GTK+ Object Builder (GOB) Very early prototype. An extremely poor attempt at making a lex or yacc like preprocessor for making GTK+ objects, while keeping he language in a sort of java like style, and keeping the implementation extremely simple and without having to parse any real C code. Reasons: - C is a perfect (well mostly) language, no need for another language - Writing a fully featured GTK+ object is a hassle - Need for a generator that doesn't require changes to generated code - I like how Java writes method code directly into the class definition. To build: run make To install: edit the makefile to edit the destination directory and run "make install" as root (or just put src/gob somewhere nice) To use: run gob with the .gob file on the command line What's generated: two (.c and .h) files named by the object name with words separated by a hyphen (not neccessairly the .gob file prefix) How to write .gob files? 1) read "man gob" for some documenation on how to use GOB 2) if you can't find what you need, read src/test.gob and src/lexer.l and src/parse.y (in other words: RTFS) TODO: - clean up code - make it behave nice - add warnings all over the place - add autoconf/automake setup - get a life George