/* GOB C Preprocessor * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 the Free Software Foundation. * Copyright (C) 2001 George Lebl * * Author: George Lebl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ %{ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "treefuncs.h" #include "main.h" #include "util.h" /* FIXME: add gettext support */ #define _(x) (x) GList *nodes = NULL; static GList *class_nodes = NULL; Node *class = NULL; GList *enums = NULL; static GList *enum_vals = NULL; static GList *flag_vals = NULL; static GList *error_vals = NULL; static char *chunk_size = NULL; static char *bonobo_object_class = NULL; static GList *interfaces = NULL; static GList *typestack = NULL; static GList *funcargs = NULL; static GList *checks = NULL; static int has_self = FALSE; static int vararg = FALSE; static Method *last_added_method = NULL; /* destructor and initializer for variables */ static gboolean destructor_unref = FALSE; static char *destructor = NULL; static int destructor_line = 0; static gboolean destructor_simple = TRUE; static char *initializer = NULL; static int initializer_line = 0; static char *onerror = NULL; static char *defreturn = NULL; static GList *gtktypes = NULL; static Property *property = NULL; /* this can be a global as we will only do one function at a time anyway */ static int the_scope = NO_SCOPE; void free(void *ptr); int yylex(void); extern int ccode_line; extern int line_no; extern char *yytext; static void yyerror(char *str) { char *out=NULL; char *p; if(strcmp(yytext,"\n")==0) { out=g_strconcat("Error: ",str," before newline",NULL); } else if(yytext[0]=='\0') { out=g_strconcat("Error: ", str, " at end of input", NULL); } else { char *tmp = g_strdup(yytext); while((p=strchr(tmp, '\n'))) *p='.'; out=g_strconcat("Error: ", str, " before '", tmp, "'", NULL); g_free(tmp); } fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", filename, line_no, out); g_free(out); exit(1); } static Type * pop_type(void) { Type *type = typestack->data; typestack = g_list_remove(typestack,typestack->data); return type; } static void push_variable (char *name, int scope, int line_no, char *postfix) { Node *var; Type *type = pop_type (); type->postfix = postfix; var = node_new (VARIABLE_NODE, "scope", scope, "vtype:steal", type, "id:steal", name, "line_no", line_no, "destructor_unref", destructor_unref, "destructor:steal", destructor, "destructor_line", destructor_line, "destructor_simple", destructor_simple, "initializer:steal", initializer, "initializer_line", initializer_line, NULL); class_nodes = g_list_append(class_nodes, var); } static void push_function (int scope, int method, char *oid, char *id, GString *cbuf, int line_no, int ccode_line, gboolean vararg, GList *flags) { Node *node; Type *type; char *c_cbuf; g_assert(scope != CLASS_SCOPE); if(method == INIT_METHOD || method == CLASS_INIT_METHOD) { type = (Type *)node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", "void", NULL); } else { type = pop_type(); } /* a complicated and ugly test to figure out if we have the wrong number of types for a signal */ if((method == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || method == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD) && g_list_length(gtktypes) != g_list_length(funcargs) && !(g_list_length(funcargs) == 1 && g_list_length(gtktypes) == 2 && strcmp(gtktypes->next->data, "NONE")==0)) { error_print(GOB_WARN, line_no, _("The number of GTK arguments and " "function arguments for a signal " "don't seem to match")); } if(g_list_length(gtktypes) > 2) { GList *li; for(li = gtktypes->next; li; li = li->next) { if(strcmp(li->data, "NONE")==0) { error_print(GOB_ERROR, line_no, _("NONE can only appear in an " "argument list by itself")); } } } if(cbuf) { char *p; c_cbuf = p = cbuf->str; while(p && *p && (*p==' ' || *p=='\t' || *p=='\n' || *p=='\r')) p++; if(!p || !*p) c_cbuf = NULL; } else c_cbuf = NULL; node = node_new (METHOD_NODE, "scope", scope, "method", method, "mtype:steal", type, "otype:steal", oid, "gtktypes:steal", gtktypes, "flags:steal", flags, "id:steal", id, "args:steal", funcargs, "onerror:steal", onerror, "defreturn:steal", defreturn, "cbuf:steal", c_cbuf, "line_no", line_no, "ccode_line", ccode_line, "vararg", vararg, "unique_id", method_unique_id++, NULL); last_added_method = (Method *)node; if(cbuf) g_string_free(cbuf, /*only free segment if we haven't passed it above */ c_cbuf?FALSE:TRUE); gtktypes = NULL; funcargs = NULL; onerror = NULL; defreturn = NULL; class_nodes = g_list_append(class_nodes, node); } static void free_all_global_state(void) { g_free(onerror); onerror = NULL; g_free(defreturn); defreturn = NULL; g_free(chunk_size); chunk_size = NULL; g_list_foreach(gtktypes, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free(gtktypes); gtktypes = NULL; node_list_free (funcargs); funcargs = NULL; } static void push_funcarg(char *name, char *postfix) { Node *node; Type *type = pop_type(); type->postfix = postfix; node = node_new (FUNCARG_NODE, "atype:steal", type, "name:steal", name, "checks:steal", checks, NULL); checks = NULL; funcargs = g_list_append(funcargs, node); } static void push_init_arg(char *name, int is_class) { Node *node; Node *type; char *tn; if(is_class) tn = g_strconcat(((Class *)class)->otype,":Class",NULL); else tn = g_strdup(((Class *)class)->otype); type = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name:steal", tn, "pointer", "*", NULL); node = node_new (FUNCARG_NODE, "atype:steal", (Type *)type, "name:steal", name, NULL); funcargs = g_list_prepend(funcargs, node); } static void push_self(char *id, gboolean constant) { Node *node; Node *type; GList *ch = NULL; type = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", ((Class *)class)->otype, "pointer", constant ? "const *" : "*", NULL); ch = g_list_append (ch, node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", NULL_CHECK, NULL)); ch = g_list_append (ch, node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", TYPE_CHECK, NULL)); node = node_new (FUNCARG_NODE, "atype:steal", (Type *)type, "name:steal", id, "checks:steal", ch, NULL); funcargs = g_list_prepend(funcargs, node); } static Variable * find_var_or_die(const char *id, int line) { GList *li; for(li = class_nodes; li != NULL; li = li->next) { Variable *var; Node *node = li->data; if(node->type != VARIABLE_NODE) continue; var = li->data; if(strcmp(var->id, id)==0) return var; } error_printf(GOB_ERROR, line, _("Variable %s not defined here"), id); g_assert_not_reached(); return NULL; } static gboolean set_return_value(char *type, char *val) { if(strcmp(type, "onerror")==0) { if(!onerror) { onerror = val; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } else if(strcmp(type, "defreturn")==0) { if(!defreturn) { defreturn = val; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } return FALSE; } static void export_accessors (const char *var_name, gboolean do_get, int get_lineno, gboolean do_set, int set_lineno, Type *type, const char *gtktype, int lineno) { Type *the_type; if (type != NULL) the_type = (Type *)node_copy ((Node *)type); else the_type = get_tree_type (gtktype, TRUE); if (the_type == NULL) { error_print (GOB_ERROR, line_no, _("Cannot determine type of property or argument")); return; } if (do_get) { char *get_id = g_strdup_printf ("get_%s", var_name); GString *get_cbuf = g_string_new (NULL); Node *node1 = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", the_type->name, "pointer", the_type->pointer, "postfix", the_type->postfix, NULL); Node *node3 = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", class->class.otype, "pointer", "*", NULL); g_string_sprintf (get_cbuf, "\t%s%s val; " "g_object_get (G_OBJECT (self), \"%s\", " "&val, NULL); " "return val;\n", the_type->name, the_type->pointer ? the_type->pointer : "", var_name); typestack = g_list_prepend (typestack, node1); typestack = g_list_prepend (typestack, node3); push_funcarg ("self", FALSE); push_function (PUBLIC_SCOPE, REGULAR_METHOD, NULL, get_id, get_cbuf, get_lineno, lineno, FALSE, NULL); } if (do_set) { char *set_id = g_strdup_printf ("set_%s", var_name); GString *set_cbuf = g_string_new (NULL); Node *node1 = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", the_type->name, "pointer", the_type->pointer, "postfix", the_type->postfix, NULL); Node *node2 = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", "void", NULL); Node *node3 = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", class->class.otype, "pointer", "*", NULL); g_string_sprintf (set_cbuf, "\tg_object_set (G_OBJECT (self), " "\"%s\", val, NULL);\n", var_name); typestack = g_list_prepend (typestack, node2); typestack = g_list_prepend (typestack, node1); typestack = g_list_prepend (typestack, node3); push_funcarg ("self", FALSE); push_funcarg ("val", FALSE); typestack = g_list_prepend (typestack, node2); push_function (PUBLIC_SCOPE, REGULAR_METHOD, NULL, set_id, set_cbuf, set_lineno, lineno, FALSE, NULL); } node_free ((Node *)the_type); } static char * get_prop_enum_flag_cast (Property *prop) { char *tmp, *ret; if (prop->extra_gtktype == NULL || /* HACK! just in case someone made this * work with 2.0.0 by using the TYPE * macro directly */ ((strstr (prop->extra_gtktype, "_TYPE_") != NULL || strstr (prop->extra_gtktype, "TYPE_") == prop->extra_gtktype) && strchr (prop->extra_gtktype, ':') == NULL)) { if (prop->ptype != NULL) return get_type (prop->ptype, TRUE); else return g_strdup (""); } tmp = remove_sep (prop->extra_gtktype); ret = g_strdup_printf ("(%s) ", tmp); g_free (tmp); return ret; } static void property_link_and_export (Node *node) { Property *prop = (Property *)node; if (prop->link) { const char *root; char *get = NULL, *set = NULL; Variable *var; if (prop->set != NULL || prop->get != NULL) { error_print (GOB_ERROR, prop->line_no, _("Property linking requested, but " "getters and setters exist")); } var = find_var_or_die (prop->name, prop->line_no); if(var->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) { root = "self->_priv"; } else if (var->scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { root = "SELF_GET_CLASS(self)"; if (no_self_alias) error_print (GOB_ERROR, prop->line_no, _("Self aliases needed when autolinking to a classwide member")); } else { root = "self"; } if (strcmp (prop->gtktype, "STRING") == 0) { set = g_strdup_printf("{ char *old = %s->%s; " "%s->%s = g_value_dup_string (VAL); g_free (old); }", root, prop->name, root, prop->name); get = g_strdup_printf("g_value_set_string (VAL, %s->%s);", root, prop->name); } else if (strcmp (prop->gtktype, "OBJECT") == 0) { char *cast; if (prop->extra_gtktype != NULL) { cast = remove_sep (prop->extra_gtktype); } else { cast = g_strdup ("void"); } set = g_strdup_printf("{ GObject *___old = (GObject *)%s->%s; " "%s->%s = (%s *)g_value_dup_object (VAL); " "if (___old != NULL) { " "g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (___old)); " "} " "}", root, prop->name, root, prop->name, cast); get = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_set_object (VAL, " "(gpointer)%s->%s);", root, prop->name); g_free (cast); } else if (strcmp (prop->gtktype, "BOXED") == 0) { if (prop->extra_gtktype == NULL) { error_print (GOB_ERROR, prop->line_no, _("Property linking requested for BOXED, but " "boxed_type not set")); } set = g_strdup_printf("{ gpointer ___old = (gpointer)%s->%s; " "gpointer ___new = (gpointer)g_value_get_boxed (VAL); " "if (___new != ___old) { " "if (___old != NULL) g_boxed_free (%s, ___old); " "if (___new != NULL) %s->%s = g_boxed_copy (%s, ___new); " "else %s->%s = NULL;" "} " "}", root, prop->name, prop->extra_gtktype, root, prop->name, prop->extra_gtktype, root, prop->name); get = g_strdup_printf("g_value_set_boxed (VAL, %s->%s);", root, prop->name); } else { char *set_func; char *get_func; const char *getcast = ""; const char *setcast = ""; char *to_free = NULL; set_func = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_set_%s", prop->gtktype); g_strdown (set_func); get_func = g_strdup_printf ("g_value_get_%s", prop->gtktype); g_strdown (get_func); if (strcmp (prop->gtktype, "FLAGS") == 0) { setcast = "(guint) "; getcast = to_free = get_prop_enum_flag_cast (prop); } else if (strcmp (prop->gtktype, "ENUM") == 0) { setcast = "(gint) "; getcast = to_free = get_prop_enum_flag_cast (prop); } set = g_strdup_printf("%s->%s = %s%s (VAL);", root, prop->name, getcast, get_func); get = g_strdup_printf("%s (VAL, %s%s->%s);", set_func, setcast, root, prop->name); g_free (get_func); g_free (set_func); g_free (to_free); } node_set (node, "get:steal", get, "get_line", prop->line_no, "set:steal", set, "set_line", prop->line_no, NULL); } if (prop->export) { export_accessors (prop->name, prop->get != NULL, prop->get_line, prop->set != NULL, prop->set_line, prop->ptype, prop->gtktype, prop->line_no); } } static char * debool (char *s) { if (strcmp (s, "BOOL") == 0) { error_print (GOB_WARN, line_no, _("BOOL type is deprecated, please use BOOLEAN")); g_free (s); return g_strdup ("BOOLEAN"); } else { return s; } } static void ensure_property (void) { if (property == NULL) property = (Property *)node_new (PROPERTY_NODE, NULL); } %} %union { char *id; GString *cbuf; GList *list; int line; int sigtype; } %token CLASS FROM %token CONST VOID STRUCT UNION ENUM THREEDOTS %token SIGNED UNSIGNED LONG SHORT INT FLOAT DOUBLE CHAR %token TOKEN NUMBER TYPETOKEN ARRAY_DIM SINGLE_CHAR %token CCODE HTCODE PHCODE HCODE ACODE ATCODE STRING %token PUBLIC PRIVATE PROTECTED CLASSWIDE PROPERTY ARGUMENT %token VIRTUAL SIGNAL OVERRIDE %token NICK BLURB MAXIMUM MINIMUM DEFAULT_VALUE ERROR FLAGS TYPE %token FLAGS_TYPE ENUM_TYPE PARAM_TYPE BOXED_TYPE OBJECT_TYPE %% prog: ccodes class ccodes { ; } | class ccodes { ; } | ccodes class { ; } | class { ; } ; ccode: CCODE { Node *node = node_new (CCODE_NODE, "cctype", C_CCODE, "cbuf:steal", ($1)->str, "line_no", ccode_line, NULL); nodes = g_list_append(nodes,node); g_string_free($1,FALSE); } | HCODE { Node *node = node_new (CCODE_NODE, "cctype", H_CCODE, "cbuf:steal", ($1)->str, "line_no", ccode_line, NULL); nodes = g_list_append(nodes,node); g_string_free($1,FALSE); } | HTCODE { Node *node = node_new (CCODE_NODE, "cctype", HT_CCODE, "cbuf:steal", ($1)->str, "line_no", ccode_line, NULL); nodes = g_list_append(nodes,node); g_string_free($1,FALSE); } | PHCODE { Node *node = node_new (CCODE_NODE, "cctype", PH_CCODE, "cbuf:steal", ($1)->str, "line_no", ccode_line, NULL); nodes = g_list_append(nodes,node); g_string_free($1,FALSE); } | ACODE { Node *node = node_new (CCODE_NODE, "cctype", A_CCODE, "cbuf:steal", ($1)->str, "line_no", ccode_line, NULL); nodes = g_list_append(nodes,node); g_string_free($1,FALSE); } | ATCODE { Node *node = node_new (CCODE_NODE, "cctype", AT_CCODE, "cbuf:steal", ($1)->str, "line_no", ccode_line, NULL); nodes = g_list_append(nodes,node); g_string_free($1,FALSE); } ; ccodes: ccodes ccode { ; } | ccodes enumcode { ; } | ccodes flagcode { ; } | ccodes errorcode { ; } | ccode { ; } | enumcode { ; } | flagcode { ; } | errorcode { ; } ; class: classdec '{' classcode '}' { ((Class *)class)->nodes = class_nodes; class_nodes = NULL; nodes = g_list_append(nodes,class); } | classdec '{' '}' { ((Class *)class)->nodes = NULL; class_nodes = NULL; nodes = g_list_append(nodes,class); } ; classdec: CLASS TYPETOKEN FROM TYPETOKEN classflags { class = node_new (CLASS_NODE, "otype:steal", $2, "ptype:steal", $4, "bonobo_object_class:steal", bonobo_object_class, "interfaces:steal", interfaces, "chunk_size:steal", chunk_size, NULL); bonobo_object_class = NULL; chunk_size = NULL; interfaces = NULL; } ; classflags: | '(' TOKEN TOKEN ')' classflags { if(strcmp($2,"chunks") == 0) { g_free (chunk_size); chunk_size = g_strdup($3); } else if(strcmp($2,"BonoboObject") == 0) { g_free (bonobo_object_class); bonobo_object_class = g_strdup($3); } else { yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | '(' TOKEN TYPETOKEN ')' classflags { if (strcmp ($2, "interface") == 0) { interfaces = g_list_append (interfaces, g_strdup ($3)); } else { yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | '(' TOKEN NUMBER ')' classflags { if(strcmp($2,"chunks") == 0) { g_free (chunk_size); if(atoi($3) != 0) chunk_size = g_strdup($3); else chunk_size = NULL; } else { yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } ; classcode: classcode thing { ; } | thing { ; } ; thing: method { ; } | TOKEN method { if (strcmp ($1, "BonoboObject") != 0) { g_free ($1); yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free ($1); last_added_method->bonobo_object_func = TRUE; } | TOKEN TYPETOKEN method { if (strcmp ($1, "interface") != 0) { g_free ($1); g_free ($2); yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free ($1); node_set ((Node *)last_added_method, "interface:steal", $2, NULL); } | variable { ; } | argument { ; } | property { ; } | ';' { ; } ; scope: PUBLIC { the_scope = PUBLIC_SCOPE; } | PRIVATE { the_scope = PRIVATE_SCOPE; } | PROTECTED { the_scope = PROTECTED_SCOPE; } | CLASSWIDE { the_scope = CLASS_SCOPE; } ; destructor: TOKEN TOKEN { if (strcmp ($1, "destroywith") == 0) { g_free ($1); destructor_unref = FALSE; destructor = $2; destructor_line = line_no; destructor_simple = TRUE; } else if (strcmp ($1, "unrefwith") == 0) { g_free ($1); destructor_unref = TRUE; destructor = $2; destructor_line = line_no; destructor_simple = TRUE; } else { g_free ($1); g_free ($2); yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | TOKEN '{' CCODE { if (strcmp ($1, "destroy") == 0) { g_free($1); destructor_unref = FALSE; destructor = ($3)->str; g_string_free($3, FALSE); destructor_line = ccode_line; destructor_simple = FALSE; } else if (strcmp ($1, "unref") == 0) { g_free ($1); destructor_unref = TRUE; destructor = ($3)->str; g_string_free ($3, FALSE); destructor_line = ccode_line; destructor_simple = FALSE; } else { g_free ($1); g_string_free ($3, TRUE); yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } ; initializer: '=' numtok { initializer = $2; initializer_line = ccode_line; } | '=' '{' CCODE { initializer = ($3)->str; initializer_line = ccode_line; g_string_free($3, FALSE); } ; varoptions: destructor initializer { ; } | initializer destructor { ; } | initializer { destructor = NULL; } | destructor { initializer = NULL; } | { destructor = NULL; initializer = NULL; } ; variable: scope type TOKEN varoptions ';' { push_variable($3, the_scope,$1, NULL); } | scope type TOKEN ARRAY_DIM varoptions ';' { push_variable($3, the_scope, $1, $4); } ; argument: ARGUMENT flags argtype TOKEN export TOKEN '{' CCODE TOKEN '{' CCODE ';' { Node *node = NULL; if(strcmp($6,"get")==0 && strcmp($9,"set")==0) { Type *type = pop_type(); g_free ($6); g_free ($9); node = node_new (ARGUMENT_NODE, "gtktype:steal", $3, "atype:steal", type, "flags:steal", $2, "name:steal", $4, "get:steal", ($8)->str, "get_line", $7, "set:steal", ($11)->str, "set_line", $10, "line_no", $1, NULL); class_nodes = g_list_append(class_nodes,node); g_string_free ($8, FALSE); g_string_free ($11, FALSE); } else if(strcmp($6,"set")==0 && strcmp($9,"get")==0) { Type *type = pop_type(); g_free ($6); g_free ($9); node = node_new (ARGUMENT_NODE, "gtktype:steal", $3, "atype:steal", type, "flags:steal", $2, "name:steal", $4, "get:steal", ($11)->str, "get_line", $10, "set:steal", ($8)->str, "set_line", $7, "line_no", $1, NULL); g_string_free ($11, FALSE); g_string_free ($8, FALSE); class_nodes = g_list_append(class_nodes,node); } else { g_free ($3); g_free ($4); g_free ($6); g_free ($9); g_list_foreach ($2, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free ($2); g_string_free ($11, TRUE); g_string_free ($8, TRUE); yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } if ($5 != NULL) { Argument *arg = (Argument *)node; export_accessors (arg->name, arg->get != NULL, arg->get_line, arg->set != NULL, arg->set_line, arg->atype, arg->gtktype, arg->line_no); g_free ($5); } } | ARGUMENT flags argtype TOKEN export TOKEN '{' CCODE ';' { Node *node = NULL; if(strcmp($6, "get") == 0) { Type *type = pop_type(); g_free ($6); node = node_new (ARGUMENT_NODE, "gtktype:steal", $3, "atype:steal", type, "flags:steal", $2, "name:steal", $4, "get:steal", ($8)->str, "get_line", $7, "line_no", $1, NULL); g_string_free ($8, FALSE); class_nodes = g_list_append(class_nodes, node); } else if(strcmp($6, "set") == 0) { Type *type = pop_type(); g_free ($6); node = node_new (ARGUMENT_NODE, "gtktype:steal", $3, "atype:steal", type, "flags:steal", $2, "name:steal", $4, "set:steal", ($8)->str, "set_line", $7, "line_no", $1, NULL); g_string_free ($8, FALSE); class_nodes = g_list_append (class_nodes, node); } else { g_free ($6); g_free ($3); g_free ($4); g_list_foreach ($2, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free ($2); g_string_free ($8, TRUE); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } if ($5 != NULL) { Argument *arg = (Argument *)node; export_accessors (arg->name, arg->get != NULL, arg->get_line, arg->set != NULL, arg->set_line, arg->atype, arg->gtktype, arg->line_no); g_free ($5); } } | ARGUMENT flags argtype TOKEN export TOKEN { Node *node; char *get, *set = NULL; Variable *var; Type *type; const char *root; if(strcmp($6, "link")!=0 && strcmp($6, "stringlink")!=0 && strcmp($6, "objectlink")!=0) { g_free($6); g_free($3); g_free($4); g_list_foreach($2,(GFunc)g_free,NULL); g_list_free($2); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } type = pop_type(); var = find_var_or_die($4, $1); if(var->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) { root = "self->_priv"; } else if(var->scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { root = "SELF_GET_CLASS(self)"; if(no_self_alias) error_print(GOB_ERROR, $1, _("Self aliases needed when autolinking to a classwide member")); } else { root = "self"; } if(strcmp($6, "link")==0) { set = g_strdup_printf("%s->%s = ARG;", root, $4); } else if(strcmp($6, "stringlink")==0) { set = g_strdup_printf("g_free (%s->%s); " "%s->%s = g_strdup (ARG);", root, $4, root, $4); } else if(strcmp($6, "objectlink")==0) { set = g_strdup_printf( "if (ARG != NULL) " "g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (ARG)); " "if (%s->%s != NULL) " "g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (%s->%s)); " "%s->%s = ARG;", root, $4, root, $4, root, $4); } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } get = g_strdup_printf("ARG = %s->%s;", root, $4); g_free ($6); if (type == NULL) type = (Type *)node_copy ((Node *)var->vtype); node = node_new (ARGUMENT_NODE, "gtktype:steal", $3, "atype:steal", type, "flags:steal", $2, "name:steal", $4, "get:steal", get, "get_line", $1, "set:steal", set, "set_line", $1, "line_no", $1, NULL); if ($5 != NULL) { Argument *arg = (Argument *)node; export_accessors (arg->name, arg->get != NULL, arg->get_line, arg->set != NULL, arg->set_line, arg->atype, arg->gtktype, arg->line_no); g_free ($5); } class_nodes = g_list_append (class_nodes, node); } ; export: '(' TOKEN ')' { if (strcmp ($2, "export")!=0) { g_free ($2); yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; property: PROPERTY TOKEN TOKEN param_spec TOKEN '{' CCODE TOKEN '{' CCODE ';' { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "line_no", $1, "gtktype:steal", debool ($2), "name:steal", $3, NULL); if (strcmp ($5, "get") == 0 && strcmp ($8, "set") == 0) { node_set ((Node *)property, "get:steal", ($7)->str, "get_line", $6, "set:steal", ($10)->str, "set_line", $9, NULL); g_string_free ($7, FALSE); g_string_free ($10, FALSE); g_free ($5); g_free ($8); } else if (strcmp ($5, "set") == 0 && strcmp ($8, "get") == 0) { node_set ((Node *)property, "get:steal", ($10)->str, "get_line", $9, "set:steal", ($7)->str, "set_line", $6, NULL); g_string_free ($7, FALSE); g_string_free ($10, FALSE); g_free ($5); g_free ($8); } else { g_string_free ($7, TRUE); g_string_free ($10, TRUE); g_free ($5); g_free ($8); node_free ((Node *)property); property = NULL; yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } property_link_and_export ((Node *)property); if (property != NULL) { class_nodes = g_list_append (class_nodes, property); property = NULL; } } | PROPERTY TOKEN TOKEN param_spec TOKEN '{' CCODE ';' { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "line_no", $1, "gtktype:steal", debool ($2), "name:steal", $3, NULL); if (strcmp ($5, "get") == 0) { node_set ((Node *)property, "get:steal", ($7)->str, "get_line", $6, NULL); g_string_free ($7, FALSE); g_free ($5); } else if (strcmp ($5, "set") == 0) { node_set ((Node *)property, "set:steal", ($7)->str, "set_line", $6, NULL); g_string_free ($7, FALSE); g_free ($5); } else { g_string_free ($7, TRUE); g_free ($5); node_free ((Node *)property); property = NULL; yyerror (_("parse error")); YYERROR; } property_link_and_export ((Node *)property); if (property != NULL) { class_nodes = g_list_append (class_nodes, property); property = NULL; } } | PROPERTY TOKEN TOKEN param_spec ';' { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "line_no", $1, "gtktype:steal", debool ($2), "name:steal", $3, NULL); property_link_and_export ((Node *)property); if (property != NULL) { class_nodes = g_list_append (class_nodes, property); property = NULL; } } ; param_spec: '(' param_spec_list ')' { ; } | { ; } ; param_spec_list: param_spec_list ',' param_spec_value { ; } | param_spec_value { ; } ; string: STRING { $$ = $1; } | TOKEN '(' STRING ')' { if (strcmp ($1, "_") != 0) { g_free ($1); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free ($1); $$ = g_strconcat ("_(", $3, ")", NULL); g_free ($3); } ; anyval: numtok { $$ = $1; } | string { $$ = $1; } ; param_spec_value: NICK '=' string { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "nick:steal", $3, NULL); } | BLURB '=' string { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "blurb:steal", $3, NULL); } | MAXIMUM '=' numtok { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "maximum:steal", $3, NULL); } | MINIMUM '=' numtok { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "minimum:steal", $3, NULL); } | DEFAULT_VALUE '=' anyval { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "default_value:steal", $3, NULL); } | FLAGS '=' flaglist { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "flags:steal", $3, NULL); } | TYPE '=' type { Type *type = pop_type (); ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "ptype:steal", type, NULL); } | FLAGS_TYPE '=' TYPETOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | FLAGS_TYPE '=' TOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | ENUM_TYPE '=' TYPETOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | ENUM_TYPE '=' TOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | PARAM_TYPE '=' TYPETOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | PARAM_TYPE '=' TOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | BOXED_TYPE '=' TYPETOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | BOXED_TYPE '=' TOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | OBJECT_TYPE '=' TYPETOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | OBJECT_TYPE '=' TOKEN { ensure_property (); node_set ((Node *)property, "extra_gtktype:steal", $3, NULL); } | TOKEN { ensure_property (); if (strcmp ($1, "link") == 0) { g_free($1); node_set ((Node *)property, "link", TRUE, NULL); } else if (strcmp ($1, "export") == 0) { g_free($1); node_set ((Node *)property, "export", TRUE, NULL); } else { g_free($1); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } ; argtype: TOKEN '(' TOKEN type ')' { if(strcmp($3,"type")!=0) { g_free($1); g_free($3); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } $$ = debool ($1); } | TOKEN { $$ = debool ($1); typestack = g_list_prepend(typestack,NULL); } ; flags: '(' flaglist ')' { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; flaglist: TOKEN '|' flaglist { $$ = g_list_append($3,$1); } | TOKEN { $$ = g_list_append(NULL,$1); } ; type: specifier_list pointer { Node *node = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name:steal", $1, "pointer:steal", $2, NULL); typestack = g_list_prepend(typestack,node); } | specifier_list { Node *node = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name:steal", $1, NULL); typestack = g_list_prepend(typestack,node); } ; /* The special cases are neccessary to avoid conflicts */ specifier_list: spec_list { $$ = $1; } | TOKEN { $$ = $1; } | CONST TOKEN { $$ = g_strconcat("const ", $2, NULL); g_free($2); } | TOKEN CONST { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " const", NULL); g_free($1); } | strunionenum TOKEN { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " ", $2, NULL); g_free($2); } | CONST strunionenum TOKEN { $$ = g_strconcat("const ", $2, " ", $3, NULL); g_free($3); } | strunionenum TOKEN CONST { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " ", $2, " const", NULL); g_free($2); } ; /* The special const cases take care of conflicts ! */ spec_list: specifier spec_list { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " ", $2, NULL); g_free($2); } | TYPETOKEN spec_list { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " ", $2, NULL); g_free($1); g_free($2); } | CONST spec_list { $$ = g_strconcat("const ", $2, NULL); g_free($2); } | TYPETOKEN { $$ = $1; } | TYPETOKEN CONST { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " const", NULL); g_free($1); } | specifier { $$ = g_strdup($1); } | specifier CONST { $$ = g_strconcat($1, " const", NULL); } ; specifier: VOID { $$ = "void"; } | CHAR { $$ = "char"; } | SHORT { $$ = "short"; } | INT { $$ = "int"; } | LONG { $$ = "long"; } | FLOAT { $$ = "float"; } | DOUBLE { $$ = "double"; } | SIGNED { $$ = "signed"; } | UNSIGNED { $$ = "unsigned"; } ; strunionenum: STRUCT { $$ = "struct"; } | UNION { $$ = "union"; } | ENUM { $$ = "enum"; } ; pointer: '*' { $$ = g_strdup("*"); } | '*' CONST { $$ = g_strdup("* const"); } | '*' pointer { $$ = g_strconcat("*", $2, NULL); g_free($2); } | '*' CONST pointer { $$ = g_strconcat("* const", $3, NULL); g_free($3); } ; /* this never sets the_scope */ simplesigtype: TOKEN sigtype { if(strcmp($1, "first")==0) $$ = SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD; else if(strcmp($1, "last")==0) $$ = SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD; else { yyerror(_("signal must be 'first' or 'last'")); g_free($1); YYERROR; } g_free($1); } | sigtype { $$ = SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD; } ; /* this always sets the_scope */ fullsigtype: scope TOKEN sigtype { if(strcmp($2,"first")==0) $$ = SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD; else