); g_hash_table_insert (marsh, m, s); return; } if (ret_none) retcast = NULL; else retcast = get_cast (m->gtktypes->data, FALSE); s = g_strdup_printf("Sig%d", sig++); g_hash_table_insert(marsh, m, s); eq_signal_methods = g_list_prepend(eq_signal_methods, m); /* we know that we'll know all the gtktypes (so get_cast can't fail) */ out_printf(out, "\ntypedef %s (*___%s) (%s *, ", get_cast(m->gtktypes->data, FALSE), s, typebase); if ( ! arglist_none) { for (li = m->gtktypes->next; li != NULL; li = li->next) out_printf (out, "%s, ", get_cast (li->data, FALSE)); } out_printf (out, "gpointer);\n"); out_printf (out, "\nstatic void\n" "___marshal_%s (GClosure *closure,\n" "\tGValue *return_value%s,\n" "\tguint n_param_values,\n" "\tconst GValue *param_values,\n" "\tgpointer invocation_hint%s,\n" "\tgpointer marshal_data)\n" "{\n", s, unused, unused); if ( ! ret_none) out_printf (out, "\t%s v_return;\n", retcast); out_printf (out, "\tregister ___%s callback;\n" "\tregister GCClosure *cc = (GCClosure*) closure;\n" "\tregister gpointer data1, data2;\n\n", s); out_printf (out, "\tg_return_if_fail (n_param_values == %d);\n\n", arglist_none ? 1 : g_list_length (m->gtktypes)); out_printf (out, "\tif (G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA (closure)) {\n" "\t\tdata1 = closure->data;\n" "\t\tdata2 = g_value_peek_pointer (param_values + 0);\n" "\t} else {\n" "\t\tdata1 = g_value_peek_pointer (param_values + 0);\n" "\t\tdata2 = closure->data;\n" "\t}\n\n"); out_printf (out, "\tcallback = (___%s) " "(marshal_data != NULL ? marshal_data : cc->callback);" "\n\n", s); if (ret_none) { out_printf (out, "\tcallback ((%s *)data1", typebase); } else { out_printf (out, "\tv_return = callback ((%s *)data1", typebase); } print_signal_marsal_args (m); if ( ! ret_none) { /* FIXME: This code is so fucking ugly it hurts */ gboolean take_ownership = (strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "STRING") == 0 || strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "BOXED") == 0); char *set_func; if (strcmp (m->gtktypes->data, "UNICHAR") == 0) /* hack because glib is braindamaged */ set_func = g_strdup ("g_value_set_uint"); else set_func = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_set_%s%s", (char *)m->gtktypes->data, take_ownership ? "_take_ownership" : ""); gob_strdown (set_func); out_printf (out, "\n\t%s (return_value, v_return);\n", set_func); g_free (set_func); } if (no_gnu || for_cpp /* g++ has a cow with G_GNUC_UNUSED */) { if (ret_none) out_printf (out, "\n\treturn_value = NULL;\n"); out_printf (out, "\tinvocation_hint = NULL;\n"); } out_printf (out, "}\n\n"); } static void add_enums(Class *c) { GList *li; out_printf(out, "\n"); if(signals>0) { out_printf(out, "enum {\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->method == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->method == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) { char *s = g_strdup(m->id); gob_strup(s); out_printf(out, "\t%s_SIGNAL,\n", s); g_free(s); } } } out_printf(out, "\tLAST_SIGNAL\n};\n\n"); } if (set_properties > 0 || get_properties > 0) { out_printf(out, "enum {\n\tPROP_0"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if (n->type == PROPERTY_NODE) { Property *p = (Property *)n; char *s = g_strdup (p->name); gob_strup (s); out_printf (out, ",\n\tPROP_%s", s); g_free(s); } else if (n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; char *s = g_strdup(a->name); gob_strup (s); out_printf(out, ",\n\tPROP_%s", s); g_free(s); } } out_printf(out, "\n};\n\n"); } if (signals > 0) out_printf(out, "static guint object_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = {0};\n\n"); out_printf(out, "/* pointer to the class of our parent */\n"); out_printf(out, "static %sClass *parent_class = NULL;\n\n", ptypebase); } static void add_interface_methods (Class *c, const char *interface) { GList *li; gboolean added_line = FALSE; for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m = (Method *)n; if (n->type != METHOD_NODE || m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD || m->interface == NULL || strcmp (m->interface, interface) != 0) continue; if (m->line_no > 0) { out_addline_infile (out, m->line_no); added_line = TRUE; } else if (m->line_no == 0 && added_line) { out_addline_outfile (out); added_line = FALSE; } out_printf (out, "\tiface->%s = self_%s;\n", m->id, m->id); } if (added_line) out_addline_outfile (out); } static void add_interface_inits (Class *c) { GList *li; if (c->interfaces == NULL) return; out_printf(out, "\n"); for (li = c->interfaces; li != NULL; li = li->next) { const char *interface = li->data; const char *end; char *name = replace_sep (interface, '_'); char *type = remove_sep (interface); /* EEEK! evil, we should have some sort of option * to force this for arbitrary interfaces, since * some are Class and some are Iface. Glib is shite * in consistency. */ if (strcmp (type, "GtkEditable") == 0 || strcmp (type, "GTypePlugin") == 0) end = "Class"; else /* We'll assume Iface is the standard ending */ end = "Iface"; out_printf (out, "\nstatic void\n" "___%s_init (%s%s *iface)\n" "{\n", name, type, end); add_interface_methods (c, interface); out_printf (out, "}\n\n"); g_free (name); g_free (type); } } static void add_interface_infos (void) { GList *li; for (li = ((Class *)class)->interfaces; li != NULL; li = li->next) { char *name = replace_sep (li->data, '_'); out_printf (out, "\t\tstatic const GInterfaceInfo %s_info = {\n" "\t\t\t(GInterfaceInitFunc) ___%s_init,\n" "\t\t\tNULL,\n" "\t\t\tNULL\n" "\t\t};\n\n", name, name); g_free (name); } } static void add_interfaces (void) { GList *li; for (li = ((Class *)class)->interfaces; li != NULL; li = li->next) { char *name = replace_sep (li->data, '_'); char *type = make_pre_macro (li->data, "TYPE"); out_printf (out, "\t\tg_type_add_interface_static (type,\n" "\t\t\t%s,\n" "\t\t\t&%s_info);\n", type, name); g_free (type); g_free (name); } } static void add_get_type(void) { /*char *chunk_size = ((Class*)class)->chunk_size;*/ out_printf(out, "GType\n" "%s_get_type (void)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic GType type = 0;\n\n" "\tif ___GOB_UNLIKELY(type == 0) {\n" "\t\tstatic const GTypeInfo info = {\n" "\t\t\tsizeof (%sClass),\n" "\t\t\t(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,\n" "\t\t\t(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,\n" "\t\t\t(GClassInitFunc) %s_class_init,\n" "\t\t\t(GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL,\n" "\t\t\tNULL /* class_data */,\n" "\t\t\tsizeof (%s),\n" "\t\t\t%d /* n_preallocs */,\n" "\t\t\t(GInstanceInitFunc) %s_init,\n" "\t\t\tNULL\n" "\t\t};\n\n", funcbase, typebase, funcbase, typebase, prealloc, funcbase); add_interface_infos (); out_printf (out, "\t\ttype = g_type_register_static (%s, \"%s\", &info, (GTypeFlags)%s);\n", pmacrotype, typebase, ((Class *)class)->abstract ? "G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT" : "0"); add_interfaces (); /* if(chunk_size) { out_printf(out, "#if %s > 0\n" "\t\tgtk_type_set_chunk_alloc(type, %s);\n" "#endif\n", chunk_size, chunk_size); } */ out_printf(out, "\t}\n\n" "\treturn type;\n" "}\n\n"); } static void add_bonobo_object_get_type (void) { /* char *chunk_size = ((Class*)class)->chunk_size; */ /* _vicious_ spanks seth with a rusty nail out_printf(out, "\n#warning \"Bonobo isn't fully ported to glib 2.0 and " "gob2 doesn't officially support it yet. It'd be safer " "and a lot more fun to blow goats.\"\n"); */ out_printf (out, "GType\n" "%s_get_type (void)\n" /* 1 */ "{\n" "\tstatic GType type = 0;\n\n" "\tif ___GOB_UNLIKELY(type == 0) {\n" "\t\tstatic const GTypeInfo info = {\n" "\t\t\tsizeof (%sClass),\n" /* 2 */ "\t\t\t(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,\n" "\t\t\t(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,\n" "\t\t\t(GClassInitFunc) %s_class_init,\n" /* 3 */ "\t\t\tNULL, /* class_finalize */\n" "\t\t\tNULL, /* class_data */\n" "\t\t\tsizeof (%s),\n" /* 4 */ "\t\t\t0, /* n_preallocs */\n" "\t\t\t(GInstanceInitFunc) %s_init,\n" /* 5 */ "\t\t\tNULL\n" "\t\t};\n\n", funcbase /* 1 */, typebase /* 2 */, funcbase /* 3 */, typebase /* 4 */, funcbase /* 5 */); add_interface_infos (); out_printf (out, "\t\ttype = bonobo_type_unique (\n" "\t\t\tBONOBO_OBJECT_TYPE,\n" "\t\t\tPOA_%s__init, NULL,\n" /* 1 */ "\t\t\tG_STRUCT_OFFSET (%sClass, _epv),\n" /* 2 */ "\t\t\t&info, \"%s\");\n", /* 3 */ ((Class*)class)->bonobo_object_class /* 1 */, typebase /* 2 */, typebase /* 3 */); add_interfaces (); /*if(chunk_size) { out_printf(out, "#if %s > 0\n" "\t\tgtk_type_set_chunk_alloc(type, %s);\n" "#endif\n", chunk_size, chunk_size); }*/ out_printf(out, "\t}\n\n" "\treturn type;\n" "}\n\n"); } static void add_overrides(Class *c, const char *oname, gboolean did_base_obj) { GList *li; GHashTable *done; char *s; done = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); if (did_base_obj) { s = g_strdup ("GObject"); g_hash_table_insert (done, s, s); } for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; char *f; Method *m = (Method *)n; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || m->method != OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; s = remove_sep(m->otype); if(g_hash_table_lookup(done, s)) { g_free(s); continue; } g_hash_table_insert(done, s, s); f = replace_sep(m->otype, '_'); gob_strdown(f); out_printf(out, "\t%sClass *%s_class = (%sClass *)%s;\n", s, f, s, oname); g_free(f); } g_hash_table_foreach (done, (GHFunc)g_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (done); } static char * make_run_signal_flags(Method *m, gboolean last) { GList *li; GString *gs; char *flags[] = { "RUN_FIRST", "RUN_LAST", "RUN_CLEANUP", "NO_RECURSE", "DETAILED", "ACTION", "NO_HOOKS", NULL }; gs = g_string_new(NULL); if(last) g_string_assign(gs, "G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST"); else g_string_assign(gs, "G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST"); if(m->scope == PUBLIC_SCOPE) g_string_append(gs, " | G_SIGNAL_ACTION"); for(li = m->flags; li; li = li->next) { char *flag = li->data; int i; for(i=0;flags[i];i++) { if(strcmp(flags[i], flag)==0) break; } /* if we haven't found it in our list */ if( ! flags[i]) { error_printf(GOB_WARN, m->line_no, "Unknown flag '%s' used, " "perhaps it was misspelled", flag); } g_string_sprintfa(gs, " | G_SIGNAL_%s", flag); } { char *ret = gs->str; g_string_free(gs, FALSE); return ret; } } static void add_signals(Class *c) { GList *li; out_printf(out, "\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; char *mar, *sig, *flags; gboolean is_none, last = FALSE; Method *m = (Method *)n; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || (m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD)) continue; if(m->method == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) last = FALSE; else last = TRUE; if(g_hash_table_lookup(marsh, m)) mar = g_strconcat("___marshal_", (char *)g_hash_table_lookup(marsh, m), NULL); else mar = g_strdup("g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID"); is_none = (strcmp(m->gtktypes->next->data, "NONE")==0); sig = g_strdup (m->id); gob_strup (sig); flags = make_run_signal_flags (m, last); out_printf (out, "\tobject_signals[%s_SIGNAL] =\n" "\t\tg_signal_new (\"%s\",\n" "\t\t\tG_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (g_object_class),\n" "\t\t\t(GSignalFlags)(%s),\n" "\t\t\tG_STRUCT_OFFSET (%sClass, %s),\n" "\t\t\tNULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t\t%s,\n" "\t\t\tG_TYPE_%s, %d", sig, m->id, flags, typebase, m->id, mar, (char *)m->gtktypes->data, is_none ? 