-h, --help Print this message and then exit. --version Print a version message and then exit. -w, --exit-on-warn Exit with an error on any warning. --no-exit-on-warn (&exit_on_warn, FALSE) --for-cpp (&for_cpp, TRUE) Generate C++ output. --no-extern-c (&no_extern_c, TRUE) Omit C++ extern "C" declarations from headers. --no-gnu (&no_gnu, TRUE) Do not use any GNU language extensions. --no-touch-headers (&no_touch_headers, TRUE) Avoid modifying output header files if there would not be any changes, so that modification times are preserved. --no-touch Same as --no-touch-headers but applies to all output files. --always-private-struct (&always_private_struct, TRUE) Create the _priv pointer in the object structure even if there are no private members. --always-private-header (&private_header, PRIVATE_HEADER_ALWAYS) Create a private header file even if it would be empty. --ondemand-private-header (&private_header, PRIVATE_HEADER_ONDEMAND) Create a private header file only if required (default). --no-private-header (&private_header, PRIVATE_HEADER_NEVER) --m4 Use M4 to produce input data. All non-option arguments and subsequent arguments are passed to m4. --m4-clean Same as --m4, except that no arguments other than those specified on the command line are passed to m4. --m4-dir Print the default m4 search directory and then exit. -n, --no-write Do not actually create any output files. The input is still parsed to check for syntax errors. --no-lines (&no_lines, TRUE) Do not output any #line directives. --no-self-alias (&no_self_alias, TRUE) Do not output the SELF macros or Self typedefs. --no-kill-underscores (0) -o, --output-dir=DIR Output files will be placed relative to DIR. --file-sep[=CHAR] Separate filename components with CHAR, as opposed to '-'. If CHAR is omitted, no separator is used. --gtk3 (>k3_ok, TRUE) Use GTK+3 interface names.