if(strcmp($2,"last")==0) $$ = SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD; else { yyerror(_("signal must be 'first' or 'last'")); g_free($2); YYERROR; } g_free($2); } | TOKEN scope sigtype { if(strcmp($1,"first")==0) $$ = SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD; else if(strcmp($1,"last")==0) $$ = SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD; else { yyerror(_("signal must be 'first' or 'last'")); g_free($1); YYERROR; } g_free($1); } | scope sigtype { $$ = SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD; } | simplesigtype { /* the_scope was default thus public */ the_scope = PUBLIC_SCOPE; } ; sigtype: TOKEN '(' tokenlist ')' { gtktypes = g_list_prepend(gtktypes, debool ($1)); } ; tokenlist: tokenlist ',' TOKEN { gtktypes = g_list_append(gtktypes, debool ($3)); } | TOKEN { gtktypes = g_list_append(gtktypes, debool ($1)); } ; codenocode: '{' CCODE { $$ = $2; } | ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; /*here CCODE will include the ending '}' */ method: SIGNAL flags fullsigtype type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { if(!has_self) { yyerror(_("signal without 'self' as " "first parameter")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } if(the_scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { yyerror(_("a method cannot be of class scope")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } push_function(the_scope, $3,NULL, $5, $10,$1, ccode_line, vararg, $2); } | scope SIGNAL flags simplesigtype type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { if(!has_self) { yyerror(_("signal without 'self' as " "first parameter")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } if(the_scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { yyerror(_("a method cannot be of class scope")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } push_function(the_scope, $4, NULL, $6, $11, $2, ccode_line, vararg, $3); } | VIRTUAL scope type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { if(!has_self) { yyerror(_("virtual method without 'self' as " "first parameter")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } if(the_scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { yyerror(_("a method cannot be of class scope")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } push_function(the_scope, VIRTUAL_METHOD, NULL, $4, $9, $1, ccode_line, vararg, NULL); } | scope VIRTUAL type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { if(!has_self) { yyerror(_("virtual method without 'self' as " "first parameter")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } if(the_scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { yyerror(_("a method cannot be of class scope")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } push_function(the_scope, VIRTUAL_METHOD, NULL, $4, $9, $2, ccode_line, vararg, NULL); } | VIRTUAL type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { if(!has_self) { yyerror(_("virtual method without 'self' as " "first parameter")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } push_function(PUBLIC_SCOPE, VIRTUAL_METHOD, NULL, $3, $8, $1, ccode_line, vararg, NULL); } | OVERRIDE '(' TYPETOKEN ')' type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { push_function(NO_SCOPE, OVERRIDE_METHOD, $3, $6, $11, $1, ccode_line, vararg, NULL); } | scope type TOKEN '(' funcargs ')' returnvals codenocode { if(the_scope == CLASS_SCOPE) { yyerror(_("a method cannot be of class scope")); free_all_global_state(); YYERROR; } push_function(the_scope, REGULAR_METHOD, NULL, $3, $8, $1, ccode_line, vararg, NULL); } | TOKEN '(' TOKEN ')' codenocode { if(strcmp($1, "init")==0) { push_init_arg($3,FALSE); push_function(NO_SCOPE, INIT_METHOD, NULL, $1, $5, $2, ccode_line, FALSE, NULL); } else if(strcmp($1, "class_init")==0) { push_init_arg($3,TRUE); push_function(NO_SCOPE, CLASS_INIT_METHOD, NULL, $1, $5, $2, ccode_line, FALSE, NULL); } else { g_free($1); g_free($3); g_string_free($5,TRUE); yyerror(_("parse error " "(untyped blocks must be init or " "class_init)")); YYERROR; } } ; returnvals: TOKEN retcode { g_free(onerror); onerror = NULL; g_free(defreturn); defreturn = NULL; if(!set_return_value($1, $2)) { g_free($1); g_free($2); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free($1); } | TOKEN retcode TOKEN retcode { g_free(onerror); onerror = NULL; g_free(defreturn); defreturn = NULL; if(!set_return_value($1, $2)) { g_free($1); g_free($2); g_free($3); g_free($4); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } if(!set_return_value($3, $4)) { onerror = defreturn = NULL; g_free($1); g_free($2); g_free($3); g_free($4); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free($1); g_free($3); } | { g_free(onerror); onerror = NULL; g_free(defreturn); defreturn = NULL; } ; retcode: numtok { $$ = $1; } | '{' CCODE { $$ = ($2)->str; g_string_free($2, FALSE); } ; funcargs: VOID { vararg = FALSE; has_self = FALSE; } | TOKEN { vararg = FALSE; has_self = TRUE; if(strcmp($1,"self")==0) push_self($1, FALSE); else { g_free($1); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | TOKEN