0 : g_list_length(m->gtktypes->next)); g_free(mar); g_free(sig); g_free(flags); if( ! is_none) { GList *l; char *t; for(l = m->gtktypes->next; l != NULL; l = l->next) { char *str = l->data; if (strncmp (str, "BOXED_", 6) == 0) t = g_strdup (&(str[6])); else t = g_strconcat ("G_TYPE_", str, NULL); out_printf (out, ",\n\t\t\t%s", t); g_free (t); } } out_printf(out, ");\n"); if(strcmp(m->gtktypes->data, "NONE") != 0 || ! is_none) { GList *gl, *al; out_printf(out, "\tif ___GOB_UNLIKELY("); if(strcmp(m->gtktypes->data, "NONE") != 0) { out_printf(out, "sizeof("); print_type(out, m->mtype, FALSE); out_printf(out, "%s", m->mtype->postfix ? m->mtype->postfix : ""); out_printf(out, ") != sizeof(%s) || ", get_cast(m->gtktypes->data, FALSE)); } for(al = m->args->next, gl = m->gtktypes->next; al != NULL && gl != NULL; al = al->next, gl = gl->next) { FuncArg *arg = al->data; char *gtkarg = gl->data; out_printf(out, "sizeof("); print_type(out, arg->atype, FALSE); out_printf(out, "%s", arg->atype->postfix ? arg->atype->postfix : ""); out_printf(out, ") != sizeof(%s) || ", get_cast(gtkarg, FALSE)); } out_printf (out, "parent_class == NULL /* avoid warning */"); out_printf(out, ") {\n" "\t\tg_error(\"%s line %d: Type mismatch " "of \\\"%s\\\" signal signature\");\n" "\t}\n", filename, m->line_no, m->id); } } } static void set_def_handlers(Class *c, const char *oname) { GList *li; gboolean set_line = FALSE; out_printf(out, "\n"); for(li = c->nodes; li; li = g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m = (Method *)n; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || (m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->method != VIRTUAL_METHOD && m->method != OVERRIDE_METHOD)) continue; if(m->line_no > 0 && m->cbuf) { out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); set_line = TRUE; } else if(set_line) { out_addline_outfile(out); set_line = FALSE; } if (m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD) { char *s; s = replace_sep (m->otype, '_'); gob_strdown (s); if (need_dispose && dispose_handler != NULL && strcmp (m->id, "dispose") == 0) out_printf (out, "\tg_object_class->dispose " "= ___dispose;\n"); else if (need_finalize && finalize_handler && strcmp(m->id, "finalize") == 0) out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class->finalize = ___finalize;\n"); else if (m->cbuf != NULL) out_printf(out, "\t%s_class->%s = ___%x_%s_%s;\n", s, m->id, (guint)m->unique_id, funcbase, m->id); else out_printf(out, "\t%s_class->%s = NULL;\n", s, m->id); } else { if(m->cbuf) out_printf(out, "\t%s->%s = ___real_%s_%s;\n", oname, m->id, funcbase, m->id); else out_printf(out, "\t%s->%s = NULL;\n", oname, m->id); } } if(set_line) out_addline_outfile(out); } static void make_argument (Argument *a) { GString *flags; GList *l; char *s; char *argflags[] = { "CONSTRUCT", "CONSTRUCT_ONLY", "LAX_VALIDATION", "PRIVATE", NULL }; flags = g_string_new ("(GParamFlags)("); if(a->get && a->set) g_string_append (flags, "G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE"); else if(a->get) g_string_append (flags, "G_PARAM_READABLE"); else g_string_append (flags, "G_PARAM_WRITABLE"); g_assert(a->get || a->set); for (l = a->flags; l != NULL; l = l->next) { char *flag = l->data; int i; if(strcmp (flag, "READABLE") == 0 || strcmp (flag, "WRITABLE") == 0) { error_print(GOB_WARN, a->line_no, "READABLE and " "WRITABLE argument flags are " "set automatically"); continue; } for(i = 0; argflags[i]; i++) { if(strcmp(argflags[i], flag)==0) break; } g_string_sprintfa(flags, " | %s%s", argflags[i] ? "G_PARAM_" : "", flag); } g_string_append (flags, ")"); s = g_strdup(a->name); gob_strup (s); if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "ENUM")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_enum (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_TYPE_ENUM, 0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "FLAGS")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_flags (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_TYPE_FLAGS, 0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "OBJECT")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_object (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_TYPE_OBJECT,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "STRING")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_string (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tNULL,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "INT")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_int (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_MININT, G_MAXINT,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "UINT")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_uint (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t0, G_MAXUINT,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "INT")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_int (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_MININT, G_MAXINT,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "CHAR")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_char (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t-128, 127,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "UCHAR")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_uchar (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t0, 0xFF,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "BOOL") || !strcmp (a->gtktype, "BOOLEAN")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_boolean (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tFALSE,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "LONG")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_long (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_MINLONG, G_MAXLONG,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "ULONG")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_ulong (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t0, G_MAXULONG,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "INT64")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_int64 (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\tG_MININT64, G_MAXINT64,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "UINT64")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_uint64 (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t0, G_MAXUINT64,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "FLOAT")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_float (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t-G_MAXFLOAT, G_MAXFLOAT,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "DOUBLE")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_double (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t-G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else if (!strcmp (a->gtktype, "POINTER")) out_printf(out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_pointer (\"%s\", NULL, NULL,\n" "\t\t%s);\n", a->name, flags->str); else error_printf (GOB_ERROR, a->line_no, "%s type is not supported for arguments, try using properties", a->gtktype); out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,\n" "\t\tPROP_%s, param_spec);\n", s); g_free(s); g_string_free(flags, TRUE); } #define value_for_print(str, alt) (str != NULL ? str : alt) static void make_property (Property *p) { char *s; if (p->get == NULL && p->set == NULL) { error_print (GOB_ERROR, p->line_no, "Property has no getter nor setter"); } if (p->override) { if (p->flags != NULL) error_print (GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "Overridden property, flags ignored"); if (p->nick != NULL) error_print (GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "Overridden property, nick ignored"); if (p->blurb != NULL) error_print (GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "Overridden property, blurb ignored"); if (p->minimum != NULL) error_print (GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "Overridden property, minimum ignored"); if (p->maximum != NULL) error_print (GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "Overridden property, maximum ignored"); if (p->default_value != NULL) error_print (GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "Overridden property, default_value ignored"); s = g_strdup (p->name); gob_strup (s); out_printf (out, "\tg_object_class_override_property (g_object_class,\n" "\t\tPROP_%s,\n" "\t\t\"%s\");\n", s, p->name); g_free (s); } else { GString *flags; GList *l; char *argflags[] = { "CONSTRUCT", "CONSTRUCT_ONLY", "LAX_VALIDATION", "PRIVATE", NULL }; flags = g_string_new ("(GParamFlags)("); if (p->get != NULL && p->set != NULL) g_string_append (flags, "G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE"); else if (p->get != NULL) g_string_append (flags, "G_PARAM_READABLE"); else g_string_append (flags, "G_PARAM_WRITABLE"); for (l = p->flags; l != NULL; l = l->next) { char *flag = l->data; int i; if(strcmp (flag, "READABLE") == 0 || strcmp (flag, "WRITABLE") == 0) { error_print(GOB_WARN, p->line_no, "READABLE and " "WRITABLE argument flags are " "set automatically"); continue; } for(i = 0; argflags[i]; i++) { if(strcmp(argflags[i], flag)==0) break; } g_string_sprintfa(flags, " | %s%s", argflags[i] ? "G_PARAM_" : "", flag); } g_string_append (flags, ")"); if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "CHAR") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_char\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "-128"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "127"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "UCHAR") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_uchar\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "0"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "0xFF"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "BOOLEAN") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_boolean\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "FALSE"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "INT") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_int\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "G_MININT"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXINT"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "UINT") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_uint\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "0"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXUINT"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "LONG") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_long\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "G_MINLONG"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXLONG"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "ULONG") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_ulong\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "0"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXULONG"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "INT64") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_int64\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "G_MININT64"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXINT64"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "UINT64") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_uint64\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "0"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXUINT64"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "UNICHAR") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_unichar\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "ENUM") == 0) { char *type = make_me_type (p->extra_gtktype, "G_TYPE_ENUM"); out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_enum\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* enum_type */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), type, value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); g_free (type); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "FLAGS") == 0) { char *type = make_me_type (p->extra_gtktype, "G_TYPE_FLAGS"); out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_flags\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* flags_type */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), type, value_for_print (p->default_value, "0"), flags->str); g_free (type); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "FLOAT") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_float\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "-G_MAXFLOAT"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXFLOAT"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0.0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "DOUBLE") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_double\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* minimum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* maximum */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->minimum, "-G_MAXDOUBLE"), value_for_print (p->maximum, "G_MAXDOUBLE"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "0.0"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "STRING") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_string\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* default_value */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->default_value, "NULL"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "PARAM") == 0) { char *type = make_me_type (p->extra_gtktype, "G_TYPE_PARAM"); out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_param\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* param_type */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), type, flags->str); g_free (type); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "BOXED") == 0) { char *type = make_me_type (p->extra_gtktype, "G_TYPE_BOXED"); out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_boxed\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* boxed_type */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), type, flags->str); g_free (type); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "POINTER") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_pointer\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), flags->str); /* FIXME: VALUE_ARRAY */ } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "CLOSURE") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_pointer\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), flags->str); } else if (strcmp (p->gtktype, "OBJECT") == 0) { char *type = make_me_type (p->extra_gtktype, "G_TYPE_BOXED"); out_printf (out, "\tparam_spec = g_param_spec_object\n" "\t\t(\"%s\" /* name */,\n" "\t\t %s /* nick */,\n" "\t\t %s /* blurb */,\n" "\t\t %s /* object_type */,\n" "\t\t %s);\n", p->name, value_for_print (p->nick, "NULL"), value_for_print (p->blurb, "NULL"), type, flags->str); g_free (type); } else { error_printf (GOB_ERROR, p->line_no, "%s type is not supported by properties", p->gtktype); } s = g_strdup (p->name); gob_strup (s); out_printf (out, "\tg_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,\n" "\t\tPROP_%s,\n" "\t\tparam_spec);\n", s); g_free (s); g_string_free (flags, TRUE); } } static void make_arguments(Class *c) { GList *li; if (get_properties > 0) out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class->get_property = ___object_get_property;\n"); if (set_properties > 0) out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class->set_property = ___object_set_property;\n"); out_printf (out, " {\n"); for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if ((n->type == PROPERTY_NODE && ! ((Property *) n)->override) || n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { out_printf(out, "\tGParamSpec *param_spec;\n\n"); break; } } for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if (n->type == PROPERTY_NODE) make_property ((Property *)n); else if (n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) make_argument ((Argument *)n); } out_printf(out, " }\n"); } static void print_initializer(Method *m, Variable *v) { char *root; if(v->glade_widget) return; if(v->initializer == NULL) return; if(v->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) root = g_strconcat(((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, "->_priv", NULL); else root = g_strdup(((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); if(v->initializer_line > 0) out_addline_infile(out, v->initializer_line); if (v->initializer_simple) out_printf(out, "\t%s->%s = %s;\n", root, v->id, v->initializer); else if (strcmp(v->id, "_glade_xml") == 0) /* This is OK, this v->initializer string is set internally and it will eat exactly one string! */ out_printf(out,v->initializer, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); else out_printf(out, "%s", v->initializer); if(v->initializer_line > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); g_free(root); } static void print_glade_widget(Method *m, Variable *v) { char *root; char *cast; if(!v->glade_widget) return; if(v->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) root = g_strconcat(((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, "->_priv", NULL); else root = g_strdup(((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); cast = get_type(v->vtype, FALSE); out_printf(out, "\t%s->%s = (%s)glade_xml_get_widget(%s->_glade_xml, \"%s\");\n", root, v->id, cast, root, v->id); g_free(root); } static void print_destructor (Variable *v) { const char *root; if(v->destructor == NULL) return; if(v->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) root = "self->_priv"; else root = "self"; if(v->destructor_simple) { if(v->destructor_line > 0) out_addline_infile(out, v->destructor_line); if (for_cpp) { out_printf(out, "\tif(%s->%s) { " "(reinterpret_cast(%s)) ((gpointer)%s->%s); " "%s->%s = NULL; }\n", root, v->id, v->destructor, root, v->id, root, v->id); } else { out_printf(out, "\tif(%s->%s) { " "%s ((gpointer) %s->%s); " "%s->%s = NULL; }\n", root, v->id, v->destructor, root, v->id, root, v->id); } if(v->destructor_line > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); } else { out_printf(out, "#define %s (%s->%s)\n", v->id, root, v->id); out_printf(out, "#define VAR %s\n", v->id); out_printf(out, "\t{\n"); if(v->destructor_line > 0) out_addline_infile(out, v->destructor_line); out_printf(out, "\t%s}\n", v->destructor); if(v->destructor_line > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, "\tmemset(&(%s), 0, sizeof(%s));\n", v->id, v->id); out_printf(out, "#undef VAR\n"); out_printf(out, "#undef %s\n", v->id); } } static void add_constructor (Class *c) { out_printf(out, "\nstatic GObject *\n" "___constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties)\n" "{\n"); out_printf(out, "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::constructor\"\n", c->otype); out_printf(out, "\tGObject *obj_self;\n"); out_printf(out, "\t%s *self;\n", typebase); out_printf(out, "\tobj_self = G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->constructor (type, n_construct_properties, construct_properties);\n"); out_printf(out, "\tself = %s (obj_self);\n", macrobase); if (user_constructor->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile (out, user_constructor->line_no); out_printf (out, "\t%s_constructor (self);\n", funcbase); if (user_constructor->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile (out); out_printf(out, "\treturn obj_self;\n"); out_printf(out, "}\n" "#undef __GOB_FUNCTION__\n\n"); } static void print_unreftors (Class *c) { GList *li; for(li = ((Class *)class)->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if (n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope != CLASS_SCOPE && v->destructor_unref) print_destructor (v); } } static void add_dispose (Class *c) { out_printf(out, "\nstatic void\n" "___dispose (GObject *obj_self)\n" "{\n"); out_printf(out, "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::dispose\"\n", c->otype); if (unreftors > 0 || user_dispose_method != NULL) { out_printf (out, "\t%s *self%s = %s (obj_self);\n", typebase, ! no_gnu ? " G_GNUC_UNUSED" : "", macrobase); } if (dispose_handler != NULL) { if (unreftors > 0) { print_unreftors (c); } /* so we get possible bad argument warning */ if (dispose_handler->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile (out, dispose_handler->line_no); out_printf (out, "\t___%x_%s_dispose(obj_self);\n", (guint)dispose_handler->unique_id, funcbase); if (dispose_handler->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile (out); } else { if (user_dispose_method != NULL) { if (user_dispose_method->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile (out, user_dispose_method->line_no); out_printf (out, "\t%s_dispose (self);\n", funcbase); if (user_dispose_method->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile (out); } if (unreftors > 0) { print_unreftors (c); } out_printf (out, "\tif (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose) \\\n" "\t\t(* G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose) (obj_self);\n"); } out_printf(out, "}\n" "#undef __GOB_FUNCTION__\n\n"); } static void print_destructors (Class *c) { GList *li; for (li = ((Class *)class)->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if (n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope != CLASS_SCOPE && ! v->destructor_unref) print_destructor (v); } } static void add_finalize (Class *c) { out_printf(out, "\nstatic void\n" "___finalize(GObject *obj_self)\n" "{\n"); out_printf(out, "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::finalize\"\n", c->otype); if (privates > 0 || destructors > 0 || user_finalize_method != NULL) { const char *unused = ""; if ( ! no_gnu) unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; out_printf(out, "\t%s *self%s = %s (obj_self);\n", typebase, unused, macrobase); } if (privates > 0) { const char *unused = ""; if ( ! no_gnu) unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; out_printf(out, "\tgpointer priv%s = self->_priv;\n", unused); } if(finalize_handler) { if (destructors > 0) { print_destructors (c); } /* so we get possible bad argument warning */ if(finalize_handler->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, finalize_handler->line_no); out_printf(out, "\t___%x_%s_finalize(obj_self);\n", (guint)finalize_handler->unique_id, funcbase); if(finalize_handler->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); } else { if (user_finalize_method != NULL) { if (user_finalize_method->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile (out, user_finalize_method->line_no); out_printf (out, "\t%s_finalize (self);\n", funcbase); if (user_finalize_method->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile (out); } if (destructors > 0) { print_destructors (c); } out_printf(out, "\tif(G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize) \\\n" "\t\t(* G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize)(obj_self);\n"); } out_printf(out, "}\n" "#undef __GOB_FUNCTION__\n\n"); } static void make_bonobo_object_epv (Class *c, const char *classname) { GList *li; gboolean added_line = FALSE; for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m = (Method *)n; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || m->method == OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; if (m->bonobo_object_func) { if(m->line_no > 0) { out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); added_line = TRUE; } else if (m->line_no == 0 && added_line) { out_addline_outfile(out); added_line = FALSE; } out_printf (out, "\t%s->_epv.