CONST { vararg = FALSE; has_self = TRUE; if(strcmp($1,"self")==0) push_self($1, TRUE); else { g_free($1); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | CONST TOKEN { vararg = FALSE; has_self = TRUE; if(strcmp($2,"self")==0) push_self($2, TRUE); else { g_free($2); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | TOKEN ',' arglist { has_self = TRUE; if(strcmp($1,"self")==0) push_self($1, FALSE); else { g_free($1); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | TOKEN CONST ',' arglist { has_self = TRUE; if(strcmp($1,"self")==0) push_self($1, TRUE); else { g_free($1); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | CONST TOKEN ',' arglist { has_self = TRUE; if(strcmp($2,"self")==0) push_self($2, TRUE); else { g_free($2); yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } } | arglist { has_self = FALSE; } ; arglist: arglist1 ',' THREEDOTS { vararg = TRUE; } | arglist1 { vararg = FALSE; } ; arglist1: arglist1 ',' arg { ; } | arg { ; } ; arg: type TOKEN { push_funcarg($2,NULL); } | type TOKEN ARRAY_DIM { push_funcarg($2,$3); } | type TOKEN '(' TOKEN checklist ')' { if(strcmp($4,"check")!=0) { yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free($4); push_funcarg($2,NULL); } | type TOKEN ARRAY_DIM '(' TOKEN checklist ')' { if(strcmp($5,"check")!=0) { yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free($5); push_funcarg($2,$3); } ; checklist: checklist check { ; } | check { ; } ; check: TOKEN { if(strcmp($1,"type")==0) { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", TYPE_CHECK, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } else if(strcmp($1,"null")==0) { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", NULL_CHECK, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } else { yyerror(_("parse error")); YYERROR; } g_free($1); } | '>' numtok { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", GT_CHECK, "number:steal", $2, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } | '<' numtok { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", LT_CHECK, "number:steal", $2, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } | '>' '=' numtok { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", GE_CHECK, "number:steal", $3, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } | '<' '=' numtok { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", LE_CHECK, "number:steal", $3, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } | '=' '=' numtok { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", EQ_CHECK, "number:steal", $3, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } | '!' '=' numtok { Node *node = node_new (CHECK_NODE, "chtype", NE_CHECK, "number:steal", $3, NULL); checks = g_list_append(checks,node); } ; enumcode: ENUM TOKEN '{' enumvals '}' TYPETOKEN ';' { Node *node = node_new (ENUMDEF_NODE, "etype:steal", $6, "prefix:steal", $2, "values:steal", enum_vals, NULL); enum_vals = NULL; nodes = g_list_append (nodes, node); } | ENUM TOKEN '{' enumvals ',' '}' TYPETOKEN ';' { Node *node = node_new (ENUMDEF_NODE, "etype:steal", $7, "prefix:steal", $2, "values:steal", enum_vals, NULL); enum_vals = NULL; nodes = g_list_append (nodes, node); } ; enumvals: enumvals ',' enumval {;} | enumval {;} ; enumval: TOKEN '=' numtok { Node *node; char *num = $3; /* A float value, that's a bad enum */ if (num[0] >= '0' && num[0] <= '9' && strchr (num, '.') != NULL) { g_free ($1); g_free (num); yyerror(_("parse error (enumerator value not integer constant)")); YYERROR; } node = node_new (ENUMVALUE_NODE, "name:steal", $1, "value:steal", num, NULL); enum_vals = g_list_append (enum_vals, node); } | TOKEN { Node *node; node = node_new (ENUMVALUE_NODE, "name:steal", $1, NULL); enum_vals = g_list_append (enum_vals, node); } ; flagcode: FLAGS TOKEN '{' flagvals '}' TYPETOKEN ';' { Node *node = node_new (FLAGS_NODE, "ftype:steal", $6, "prefix:steal", $2, "values:steal", flag_vals, NULL); flag_vals = NULL; nodes = g_list_append (nodes, node); } | FLAGS TOKEN '{' flagvals ',' '}' TYPETOKEN ';' { Node *node = node_new (FLAGS_NODE, "ftype:steal", $7, "prefix:steal", $2, "values:steal", flag_vals, NULL); flag_vals = NULL; nodes = g_list_append (nodes, node); } ; flagvals: flagvals ',' TOKEN { flag_vals = g_list_append (flag_vals, $3); } | TOKEN { flag_vals = g_list_append (flag_vals, $1); } ; errorcode: ERROR TOKEN '{' errorvals '}' TYPETOKEN ';' { Node *node = node_new (ERROR_NODE, "etype:steal", $6, "prefix:steal", $2, "values:steal", error_vals, NULL); error_vals = NULL; nodes = g_list_append (nodes, node); } | ERROR TOKEN '{' errorvals ',' '}' TYPETOKEN ';' { Node *node = node_new (ERROR_NODE, "etype:steal", $7, "prefix:steal", $2, "values:steal", error_vals, NULL); error_vals = NULL; nodes = g_list_append (nodes, node); } ; errorvals: errorvals ',' TOKEN { error_vals = g_list_append (error_vals, $3); } | TOKEN { error_vals = g_list_append (error_vals, $1); } ; numtok: NUMBER { $$ = $1; } | '-' NUMBER { $$ = g_strconcat("-",$2,NULL); g_free($2); } | SINGLE_CHAR { $$ = $1; } | TOKEN { $$ = $1; } ; %%