%s = self_%s;\n", classname, m->id, m->id); } } if (added_line) out_addline_outfile(out); } static void add_inits(Class *c) { const char *unused = ""; GList *li; if ( ! no_gnu) unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE) continue; m = (Method *)n; if(m->method == INIT_METHOD) { if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); out_printf(out, "{\n"); if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::init\"\n", c->otype); if (privates > 0) { out_printf(out, "\t%s->_priv = " "G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE(%s,%s,%sPrivate);\n", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, macrotype, typebase); } else if(always_private_struct) { out_printf(out, "\t%s->_priv = NULL;\n", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); } if(initializers > 0) { GList *li; for(li = ((Class *)class)->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type != VARIABLE_NODE || v->scope == CLASS_SCOPE) continue; print_initializer(m, v); } } if(glade_widgets > 0) { GList *li; for(li = ((Class *)class)->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type != VARIABLE_NODE || v->scope == CLASS_SCOPE) continue; print_glade_widget(m, v); } } } else if(m->method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD) { gboolean did_base_obj = FALSE; if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); out_printf(out, "{\n"); if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::class_init\"\n", c->otype); if (set_properties > 0 || get_properties > 0 || signals > 0 || need_constructor || need_dispose || need_finalize) { out_printf(out, "\tGObjectClass *" "g_object_class%s = " "(GObjectClass*) %s;\n", unused, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); did_base_obj = TRUE; } if (overrides > 0) add_overrides (c, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, did_base_obj); if (privates > 0) out_printf (out, "\n\tg_type_class_add_private(%s,sizeof(%sPrivate));\n", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, typebase); if (initializers > 0) { GList *li; for(li = ((Class *)class)->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == CLASS_SCOPE) print_initializer(m, v); } } out_printf(out, "\n\tparent_class = "); if(for_cpp) out_printf(out, "(%sClass *)", ptypebase); out_printf(out, "g_type_class_ref (%s);\n", pmacrotype); if(signals > 0) add_signals(c); set_def_handlers(c, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); /* if there are no handlers for these things, we * need to set them up here */ if(need_constructor) out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class->constructor " "= ___constructor;\n"); if(need_dispose && !dispose_handler) out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class->dispose " "= ___dispose;\n"); if(need_finalize && !finalize_handler) out_printf(out, "\tg_object_class->finalize = " "___finalize;\n"); if(get_properties > 0 || set_properties > 0) make_arguments(c); if (c->bonobo_object_class != NULL) { make_bonobo_object_epv (c, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); } } else continue; if(m->cbuf) { out_printf(out, " {\n"); out_addline_infile(out, m->ccode_line); out_printf(out, "%s\n", m->cbuf); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, " }\n"); } out_printf(out, "}\n" "#undef __GOB_FUNCTION__\n"); } } static void add_argument (Argument *a, gboolean is_set) { char *s; char *cbuf; char *the_type_lower; int line_no; if(is_set) { cbuf = a->set; line_no = a->set_line; } else { cbuf = a->get; line_no = a->get_line; } if (cbuf == NULL) return; s = g_strdup(a->name); gob_strup (s); out_printf(out, "\tcase PROP_%s:\n\t{", s); the_type_lower = g_strdup (a->gtktype); gob_strdown (the_type_lower); /* HACK because there is no g_value_set/get for unichar */ if (strcmp (the_type_lower, "unichar") == 0) { g_free (the_type_lower); the_type_lower = g_strdup ("uint"); } if (is_set) { char *cast; const char *unused = ""; if ( ! no_gnu && ! for_cpp /* g++ has a cow with this */) { unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; } if (a->atype != NULL && /* gcc -Wbad-function-cast is wanking stupid, moronic and otherwise evil so we should just use a (gint) or (guint) cast, not the specific type cast */ (for_cpp || (strcmp (a->gtktype, "ENUM") != 0 && strcmp (a->gtktype, "FLAGS") != 0))) cast = get_type (a->atype, TRUE); else cast = g_strdup (get_cast (a->gtktype, FALSE)); out_printf (out, "\t%s ARG%s = (%s) g_value_get_%s (VAL);\n", cast, unused, cast, the_type_lower); g_free (cast); } else if ( ! is_set) { char *cast; if (a->atype != NULL) cast = get_type (a->atype, TRUE); else cast = g_strdup (get_cast (a->gtktype, FALSE)); out_printf (out, "\t%s ARG;\n" "\tmemset (&ARG, 0, sizeof (%s));\n", cast, cast); g_free(cast); } g_free (s); out_printf(out, "\t\t{\n"); if (line_no > 0) out_addline_infile (out, line_no); out_printf (out, "%s\n", cbuf); if (line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile (out); out_printf (out, "\t\t}\n"); if ( ! is_set) { if (strcmp (a->gtktype, "OBJECT") == 0) out_printf (out, "\t\tg_value_set_%s (VAL, G_OBJECT (ARG));\n", the_type_lower); else out_printf (out, "\t\t" "g_value_set_%s (VAL, ARG);\n", the_type_lower); } g_free (the_type_lower); if (is_set && (no_gnu || for_cpp /* g++ has a cow with G_GNUC_UNUSED */)) { out_printf (out, "\t\tif (&ARG) break;\n"); } out_printf (out, "\t\tbreak;\n"); out_printf (out, "\t}\n"); } static void add_property (Property *p, gboolean is_set) { const char *cbuf; char *the_type_lower; char *name_upper; int line_no; if (is_set) { cbuf = p->set; line_no = p->set_line; } else { cbuf = p->get; line_no = p->get_line; } if (cbuf == NULL) return; name_upper = g_strdup (p->name); gob_strup (name_upper); the_type_lower = g_strdup (p->gtktype); gob_strdown (the_type_lower); out_printf (out, "\tcase PROP_%s:\n", name_upper); out_printf(out, "\t\t{\n"); if (line_no > 0) out_addline_infile (out, line_no); out_printf (out, "%s\n", cbuf); if (line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile (out); out_printf (out, "\t\t}\n"); g_free (name_upper); g_free (the_type_lower); out_printf (out, "\t\tbreak;\n"); } static void add_getset_arg(Class *c, gboolean is_set) { GList *li; const char *unused = ""; const char *hack_unused = ""; if ( ! no_gnu && ! for_cpp /* g++ has a cow with this */) { unused = " G_GNUC_UNUSED"; } else { hack_unused = "if (&VAL || &pspec) break;\n\t\t"; } out_printf(out, "\nstatic void\n" "___object_%s_property (GObject *object,\n" "\tguint property_id,\n" "\t%sGValue *VAL%s,\n" "\tGParamSpec *pspec%s)\n" "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::%s_property\"\n" "{\n" "\t%s *self%s;\n\n" "\tself = %s (object);\n\n" "\tswitch (property_id) {\n", is_set ? "set" : "get", is_set ? "const " : "", unused, unused, c->otype, is_set ? "set" : "get", typebase, unused, macrobase); for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if (n->type == PROPERTY_NODE) add_property ((Property *)n, is_set); else if (n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) add_argument ((Argument *)n, is_set); } out_printf (out, "\tdefault:\n" "/* Apparently in g++ this is needed, glib is b0rk */\n" "#ifndef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__\n" "# undef G_STRLOC\n" "# define G_STRLOC __FILE__ \":\" G_STRINGIFY (__LINE__)\n" "#endif\n" "\t\tG_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);\n" "\t\t%sbreak;\n\t}\n" "}\n" "#undef __GOB_FUNCTION__\n", hack_unused); } static void print_checks (Method *m, FuncArg *fa) { GList *li; gboolean is_void; gboolean checked_null = FALSE; is_void = (strcmp(m->mtype->name, "void")==0 && m->mtype->pointer == NULL); for(li = fa->checks; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Check *ch = li->data; char *s; /* point to the method prot in .gob for failed checks */ if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); if(is_void) out_printf(out, "\tg_return_if_fail ("); else out_printf(out, "\tg_return_val_if_fail ("); switch(ch->chtype) { case NULL_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s != NULL", fa->name); checked_null = TRUE; break; case TYPE_CHECK: s = make_pre_macro(fa->atype->name, "IS"); if(checked_null) out_printf(out, "%s (%s)", s, fa->name); else /* if not check null, null may be valid */ out_printf(out, "!(%s) || %s (%s)", fa->name, s, fa->name); g_free(s); break; case LT_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s < %s", fa->name, ch->number); break; case GT_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s > %s", fa->name, ch->number); break; case LE_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s <= %s", fa->name, ch->number); break; case GE_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s >= %s", fa->name, ch->number); break; case EQ_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s == %s", fa->name, ch->number); break; case NE_CHECK: out_printf(out, "%s != %s", fa->name, ch->number); break; } if(is_void) out_printf(out, ");\n"); else { out_printf(out, ", ("); print_type(out, m->mtype, TRUE); out_printf(out, ")%s);\n", m->onerror?m->onerror:"0"); } } } static void print_preconditions(Method *m) { GList *li; for(li=m->args;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; if(fa->checks) print_checks(m, fa); } if(m->line_no>0) out_addline_outfile(out); } static void print_method_body (Method *m, gboolean pre, gboolean unused_self) { out_printf(out, "{\n"); if (m->line_no > 0) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, "#define __GOB_FUNCTION__ \"%s::%s\"\n", ((Class *)class)->otype, m->id); if (pre) print_preconditions(m); if ( ! pre && unused_self && (no_gnu || for_cpp) && m->args != NULL && ((FuncArg *)(m->args->data))->name != NULL && strcmp (((FuncArg *)(m->args->data))->name, "self") == 0) { out_printf (out, "\tif (&self) { ; }\n"); } /* Note: the trailing }'s are on one line, this is so that we get the no return warning correctly and point to the correct line in the .gob file, yes this is slightly ugly in the .c file, but that is not supposed to be human readable anyway. */ if(m->cbuf) { out_printf(out, "{\n"); if(m->ccode_line>0) out_addline_infile(out, m->ccode_line); out_printf(out, "\t%s}", m->cbuf); } /* Note, there is no \n between the last } and this } so that * errors/warnings reported on the end of the body get pointed to the * right line in the .gob source */ out_printf(out, "}\n"); if(m->cbuf) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, "#undef __GOB_FUNCTION__\n"); } static void put_signal_args (Method *m) { GList *li; GList *ali; int i; if (m->args->next == NULL) return; for (ali = m->gtktypes->next, li = m->args->next, i = 1; li != NULL && ali != NULL; li = li->next, ali = ali->next, i++) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; char *str = ali->data; char *cast = g_strdup (get_cast (str, FALSE)); /* FIXME: This code is so fucking ugly it hurts */ gboolean do_static = (strcmp (str, "STRING") == 0 || strcmp (str, "BOXED") == 0 || strncmp (str, "BOXED_", 6) == 0); char *set_func; char *t; if (cast == NULL) { cast = get_type (fa->atype, TRUE); } /* we should have already proved before that the we know all the types */ g_assert (cast != NULL); if (strncmp (str, "BOXED_", 6) == 0) t = g_strdup (&(str[6])); else t = g_strconcat ("G_TYPE_", str, NULL); out_printf (out, "\t___param_values[%d].g_type = 0;\n" "\tg_value_init (&___param_values[%d], %s);\n", i, i, t); g_free (t); if (strcmp (str, "UNICHAR") == 0) /* hack because glib is braindamaged */ set_func = g_strdup ("g_value_set_uint"); else if (strncmp (str, "BOXED_", 6) == 0) set_func = g_strdup ("g_value_set_static_boxed"); else set_func = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_set%s_%s", do_static ? "_static" : "", str); gob_strdown (set_func); out_printf (out, "\t%s (&___param_values[%d], (%s) %s);\n\n", set_func, i, cast, fa->name); g_free (set_func); g_free (cast); } } static void clear_signal_args (Method *m) { GList *li; int i; out_printf (out, "\n\tg_value_unset (&___param_values[0]);\n"); if (m->args->next == NULL) return; for (li = m->args->next, i = 1; li != NULL; li = li->next, i++) { out_printf (out, "\tg_value_unset (&___param_values[%d]);\n", i); } } static char * get_arg_names_for_macro (Method *m) { const char *sep; GList *li; GString *gs = g_string_new(NULL); sep = ""; for(li=m->args;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *arg = li->data; g_string_sprintfa (gs, "%s___%s", sep, arg->name); sep = ","; } return g_string_free (gs, FALSE); } static void put_method(Method *m) { char *s, *args, *doc; gboolean is_void; is_void = (strcmp(m->mtype->name, "void")==0 && m->mtype->pointer == NULL); out_printf(out, "\n"); if(m->method != OVERRIDE_METHOD) { doc = get_gtk_doc(m->id); if(doc) { out_printf(out, "%s", doc); g_free(doc); } } switch(m->method) { case REGULAR_METHOD: if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); if(m->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) print_method(out, "static ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else /* PUBLIC, PROTECTED */ print_method(out, "", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); print_method_body(m, TRUE, TRUE); /* the outfile line was added above */ break; case SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD: case SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD: if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); if(m->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) print_method(out, "static ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else /* PUBLIC, PROTECTED */ print_method(out, "", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); out_printf (out, "{\n"); out_addline_outfile (out); out_printf (out, "\tGValue ___param_values[%d];\n" "\tGValue ___return_val;\n\n" "memset (&___return_val, 0, " "sizeof (___return_val));\n" "memset (&___param_values, 0, " "sizeof (___param_values));\n\n", g_list_length (m->args)); print_preconditions (m); out_printf (out, "\n\t___param_values[0].g_type = 0;\n" "\tg_value_init (&___param_values[0], G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (%s));\n" "\tg_value_set_instance (&___param_values[0], (gpointer) %s);\n\n", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); put_signal_args (m); if (strcmp (m->gtktypes->data, "NONE") != 0) { const char *defret = NULL; out_printf (out, "\tg_value_init (&___return_val, G_TYPE_%s);\n", (char *)m->gtktypes->data); if (m->defreturn != NULL) defret = m->defreturn; else if (m->onerror != NULL) defret = m->onerror; if (defret != NULL) { char *set_func; /* FIXME: This code is so fucking ugly it hurts */ gboolean do_static = (strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "STRING") == 0 || strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "BOXED") == 0); char *cast = g_strdup (get_cast (m->gtktypes->data, FALSE)); if (cast == NULL) cast = get_type (m->mtype, TRUE); if (strcmp (m->gtktypes->data, "UNICHAR") == 0) /* hack because glib is braindamaged */ set_func = g_strdup ("g_value_set_uint"); else set_func = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_set%s_%s", do_static ? "_static" : "", (char *)m->gtktypes->data); gob_strdown (set_func); out_printf (out, "\t%s (&___return_val, (%s) (%s));\n", set_func, cast, defret); g_free (set_func); g_free (cast); } out_printf (out, "\n"); } s = g_strdup (m->id); gob_strup (s); out_printf(out, "\tg_signal_emitv (___param_values,\n" "\t\tobject_signals[%s_SIGNAL],\n" "\t\t0 /* detail */,\n" "\t\t&___return_val);\n", s); g_free (s); clear_signal_args (m); if (strcmp (m->gtktypes->data, "NONE") != 0) { char *cast = g_strdup (get_cast (m->gtktypes->data, FALSE)); char *getfunc; /* Hack because glib is very very braindead */ gboolean do_dup = (strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "STRING") == 0 || strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "BOXED") == 0 || strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "OBJECT") == 0 || strcmp ((char *)m->gtktypes->data, "PARAM") == 0); if (strcmp (m->gtktypes->data, "UNICHAR") == 0) /* hack because glib is braindamaged */ getfunc = g_strdup ("g_value_get_uint"); else getfunc = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_%s_%s", do_dup ? "dup" : "get", (char *)m->gtktypes->data); gob_strdown (getfunc); if (cast == NULL) cast = get_type (m->mtype, TRUE); out_printf (out, "\n\t{\n" "\t\t"); print_type (out, m->mtype, TRUE); out_printf (out, " ___ret = (%s) %s (&___return_val);\n" "\t\tg_value_unset (&___return_val);\n" "\t\treturn ___ret;\n" "\t}\n", cast, getfunc); g_free (cast); g_free (getfunc); } out_printf(out, "}\n"); if(!m->cbuf) break; if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", "\n___real_", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); print_method_body(m, FALSE, TRUE); /* the outfile line was added above */ break; case VIRTUAL_METHOD: if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); if(m->scope==PRIVATE_SCOPE) print_method(out, "static ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else /* PUBLIC, PROTECTED */ print_method(out, "", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); out_printf(out, "{\n"); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out, "\t%sClass *klass;\n", typebase); print_preconditions(m); out_printf(out, "\tklass = %s_GET_CLASS(%s);\n\n" "\tif(klass->%s)\n", macrobase, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, m->id); if(strcmp(m->mtype->name, "void") == 0 && m->mtype->pointer == NULL) { GList *li; out_printf(out, "\t\t(*klass->%s)(%s", m->id, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); for(li=m->args->next;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; out_printf(out, ",%s", fa->name); } out_printf(out, ");\n}\n"); } else { GList *li; out_printf(out, "\t\treturn (*klass->%s)(%s", m->id, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); for(li=m->args->next;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; out_printf(out, ",%s", fa->name); } out_printf(out, ");\n" "\telse\n" "\t\treturn ("); print_type(out, m->mtype, TRUE); if(m->defreturn) out_printf(out, ")(%s);\n}\n", m->defreturn); else if(m->onerror) out_printf(out, ")(%s);\n}\n", m->onerror); else out_printf(out, ")(0);\n}\n"); } if(!m->cbuf) break; if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", "\n___real_", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); print_method_body(m, FALSE, TRUE); /* the outfile line was added above */ break; case OVERRIDE_METHOD: if(!m->cbuf) break; if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); s = g_strdup_printf("\n___%x_", (guint)m->unique_id); print_method(out, "static ", s, "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); g_free(s); out_addline_outfile(out); s = replace_sep(m->otype, '_'); gob_strup (s); args = get_arg_names_for_macro(m); if(is_void) { out_printf(out, "#define PARENT_HANDLER(%s) \\\n" "\t{ if(%s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s) \\\n" "\t\t(* %s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s)(%s); }\n", args, s, m->id, s, m->id, args); } else { out_printf(out, "#define PARENT_HANDLER(%s) \\\n" "\t((%s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s)? \\\n" "\t\t(* %s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s)(%s): \\\n" "\t\t(", args, s, m->id, s, m->id, args); out_printf(out, "("); print_type(out, m->mtype, TRUE); out_printf(out, ")%s))\n", m->onerror?m->onerror:"0"); } g_free(args); g_free(s); print_method_body(m, TRUE, TRUE); /* the outfile line was added above */ out_printf(out, "#undef PARENT_HANDLER\n"); break; case CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD: case DISPOSE_METHOD: case FINALIZE_METHOD: if(m->line_no > 0) out_addline_infile(out, m->line_no); print_method(out, "static ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\n", m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); print_method_body(m, TRUE, TRUE); /* the outfile line was added above */ default: break; } } static void open_files(void) { char *outfile, *outfileh, *outfileph; outfilebase = g_strconcat (fullfilebase, for_cpp ? ".cc" : ".c", NULL); outfile = g_strconcat(outfilebase, no_touch ? "#gob#" : "", NULL); outfilehbase = g_strconcat (fullfilebase, ".h", NULL); outfileh = g_strconcat(outfilehbase, no_touch_headers ? "#gob#" : "", NULL); if ((privates > 0 || protecteds > 0 || private_header == PRIVATE_HEADER_ALWAYS) && private_header != PRIVATE_HEADER_NEVER) { char sep[2] = {0,0}; if (file_sep != 0) sep[0] = file_sep; outfilephbase = g_strconcat (fullfilebase, sep, "private.h", NULL); outfileph = g_strconcat (outfilephbase, no_touch ? "#gob#" : "", NULL); } else { outfilephbase = NULL; outfileph = NULL; } if ( ! no_write) { out = fopen (outfile, "w"); if (out == NULL) { error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Cannot open outfile: %s", outfile); } outh = fopen (outfileh, "w"); if (outh == NULL) { error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Cannot open outfile: %s", outfileh); } if (outfileph != NULL) { outph = fopen (outfileph, "w"); if (outph == NULL) { error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Cannot open outfile: %s", outfileph); } } } } static void put_argument_nongnu_wrappers (Class *c) { GList *li; if (get_properties < 0 && set_properties < 0) return; for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; const char *name, *gtktype; gboolean get, set; Type *atype; char *aname; char *cast; if (n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; name = a->name; gtktype = a->gtktype; atype = a->atype; get = a->get != NULL; set = a->set != NULL; } else if (n->type == PROPERTY_NODE) { Property *p = (Property *)n; name = p->name; gtktype = p->gtktype; atype = p->ptype; get = p->get != NULL; set = p->set != NULL; } else { continue; } aname = g_strdup (name); gob_strup (aname); if (atype != NULL) cast = get_type (atype, TRUE); else cast = g_strdup (get_cast (gtktype, TRUE)); if (cast != NULL) { if (set) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_PROP_%s(arg) \t" "\"%s\",(%s)(arg)\n", macrobase, aname, name, cast); if (get) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_GET_PROP_%s(arg)\t" "\"%s\",(%s*)(arg)\n", macrobase, aname, name, cast); } else { if(set) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_PROP_%s(arg) \t" "\"%s\",(arg)\n", macrobase, aname, name); if(get) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_GET_PROP_%s(arg)\t" "\"%s\",(arg)\n", macrobase, aname, name); } g_free (cast); g_free (aname); } } static void put_argument_gnu_wrappers(Class *c) { GList *li; if(get_properties < 0 && set_properties < 0) return; for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; const char *name, *gtktype; gboolean get, set; Type *atype; char *aname; char *cast; if (n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; name = a->name; gtktype = a->gtktype; atype = a->atype; get = a->get != NULL; set = a->set != NULL; } else if (n->type == PROPERTY_NODE) { Property *p = (Property *)n; name = p->name; gtktype = p->gtktype; atype = p->ptype; get = p->get != NULL; set = p->set != NULL; } else { continue; } aname = g_strdup (name); gob_strup (aname); if (atype != NULL) cast = get_type (atype, TRUE); else cast = g_strdup (get_cast (gtktype, TRUE)); if (cast != NULL) { if (set) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_PROP_%s(arg) \t" "\"%s\", __extension__ ({%sz = (arg); z;})\n", macrobase, aname, name, cast); if (get) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_GET_PROP_%s(arg)\t" "\"%s\", __extension__ ({%s*z = (arg); z;})\n", macrobase, aname, name, cast); } else { if (set) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_PROP_%s(arg) \t" "\"%s\",(arg)\n", macrobase, aname, name); if (get) out_printf (outh, "#define %s_GET_PROP_%s(arg)\t" "\"%s\",(arg)\n", macrobase, aname, name); } g_free (cast); g_free (aname); } } static void print_ccode_block(CCode *cc) { FILE *fp; switch(cc->cctype) { case HT_CCODE: /* HT code is printed exactly like normal header code but is printed before */ case H_CCODE: fp = outh; out_printf(fp, "\n"); break; case AT_CCODE: /* AT code is printed exactly like normal 'all' code but is printed before */ case A_CCODE: if(outph) { out_printf(outph, "\n"); out_printf(outph, "%s\n", cc->cbuf); out_addline_infile(outph, cc->line_no); out_addline_outfile(outph); } out_printf(outh, "\n"); out_printf(outh, "%s\n", cc->cbuf); fp = out; out_printf(fp, "\n"); out_addline_infile(fp, cc->line_no); break; default: case CT_CCODE: case C_CCODE: fp = out; out_printf(fp, "\n"); out_addline_infile(fp, cc->line_no); break; case PH_CCODE: if(outph) fp = outph; else fp = out; out_printf(fp, "\n"); out_addline_infile(fp, cc->line_no); break; } out_printf(fp, "%s\n", cc->cbuf); if(cc->cctype == C_CCODE || cc->cctype == AD_CCODE || cc->cctype == A_CCODE || cc->cctype == AT_CCODE || cc->cctype == PH_CCODE) out_addline_outfile(fp); } static void print_class_block(Class *c) { GList *li; char *s; gboolean printed_private = FALSE; if (c->glade_xml) { out_printf(outph ? outph : outh, "#include \n"); out_printf(outph ? outph : outh, "#include \n\n"); } if(any_special) { out_printf(out, "/* utility types we may need */\n"); if(special_array[SPECIAL_2POINTER]) out_printf(out, "typedef struct { " "gpointer a; gpointer b; " "} ___twopointertype;\n"); if(special_array[SPECIAL_3POINTER]) out_printf(out, "typedef struct { " "gpointer a; gpointer b; " "gpointer c; " "} ___threepointertype;\n"); if(special_array[SPECIAL_INT_POINTER]) out_printf(out, "typedef struct { " "gint a; gpointer b; " "} ___intpointertype;\n"); out_printf(out, "\n"); } out_printf(outh, "\n/*\n" " * Type checking and casting macros\n" " */\n"); out_printf(outh, "#define %s\t" "(%s_get_type())\n", macrotype, funcbase); out_printf(outh, "#define %s(obj)\t" "G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), %s_get_type(), %s)\n", macrobase, funcbase, typebase); out_printf(outh, "#define %s_CONST(obj)\t" "G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), %s_get_type(), %s const)\n", macrobase, funcbase, typebase); out_printf(outh, "#define %s_CLASS(klass)\t" "G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), %s_get_type(), %sClass)\n", macrobase, funcbase, typebase); out_printf(outh, "#define %s(obj)\t" "G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), %s_get_type ())\n\n", macrois, funcbase); out_printf(outh, "#define %s_GET_CLASS(obj)\t" "G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), %s_get_type(), %sClass)\n", macrobase, funcbase, typebase); if ( ! no_self_alias) { out_printf(out, "/* self casting macros */\n"); out_printf(out, "#define SELF(x) %s(x)\n", macrobase); out_printf(out, "#define SELF_CONST(x) %s_CONST(x)\n", macrobase); out_printf(out, "#define IS_SELF(x) %s(x)\n", macrois); out_printf(out, "#define TYPE_SELF %s\n", macrotype); out_printf(out, "#define SELF_CLASS(x) %s_CLASS(x)\n\n", macrobase); out_printf(out, "#define SELF_GET_CLASS(x) %s_GET_CLASS(x)\n\n", macrobase); out_printf(out, "/* self typedefs */\n"); out_printf(out, "typedef %s Self;\n", typebase); out_printf(out, "typedef %sClass SelfClass;\n\n", typebase); } if (privates > 0 || always_private_struct) { out_printf (outh, "\n/* Private structure type */\n"); out_printf (outh, "typedef struct _%sPrivate %sPrivate;\n", typebase, typebase); if (privates == 0) out_printf (outh, "/* There are no privates, this " "structure is thus never defined */\n"); } out_printf (outh, "\n/*\n" " * Main object structure\n" " */\n"); s = replace_sep (c->otype, '_'); gob_strup (s); out_printf (outh, "#ifndef __TYPEDEF_%s__\n" "#define __TYPEDEF_%s__\n", s, s); g_free (s); out_printf (outh, "typedef struct _%s %s;\n" "#endif\n", typebase, typebase); out_printf (outh, "struct _%s {\n\t%s __parent__;\n", typebase, ptypebase); for (li = c->nodes; li; li=li->next) { static gboolean printed_public = FALSE; Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == PUBLIC_SCOPE) { if( ! printed_public) { out_printf(outh, "\t/*< public >*/\n"); printed_public = TRUE; } put_variable((Variable *)n, outh); } } /* put protecteds always AFTER publics */ for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if (n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == PROTECTED_SCOPE) { if ( ! printed_private) { out_printf (outh, "\t/*< private >*/\n"); printed_private = TRUE; } put_variable ((Variable *)n, outh); } } if (privates > 0 || always_private_struct) { if ( ! printed_private) out_printf (outh, "\t/*< private >*/\n"); out_printf (outh, "\t%sPrivate *_priv;\n", typebase); } out_printf (outh, "};\n"); if (privates > 0) { FILE *outfp; /* if we are to stick this into the private header, if not stick it directly into the C file */ if (outph != NULL) outfp = outph; else outfp = out; out_printf (outfp, "struct _%sPrivate {\n", typebase); if (privates > 0) { for(li=c->nodes; li; li=li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) { out_addline_infile(outfp, v->line_no); put_variable(v, outfp); } } out_addline_outfile(outfp); } out_printf(outfp, "};\n"); } out_printf(outh, "\n/*\n" " * Class definition\n" " */\n"); out_printf(outh, "typedef struct _%sClass %sClass;\n", typebase, typebase); out_printf(outh, "struct _%sClass {\n\t%sClass __parent__;\n", typebase, ptypebase); for(li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) put_vs_method((Method *)n); } /* If BonoboX type class put down the epv */ if (c->bonobo_object_class != NULL) { out_printf (outh, "\t/* Bonobo object epv */\n" "\tPOA_%s__epv _epv;\n", c->bonobo_object_class); } /* put class scope variables */ for (li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if (n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == CLASS_SCOPE) put_variable ((Variable *)n, outh); } out_printf (outh, "};\n\n"); out_printf (out, "/* here are local prototypes */\n"); if (set_properties > 0) { out_printf (out, "static void ___object_set_property " "(GObject *object, guint property_id, " "const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec);\n"); } if (get_properties > 0) { out_printf (out, "static void ___object_get_property " "(GObject *object, guint property_id, " "GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec);\n"); } out_printf (outh, "\n/*\n" " * Public methods\n" " */\n"); if ( ! overrode_get_type) { out_printf (outh, "GType\t%s_get_type\t(void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n", funcbase); } for(li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { put_pub_method((Method *)n); put_prot_method((Method *)n); put_priv_method_prot((Method *)n); } } /* this idea is less and less apealing to me */ if (signals > 0) { out_printf (outh, "\n/*\n" " * Signal connection wrapper macros\n" " */\n"); if( ! no_gnu) { out_printf(outh, "#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)\n"); put_signal_macros (c, TRUE); out_printf(outh, "#else /* __GNUC__ && !__STRICT_ANSI__ */\n"); put_signal_macros (c, FALSE); out_printf(outh, "#endif /* __GNUC__ && !__STRICT_ANSI__ */\n"); } else { put_signal_macros (c, FALSE); out_printf(outh, "\n"); } out_printf (out, "\n/*\n" " * Signal connection wrapper macro shortcuts\n" " */\n"); put_local_signal_macros (c); out_printf(outh, "\n"); } /* argument wrapping macros */ if(get_properties > 0 || set_properties > 0) { out_printf(outh, "\n/*\n" " * Argument wrapping macros\n" " */\n"); if( ! no_gnu) { out_printf(outh, "#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)\n"); put_argument_gnu_wrappers(c); out_printf(outh, "#else /* __GNUC__ && !__STRICT_ANSI__ */\n"); put_argument_nongnu_wrappers(c); out_printf(outh, "#endif /* __GNUC__ && !__STRICT_ANSI__ */\n\n"); } else { put_argument_nongnu_wrappers(c); } } if(signals > 0) { for(li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) add_signal_prots((Method *)n); } } add_enums (c); if(any_method_to_alias(c)) { out_printf (out, "/* Short form macros */\n"); make_method_aliases (c); } add_interface_inits (c); if ( ! overrode_get_type) { if (c->bonobo_object_class != NULL) add_bonobo_object_get_type (); else add_get_type (); } out_printf (out, "/* a macro for creating a new object of our type */\n"); out_printf (out, "#define GET_NEW ((%s *)g_object_new(%s_get_type(), NULL))\n\n", typebase, funcbase); out_printf (out, "/* a function for creating a new object of our type */\n"); out_printf (out, "#include \n"); out_printf (out, "static %s * GET_NEW_VARG (const char *first, ...)%s;\n" "static %s *\nGET_NEW_VARG (const char *first, ...)\n" "{\n\t%s *ret;\n\tva_list ap;\n" "\tva_start (ap, first);\n" "\tret = (%s *)g_object_new_valist (%s_get_type (), " "first, ap);\n" "\tva_end (ap);\n" "\treturn ret;\n}\n\n", typebase, no_gnu ? "" : " G_GNUC_UNUSED", typebase, typebase, typebase, funcbase); if (c->glade_xml) { out_printf (out, "/* a function to connect glade callback */\n"); out_printf (out,"static void\n" "___glade_xml_connect_foreach(const gchar *handler_name,\n" "GObject *object,\n" "const gchar *signal_name,\n" "const gchar *signal_data,\n" "GObject *connect_object,\n" "gboolean after,\n" "gpointer user_data)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic GModule * allsymbols = NULL;\n" " \n" "\tif (!allsymbols) allsymbols = g_module_open(NULL, 0);\n" "\tif (allsymbols) {\n" "\t\tgchar * func_name = g_strdup_printf(\"%s_%%s\", handler_name);\n" "\t\tGCallback func;\n" "\n" "\t\tif (!g_module_symbol(allsymbols, func_name, (gpointer)&func)){\n" "\t\t\tif (!g_module_symbol(allsymbols, handler_name, (gpointer)&func)) {\n" "\t\t\t\tg_warning(\"could not find signal handler '%%s'.\", func_name);\n" "\t\t\t\tg_free(func_name);\n" "\t\t\t\treturn;\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t}\n" "\t\tif (after)\n" "\t\t\tg_signal_connect_data(object, signal_name, func, user_data, NULL, G_CONNECT_AFTER | G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);\n" "\t\telse\n" "\t\t\tg_signal_connect_data(object, signal_name, func, user_data, NULL, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);\n" "\t\tg_free(func_name);\n" "\t}\n" "}\n" "\n", funcbase); } for (li = nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *node = li->data; if (node->type == CCODE_NODE) { CCode *cc = (CCode *)node; if (cc->cctype == AD_CCODE) print_ccode_block (cc); } } if (need_constructor) add_constructor (c); if (need_dispose) add_dispose (c); if (need_finalize) add_finalize (c); add_inits(c); if(set_properties > 0) { add_getset_arg(c, TRUE); } if(get_properties > 0) { add_getset_arg(c, FALSE); } for(li = c->nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) put_method((Method *)n); } add_bad_hack_to_avoid_unused_warnings(c); } static void print_useful_macros(void) { int major = 0, minor = 0, pl = 0; /* Version stuff */ sscanf (VERSION, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &pl); out_printf (out, "#define GOB_VERSION_MAJOR %d\n", major); out_printf (out, "#define GOB_VERSION_MINOR %d\n", minor); out_printf (out, "#define GOB_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL %d\n\n", pl); /* Useful priv macro thingie */ /* FIXME: this should be done the same way that priv is, as a var, * not a define */ out_printf (out, "#define selfp (self->_priv)\n\n"); } static void print_more_useful_macros (void) { if (no_gnu) { out_printf (out, "#define ___GOB_LIKELY(expr) (expr)\n"); out_printf (out, "#define ___GOB_UNLIKELY(expr) (expr)\n"); } else { out_printf (out, "#ifdef G_LIKELY\n"); out_printf (out, "#define ___GOB_LIKELY(expr) G_LIKELY(expr)\n"); out_printf (out, "#define ___GOB_UNLIKELY(expr) G_UNLIKELY(expr)\n"); out_printf (out, "#else /* ! G_LIKELY */\n"); out_printf (out, "#define ___GOB_LIKELY(expr) (expr)\n"); out_printf (out, "#define ___GOB_UNLIKELY(expr) (expr)\n"); out_printf (out, "#endif /* G_LIKELY */\n"); } } static void print_file_comments(void) { out_printf(outh, "/* Generated by GOB (v%s)" " (do not edit directly) */\n\n", VERSION); if(outph) out_printf(outph, "/* Generated by GOB (v%s)" " (do not edit directly) */\n\n", VERSION); out_printf(out, "/* Generated by GOB (v%s)" " (do not edit directly) */\n\n", VERSION); out_printf(out, "/* End world hunger, donate to the World Food Programme, http://www.wfp.org */\n\n"); } static void print_includes(void) { gboolean found_header; char *p; /* We may need string.h for memset */ if ( ! g_list_find_custom(include_files, "string.h", (GCompareFunc)strcmp)) { out_printf(out, "#include /* memset() */\n\n"); } p = g_strconcat(filebase, ".h", NULL); found_header = TRUE; if( ! g_list_find_custom(include_files, p, (GCompareFunc)strcmp)) { out_printf(out, "#include \"%s.h\"\n\n", filebase); found_header = FALSE; } g_free(p); /* if we are creating a private header see if it was included */ if(outph) { char sep[2] = {0,0}; if (file_sep != 0) sep[0] = file_sep; p = g_strconcat(filebase, sep, "private.h", NULL); if( ! g_list_find_custom(include_files, p, (GCompareFunc)strcmp)) { out_printf(out, "#include \"%s%sprivate.h\"\n\n", filebase, sep); if(found_header) error_printf(GOB_WARN, 0, "Implicit private header include " "added to top of\n" "\tsource file, while public " "header is at a custom location, " "you should\n" "\texplicitly include " "the private header below the " "public one."); } g_free(p); } } static void print_header_prefixes(void) { char *p; p = replace_sep(((Class *)class)->otype, '_'); gob_strup (p); out_printf(outh, "#ifndef __%s_H__\n#define __%s_H__\n\n", p, p); if(outph) out_printf(outph, "#ifndef __%s_PRIVATE_H__\n" "#define __%s_PRIVATE_H__\n\n" "#include \"%s.h\"\n\n", p, p, filebase); g_free(p); if( ! no_extern_c) { out_printf(outh, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern \"C\" {\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n\n"); if(outph) out_printf(outph, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern \"C\" {\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n\n"); } } static void print_header_postfixes(void) { if( ! no_extern_c) out_printf(outh, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "}\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n"); out_printf(outh, "\n#endif\n"); if(outph) { if( ! no_extern_c) out_printf(outph, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "}\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n"); out_printf(outph, "\n#endif\n"); } } static void print_all_top(void) { GList *li; /* print the AT_CCODE and CT_CCODE blocks */ for(li = nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == CCODE_NODE) { CCode *cc = (CCode *)node; if (cc->cctype == AT_CCODE || cc->cctype == CT_CCODE) print_ccode_block((CCode *)node); } } } static void print_header_top(void) { GList *li; /* mandatory includes */ out_printf (outh, "#include \n"); out_printf (outh, "#include \n"); /* print the HT_CCODE blocks */ for (li = nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *node = li->data; if (node->type == CCODE_NODE) { CCode *cc = (CCode *)node; if (cc->cctype == HT_CCODE) print_ccode_block ((CCode *)node); } } } static void print_enum (EnumDef *enode) { GList *li; char *funcprefix; char *type; char *str; funcprefix = replace_sep (enode->etype, '_'); gob_strdown (funcprefix); out_printf (out, "static const GEnumValue _%s_values[] = {\n", funcprefix); type = remove_sep (enode->etype); out_printf (outh, "\ntypedef enum {\n"); for (li = enode->values; li != NULL; li = li->next) { EnumValue *value = li->data; char *p; char *sname = gob_strdown (g_strdup (value->name)); while ((p = strchr (sname, '_')) != NULL) *p = '-'; out_printf (outh, "\t%s_%s", enode->prefix, value->name); if (value->value != NULL) out_printf (outh, " = %s", value->value); if (li->next != NULL) out_printf (outh, ",\n"); else out_printf (outh, "\n"); out_printf (out, "\t{ %s_%s, (char *)\"%s_%s\", (char *)\"%s\" },\n", enode->prefix, value->name, enode->prefix, value->name, sname); g_free (sname); } out_printf (out, "\t{ 0, NULL, NULL }\n};\n\n"); out_printf (outh, "} %s;\n", type); str = make_pre_macro (enode->etype, "TYPE"); out_printf (outh, "#define %s ", str); g_free (str); out_printf (outh, "%s_get_type()\n", funcprefix); out_printf (outh, "GType %s_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n\n", funcprefix); out_printf (out, "GType\n%s_get_type (void)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic GType type = 0;\n" "\tif ___GOB_UNLIKELY(type == 0)\n" "\t\ttype = g_enum_register_static (\"%s\", _%s_values);\n" "\treturn type;\n" "}\n\n", funcprefix, type, funcprefix); g_free (funcprefix); g_free (type); } static void print_flags (Flags *fnode) { GList *li; char *funcprefix; char *type; char *str; int i; funcprefix = replace_sep (fnode->ftype, '_'); gob_strdown (funcprefix); out_printf (out, "static const GFlagsValue _%s_values[] = {\n", funcprefix); type = remove_sep (fnode->ftype); out_printf (outh, "\ntypedef enum {\n"); for (i = 0, li = fnode->values; li != NULL; i++, li = li->next) { const char *name = li->data; char *p; char *sname = gob_strdown (g_strdup (name)); while ((p = strchr (sname, '_')) != NULL) *p = '-'; out_printf (outh, "\t%s_%s = 1<<%d", fnode->prefix, name, i); if (li->next != NULL) out_printf (outh, ",\n"); else out_printf (outh, "\n"); out_printf (out, "\t{ %s_%s, (char *)\"%s_%s\", (char *)\"%s\" },\n", fnode->prefix, name, fnode->prefix, name, sname); g_free (sname); } out_printf (out, "\t{ 0, NULL, NULL }\n};\n\n"); out_printf (outh, "} %s;\n", type); str = make_pre_macro (fnode->ftype, "TYPE"); out_printf (outh, "#define %s ", str); g_free (str); out_printf (outh, "%s_get_type()\n", funcprefix); out_printf (outh, "GType %s_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n\n", funcprefix); out_printf (out, "GType\n%s_get_type (void)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic GType type = 0;\n" "\tif ___GOB_UNLIKELY(type == 0)\n" "\t\ttype = g_flags_register_static (\"%s\", _%s_values);\n" "\treturn type;\n" "}\n\n", funcprefix, type, funcprefix); g_free (funcprefix); g_free (type); } static void print_error (Error *enode) { GList *li; char *funcprefix; char *type; char *str; funcprefix = replace_sep (enode->etype, '_'); gob_strdown (funcprefix); out_printf (out, "static const GEnumValue _%s_values[] = {\n", funcprefix); type = remove_sep (enode->etype); out_printf (outh, "\ntypedef enum {\n"); for (li = enode->values; li != NULL; li = li->next) { const char *name = li->data; char *p; char *sname = gob_strdown (g_strdup (name)); while ((p = strchr (sname, '_')) != NULL) *p = '-'; out_printf (outh, "\t%s_%s", enode->prefix, name); if (li->next != NULL) out_printf (outh, ",\n"); else out_printf (outh, "\n"); out_printf (out, "\t{ %s_%s, (char *)\"%s_%s\", (char *)\"%s\" },\n", enode->prefix, name, enode->prefix, name, sname); g_free (sname); } out_printf (out, "\t{ 0, NULL, NULL }\n};\n\n"); out_printf (outh, "} %s;\n", type); str = make_pre_macro (enode->etype, "TYPE"); out_printf (outh, "#define %s ", str); g_free (str); out_printf (outh, "%s_get_type ()\n", funcprefix); out_printf (outh, "GType %s_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n\n", funcprefix); out_printf (out, "GType\n%s_get_type (void)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic GType type = 0;\n" "\tif ___GOB_UNLIKELY(type == 0)\n" "\t\ttype = g_enum_register_static (\"%s\", _%s_values);\n" "\treturn type;\n" "}\n\n", funcprefix, type, funcprefix); out_printf (outh, "#define %s %s_quark ()\n", enode->prefix, funcprefix); out_printf (outh, "GQuark %s_quark (void);\n\n", funcprefix); str = replace_sep (enode->etype, '-'); gob_strdown (str); out_printf (out, "GQuark\n%s_quark (void)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic GQuark q = 0;\n" "\tif (q == 0)\n" "\t\tq = g_quark_from_static_string (\"%s\");\n" "\treturn q;\n" "}\n\n", funcprefix, str); g_free (str); g_free (funcprefix); g_free (type); } static void generate_outfiles(void) { GList *li; print_file_comments(); print_all_top(); print_header_top(); print_header_prefixes(); print_useful_macros(); print_includes(); print_more_useful_macros (); for (li = nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Node *node = li->data; if (node->type == CCODE_NODE) { CCode *cc = (CCode *)node; if (cc->cctype != HT_CCODE && cc->cctype != AT_CCODE && cc->cctype != AD_CCODE) print_ccode_block ((CCode *)node); } else if (node->type == CLASS_NODE) { print_class_block ((Class *)node); } else if (node->type == ENUMDEF_NODE) { print_enum ((EnumDef *)node); } else if (node->type == FLAGS_NODE) { print_flags ((Flags *)node); } else if (node->type == ERROR_NODE) { print_error ((Error *)node); } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } } print_header_postfixes(); } static void print_help(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Gob version %s\n\n", VERSION); fprintf(stderr, "gob [options] file.gob\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n" "\t--help,-h,-? Display this help\n" "\t--version Display version\n" "\t--exit-on-warn,-w Exit with an error on warnings\n" "\t--no-exit-on-warn Don't exit on warnings [default]\n" "\t--for-cpp Create C++ files\n" "\t--no-extern-c Never print extern \"C\" into the " "header\n" "\t--no-gnu Never use GNU extentions\n" "\t--no-touch Don't touch output files unless they " "really\n" "\t changed (implies --no-touch-headers)\n" "\t--no-touch-headers Don't touch headers unless they " "really changed\n" "\t--always-private-header Always create a private header " "file,\n" "\t even if it would be empty\n" "\t--ondemand-private-header Create private header only when " "needed\n" "\t [default]\n" "\t--no-private-header Don't create a private header, " "put private\n" "\t structure and protected " "prototypes inside c file\n" "\t--always-private-struct Always create a private pointer " "in\n" "\t the object structure\n" "\t--m4 Preprocess source with m4. " "Following args will\n" "\t be passed to m4\n" "\t--m4-dir Print directory that will be " "searched for m4\n" "\t files\n" "\t--no-write,-n Don't write output files, just " "check syntax\n" "\t--no-lines Don't print '#line' to output\n" "\t--no-self-alias Don't create self type and macro " "aliases\n" "\t--no-kill-underscores Ignored for compatibility\n" "\t-o,--output-dir The directory where output " "should be placed\n" "\t--file-sep[=c] replace default \'-\' file " "name separator\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "End world hunger, donate to the World Food Programme, http://www.wfp.org\n"); } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int got_file = FALSE; int no_opts = FALSE; int m4_opts = FALSE; /* if we are just passing on args to m4 */ filename = NULL; for(i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) { if(m4_opts) { char *new_commandline; g_assert(m4_commandline!=NULL); /* check whether this one looks like the filename */ if((!strcmp(argv[i],"-") || argv[i][0] != '-') && !got_file) { const gchar *m4_flags=use_m4_clean?"":M4_FLAGS; filename = argv[i]; got_file = TRUE; /* insert flags before the filename */ new_commandline=g_strconcat(m4_commandline, " ", m4_flags, " ", argv[i], NULL); } /* just an ordinary option */ else new_commandline=g_strconcat(m4_commandline, " ", argv[i], NULL); /* free old commandline */ g_free(m4_commandline); m4_commandline=new_commandline; } else if(no_opts || argv[i][0] != '-') { /*must be a file*/ if(got_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Specify only one file!\n"); print_help(); exit(1); } filename = argv[i]; got_file = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help")==0) { print_help(); exit(0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--version")==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Gob version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--exit-on-warn")==0) { exit_on_warn = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-exit-on-warn")==0) { exit_on_warn = FALSE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--for-cpp")==0) { for_cpp = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-touch")==0) { no_touch = TRUE; no_touch_headers = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-touch-headers")==0) { no_touch_headers = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--ondemand-private-header")==0) { private_header = PRIVATE_HEADER_ONDEMAND; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--always-private-header")==0) { private_header = PRIVATE_HEADER_ALWAYS; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-private-header")==0) { private_header = PRIVATE_HEADER_NEVER; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-gnu")==0) { no_gnu = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-extern-c")==0) { no_extern_c = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-write")==0) { no_write = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-lines")==0) { no_lines = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-self-alias")==0) { no_self_alias = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--no-kill-underscores")==0) { /* no op */; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--always-private-struct")==0) { always_private_struct = TRUE; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--m4-dir")==0) { printf("%s\n",M4_INCLUDE_DIR); exit(0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--m4")==0) { use_m4 = TRUE; use_m4_clean=FALSE; m4_opts = TRUE; m4_commandline=g_strdup(M4_COMMANDLINE); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--m4-clean")==0) { use_m4 = TRUE; use_m4_clean=TRUE; m4_opts = TRUE; m4_commandline=g_strdup(M4_COMMANDLINE); } else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-o") == 0 || strcmp (argv[i], "--output-dir") == 0) { if (i+1 < argc) { output_dir = g_strdup (argv[i+1]); i++; } else { output_dir = NULL; } } else if (strncmp (argv[i], "-o=", strlen ("-o=")) == 0 || strncmp (argv[i], "--output-dir=", strlen ("--output-dir=")) == 0) { char *p = strchr (argv[i], '='); g_assert (p != NULL); output_dir = g_strdup (p+1); } else if (strncmp (argv[i], "--file-sep=", strlen ("--file-sep=")) == 0) { char *p = strchr (argv[i], '='); g_assert (p != NULL); file_sep = *(p+1); } else if (strncmp (argv[i], "--file-sep", strlen ("--file-sep")) == 0) { if (i+1 < argc) { file_sep = (argv[i+1])[0]; i++; } else { file_sep = 0; } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--")==0) { /*further arguments are files*/ no_opts = TRUE; } else if(strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2)==0) { /*unknown long option*/ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'!\n", argv[i]); print_help(); exit(1); } else { /*by now we know we have a string starting with - which is a short option string*/ char *p; for(p = argv[i] + 1; *p; p++) { switch(*p) { case 'w': exit_on_warn=TRUE; break; case 'n': no_write = TRUE; break; case 'h': case '?': print_help(); exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%c'!\n", *p); print_help(); exit(1); } } } } #if 0 /* if we are using m4, and got no filename, append m4 flags now */ if(!got_file && use_m4 && !use_m4_clean) { char *new_commandline; new_commandline=g_strconcat(m4_commandline, " ", M4_FLAGS, NULL); g_free(m4_commandline); m4_commandline=new_commandline; } #endif } static void compare_and_move (const char *old_filename) { char *new_filename = g_strconcat (old_filename, "#gob#", NULL); FILE *old_f; gboolean equal = FALSE; old_f = fopen (old_filename, "r"); if (old_f) { FILE *new_f; gboolean error = FALSE; new_f = fopen (new_filename, "r"); if (new_f) { char new_buf[1024]; char old_buf[1024]; while (TRUE) { size_t new_n; size_t old_n; new_n = fread (new_buf, 1, sizeof (new_buf), new_f); if (ferror (new_f)) { error = TRUE; error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Can't read %s: %s", new_filename, g_strerror (errno)); break; } old_n = fread (old_buf, 1, sizeof (old_buf), old_f); if (ferror (old_f) || feof (new_f) != feof (old_f) || new_n != old_n || memcmp (new_buf, old_buf, new_n) != 0) break; if (feof (new_f)) { equal = TRUE; break; } } } else error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Can't open %s: %s", new_filename, g_strerror (errno)); fclose (old_f); fclose (new_f); if (error) goto end; if (! equal && unlink (old_filename) != 0) { error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Can't remove %s: %s", old_filename, g_strerror (errno)); goto end; } } if (equal) { if (unlink (new_filename) != 0) error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Can't remove %s: %s", new_filename, g_strerror (errno)); } else { if (rename (new_filename, old_filename) != 0) error_printf (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Can't rename %s to %s: %s", new_filename, old_filename, g_strerror (errno)); } end: g_free (new_filename); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { parse_options(argc, argv); if(use_m4) { yyin = popen(m4_commandline, "r"); if(!yyin) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't open pipe from '%s'\n", m4_commandline); exit(1); } } else if(filename) { yyin = fopen(filename, "r"); if(!yyin) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't open file '%s'\n", filename); exit(1); } } if(filename==NULL) filename = "stdin"; /* This is where parsing is done */ /*yydebug = 1;*/ if(yyparse() != 0) error_print (GOB_ERROR, 0, "Parsing errors, quitting"); /* close input file */ if(use_m4) pclose(yyin); else fclose(yyin); yyin=stdin; if( ! class) error_print (GOB_ERROR, 0, "no class defined"); exit_on_error = FALSE; signals = count_signals ((Class *)class); set_properties = count_set_properties ((Class *)class) + count_set_arguments ((Class *)class); get_properties = count_get_properties ((Class *)class) + count_get_arguments ((Class *)class); overrides = count_overrides ((Class *)class); privates = count_privates ((Class *)class); protecteds = count_protecteds ((Class *)class); unreftors = count_unreftors ((Class *)class); destructors = count_destructors ((Class *)class); initializers = count_initializers ((Class *)class); glade_widgets = count_glade_widgets ((Class *)class); overrode_get_type = find_get_type ((Class *)class); make_bases (); make_inits ((Class *)class); find_constructor ((Class *)class); if (user_constructor != NULL) need_constructor = TRUE; find_dispose ((Class *)class); if (unreftors > 0 || dispose_handler != NULL || user_dispose_method != NULL) need_dispose = TRUE; find_finalize ((Class *)class); if (destructors > 0 || privates > 0 || user_finalize_method != NULL) { need_finalize = TRUE; } check_bad_symbols ((Class *)class); check_duplicate_symbols ((Class *)class); check_duplicate_overrides ((Class *)class); check_duplicate_signals_args ((Class *)class); check_public_new ((Class *)class); check_vararg ((Class *)class); check_firstarg ((Class *)class); check_nonvoidempty ((Class *)class); check_signal_args ((Class *)class); check_property_types ((Class *)class); check_argument_types ((Class *)class); check_func_arg_checks ((Class *)class); check_func_attrs ((Class *)class); check_for_class_destructors ((Class *)class); exit_on_error = TRUE; if (got_error) exit (1); any_special = setup_special_array ((Class *)class, special_array); open_files (); generate_outfiles (); if (out) fclose (out); if (outh) fclose (outh); if (outph) fclose (outph); if (! no_write) { if (no_touch) { compare_and_move (outfilebase); if (outfilephbase) compare_and_move (outfilephbase); } if (no_touch_headers) compare_and_move (outfilehbase); } return 0; }