/* GOB C Preprocessor * Copyright (C) 1999 the Free Software Foundation. * * Author: George Lebl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #if 0 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "tree.h" #include "parse.h" #include "out.h" #include "main.h" char *filename = NULL; int yyparse(void); extern int yydebug; extern FILE * yyin; extern Node *class; extern GList *nodes; extern GList *include_files; char *filebase; static char *funcbase; static char *pfuncbase; static char *macrobase; static char *macrois; static char *macrotype; static char *typebase; static char *ptypebase; static int signals = 0; /* number of signals */ static int arguments = 0; /* number of named arguments */ static int overrides = 0; /* number of override functions */ static int privates = 0; /* number of private data members */ static gboolean made_aliases = FALSE; /* if we made any shorthand aliases and need the REALLY UGLY HACK to avoid warnings */ FILE *out = NULL; FILE *outh = NULL; FILE *outph = NULL; gboolean no_touch_headers = FALSE; gboolean for_cpp = FALSE; gboolean exit_on_warn = FALSE; gboolean exit_on_error = TRUE; gboolean got_error = FALSE; gboolean always_private_header = FALSE; gboolean no_private_header = FALSE; void print_error(int is_warn, char *error,int line) { char *w; if(is_warn) w = "Warning:"; else { w = "Error:"; got_error = TRUE; } if(line>0) fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s %s\n",filename,line,w,error); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s %s\n",filename,w,error); if((!is_warn || exit_on_warn) && exit_on_error) exit(1); } static char * remove_sep(char *base) { char *p; char *s = g_strdup(base); while((p=strchr(s,':'))) strcpy(p,p+1); return s; } static char * replace_sep(char *base, char r) { char *p; char *s = g_strdup(base); while((p=strchr(s,':'))) *p = r; if(*s == r) { p = g_strdup(s+1); g_free(s); return p; } return s; } /*separate the namespace part and then replace rest of separators with r*/ static void separns_replace_sep(char *base, char **ns, char **name, char r) { char *p; char *s = g_strdup(base); *ns = NULL; if((p=strchr(s,':')) && p!=s) { *p = '\0'; *ns = g_strdup(s); p = g_strdup(p+1); g_free(s); s = p; } while((p=strchr(s,':'))) *p = r; if(*s == r) { *name = g_strdup(s+1); g_free(s); } else *name = s; } /* make a macro with some prefix before the name but after namespace */ static char * make_pre_macro(char *base, char *pre) { char *s1,*s2; char *s; separns_replace_sep(base,&s1,&s2,'_'); if(s1) s = g_strconcat(s1,"_",pre,"_",s2,NULL); else s = g_strconcat(pre,"_",s2,NULL); g_strup(s); g_free(s1); g_free(s2); return s; } static void make_bases(void) { filebase = replace_sep(((Class *)class)->otype,'-'); g_strdown(filebase); funcbase = replace_sep(((Class *)class)->otype,'_'); g_strdown(funcbase); pfuncbase = replace_sep(((Class *)class)->ptype,'_'); g_strdown(pfuncbase); macrobase = replace_sep(((Class *)class)->otype,'_'); g_strup(macrobase); macrois = make_pre_macro(((Class *)class)->otype,"IS"); macrotype = make_pre_macro(((Class *)class)->otype,"TYPE"); typebase = remove_sep(((Class *)class)->otype); ptypebase = remove_sep(((Class *)class)->ptype); } static void print_type(FILE *fp, Type *t, gboolean postfix_to_stars) { char *s; int i; int extra; s = remove_sep(t->name); out_printf(fp,"%s ",s); g_free(s); extra = 0; if(postfix_to_stars) { char *p; /*XXX: this is ugly perhaps we can do this whole postfix thing in a nicer way, we just count the number of '[' s and from that we deduce the number of dimensions */ for(p=t->postfix; p && *p; p++) if(*p == '[') extra++; } for(i=0;i<(t->stars+extra);i++) out_printf(fp,"*"); } static void print_method(FILE *fp, char *typeprefix, char *nameprefix, char *namepostfix,char *postfix, Method *m, gboolean no_funcbase) { GList *li; out_printf(fp,"%s",typeprefix); print_type(fp,m->mtype,TRUE); if(no_funcbase) out_printf(fp,"%s%s%s(", nameprefix,m->id,namepostfix); else out_printf(fp,"%s%s_%s%s(", nameprefix,funcbase,m->id,namepostfix); if(m->args) { for(li=m->args;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *arg = li->data; print_type(fp,arg->atype,FALSE); if(li->next) out_printf(fp,"%s%s, ",arg->name, arg->atype->postfix? arg->atype->postfix:""); else out_printf(fp,"%s%s",arg->name, arg->atype->postfix? arg->atype->postfix:""); } if(m->vararg) out_printf(fp,", ..."); } else { out_printf(fp,"void"); } out_printf(fp,")%s",postfix); } static void make_method_pointers(Class *c) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)node; if(m->scope == INIT_METHOD || m->scope == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; /* in C++ mode don't alias new */ if(for_cpp && strcmp(m->id,"new")==0) continue; print_method(out,"static ","(* ",") ","",m,TRUE); out_printf(out," = %s_%s;\n",funcbase,m->id); made_aliases = TRUE; } } out_printf(out,"\n"); } static void add_bad_hack_to_avoid_unused_warnings(Class *c) { GList *li; /* if we haven't had any methods, just return */ if(!made_aliases) return; out_printf(out,"\n\n/*REALLY BAD HACK\n" " This is to avoid unused warnings if you don't call\n" " some method, it pollutes the namespace but the call\n" " is weird enough. I need to find a better way to do\n" " this */\n"); out_printf(out,"void __%s_really_bad_hack_to_avoid_warnings(void);\n", funcbase); out_printf(out,"void\n__%s_really_bad_hack_to_avoid_warnings(void)\n" "{\n",funcbase); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)node; if(m->scope == INIT_METHOD || m->scope == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; /* in C++ mode we don't alias new */ if(for_cpp && strcmp(m->id,"new")==0) continue; out_printf(out,"\t((void (*)(void))%s)();\n",m->id); } } out_printf(out,"}\n\n"); } static void put_variable(Variable *v, FILE *fp) { out_printf(fp,"\t"); print_type(fp,v->vtype,FALSE); out_printf(fp,"%s%s;\n",v->id, v->vtype->postfix? v->vtype->postfix:""); } static void put_vs_method(Method *m) { if(m->scope != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->scope != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && m->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && m->scope != VIRTUAL_METHOD && m->scope != PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD) return; print_method(outh,"\t","(* ",") ",";\n",m,TRUE); } static void put_pub_method(Method *m) { if(m->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE || m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD || m->scope == INIT_METHOD || m->scope == CLASS_INIT_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD) return; print_method(outh,"","\t","\t",";\n",m,FALSE); } static void put_priv_method_prot(Method *m) { if(m->scope == PUBLIC_SCOPE) return; if(m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD) { if(m->cbuf && *m->cbuf->str) print_method(out,"static ","_real_"," ",";\n",m,FALSE); print_method(out,"static ",""," ",";\n",m,FALSE); } else if(m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == VIRTUAL_METHOD) { if(!m->cbuf || !*m->cbuf->str) return; print_method(out,"static ","_real_"," ",";\n",m,FALSE); } else { print_method(out,"static ",""," ",";\n",m,FALSE); } } static GList * make_func_arg(char *typename, int is_class, char *name) { Node *node; Node *type; char *tn; if(is_class) tn = g_strconcat(typename,":Class",NULL); else tn = g_strdup(typename); type = new_type(1,tn,NULL); node = new_funcarg((Type *)type,name,NULL); return g_list_prepend(NULL, node); } static void make_inits(Class *cl) { int got_class_init = FALSE; int got_init = FALSE; GList *li; Node *node; for(li=cl->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == INIT_METHOD) { if(got_init) print_error(FALSE,"init defined more then once",m->line_no); got_init = TRUE; } else if(m->scope == CLASS_INIT_METHOD) { if(got_class_init) print_error(FALSE,"class_init defined more then once",m->line_no); got_class_init = TRUE; } } } if(!got_class_init) { node = new_method(CLASS_INIT_METHOD, (Type *)new_type(0,g_strdup("void"),NULL), NULL,NULL,g_strdup("class_init"), make_func_arg(cl->otype,TRUE,g_strdup("c")), NULL, NULL,0,0,FALSE); cl->nodes = g_list_prepend(cl->nodes,node); } if(!got_init) { node = new_method(INIT_METHOD, (Type *)new_type(0,g_strdup("void"),NULL), NULL,NULL,g_strdup("init"), make_func_arg(cl->otype,FALSE,g_strdup("o")), NULL, NULL,0,0,FALSE); cl->nodes = g_list_prepend(cl->nodes,node); } } static void make_destroy(Class *cl) { int got_destroy = FALSE; GList *li; Node *node; for(li=cl->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD && strcmp(m->id,"destroy")==0) { if(strcmp(m->otype,"Gtk:Object")==0) { got_destroy = TRUE; break; } else { print_error(FALSE,"destroy method override " "of class other then Gtk:Object", m->line_no); } } } } if(!got_destroy) { node = new_method(OVERRIDE_METHOD, (Type *)new_type(0,g_strdup("void"),NULL), g_strdup("Gtk:Object"), NULL,g_strdup("destroy"), make_func_arg("Gtk:Object",FALSE,g_strdup("o")), NULL, g_string_new("PARENT_HANDLER (o);\n"), 0,0,FALSE); cl->nodes = g_list_append(cl->nodes,node); overrides++; } } static GHashTable *marsh = NULL; static void add_signal_prots(Method *m) { GList *li; static int sig = 1; char *s; if(m->scope != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->scope != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && m->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) return; if(!marsh) marsh = g_hash_table_new(NULL,NULL); if(strcmp(m->gtktypes->data,"NONE")==0 && strcmp(m->gtktypes->next->data,"NONE")==0) return; s = g_strdup_printf("__Sig%d",sig++); g_hash_table_insert(marsh,m,s); out_printf(out,"\ntypedef "); print_type(out,m->mtype,TRUE); out_printf(out,"(*%s) (",s); for(li=m->args;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *arg = li->data; print_type(out,arg->atype,TRUE); out_printf(out,", "); } out_printf(out,"gpointer);\n"); out_printf(out,"\nstatic void\n" "marshal_%s (GtkObject * object,\n" "\tGtkSignalFunc func,\n" "\tgpointer func_data,\n" "\tGtkArg * args)\n" "{\n",s); if(strcmp(m->gtktypes->data,"NONE")==0) { int i; out_printf(out, "\t%s rfunc;\n\n" "\trfunc = (%s)func;\n\n" "\t(*rfunc)((%s *)object",s,s,typebase); if(strcmp(m->gtktypes->next->data,"NONE")!=0) { GList *ali = m->args->next; for(i=0,li=m->gtktypes->next;li; i++,li=g_list_next(li)) { if(!for_cpp || !ali) out_printf(out, ",\n\t\tGTK_VALUE_%s(args[%d])", (char *)li->data,i); else { FuncArg *fa = ali->data; out_printf(out, ",\n\t\t("); print_type(out,fa->atype,TRUE); out_printf(out, ")GTK_VALUE_%s(args[%d])", (char *)li->data,i); } if(ali) ali = ali->next; } } out_printf(out, ",\n\t\tfunc_data);\n}\n\n"); } else { int i; out_printf(out, "\t%s rfunc;\n\t",s); print_type(out,m->mtype,TRUE); out_printf(out, " *retval;\n\n" "\trfunc = (%s)func;\n\n" "\tretval = GTK_RETLOC_%s(args[%d]);\n\n" "\t*retval = (*rfunc)((%s *)object", s,(char *)m->gtktypes->data, g_list_length(m->gtktypes)-1,typebase); if(strcmp(m->gtktypes->next->data,"NONE")!=0) { GList *ali = m->args->next; for(i=0,li=m->gtktypes->next;li; i++,li=g_list_next(li)) { if(!for_cpp || !ali) out_printf(out, ",\n\t\tGTK_VALUE_%s(args[%d])", (char *)li->data,i); else { FuncArg *fa = ali->data; out_printf(out, ",\n\t\t("); print_type(out,fa->atype,TRUE); out_printf(out, ")GTK_VALUE_%s(args[%d])", (char *)li->data,i); } if(ali) ali = ali->next; } } out_printf(out, ",\n\t\tfunc_data);\n}\n\n"); } } static void add_enums(Class *c) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\n"); if(signals>0) { out_printf(out,"enum {\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) { char *s = g_strdup(m->id); g_strup(s); out_printf(out,"\t%s_SIGNAL,\n",s); g_free(s); } } } out_printf(out,"\tLAST_SIGNAL\n};\n\n"); } if(arguments>0) { out_printf(out,"enum {\n\tARG_0,\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; char *s = g_strdup(a->name); g_strup(s); out_printf(out,"\tARG_%s,\n",s); g_free(s); } } out_printf(out, "};\n\n"); } if(signals>0) out_printf(out, "static guint object_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = {0};\n\n"); out_printf(out, "static %sClass *parent_class = NULL;\n\n",ptypebase); } static void add_get_type(void) { out_printf(out, "guint\n" "%s_get_type (void)\n" "{\n" "\tstatic guint type = 0;\n\n" "\tif (!type) {\n" "\t\tstatic const GtkTypeInfo info = {\n" "\t\t\t\"%s\",\n" "\t\t\tsizeof (%s),\n" "\t\t\tsizeof (%sClass),\n" "\t\t\t(GtkClassInitFunc) %s_class_init,\n" "\t\t\t(GtkObjectInitFunc) %s_init,\n" "\t\t\t/* reserved_1 */ NULL,\n" "\t\t\t/* reserved_2 */ NULL,\n" "\t\t\t(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL,\n" "\t\t};\n\n" "\t\ttype = gtk_type_unique (%s_get_type(), &info);\n" "\t}\n\n" "\treturn type;\n" "}\n\n", funcbase,typebase,typebase,typebase, funcbase,funcbase,pfuncbase); } static void add_overrides(Class *c, char *oname, gboolean did_gtk_obj) { GList *li; GHashTable *done; char *s; done = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); if(did_gtk_obj) { s = g_strdup("GtkObject"); /* This was already done */ g_hash_table_insert(done,s,s); } for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; char *f; Method *m; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || ((Method *)n)->scope != OVERRIDE_METHOD) continue; m = (Method *)n; s = remove_sep(m->otype); if(g_hash_table_lookup(done,s)) { g_free(s); continue; } g_hash_table_insert(done,s,s); f = replace_sep(m->otype,'_'); g_strdown(f); out_printf(out,"\t%sClass *%s_class = (%sClass *)%s;\n", s,f,s,oname); g_free(f); } g_hash_table_foreach(done,(GHFunc)g_free,NULL); g_hash_table_destroy(done); } static void add_signals(Class *c) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m; char *mar; char *sig; int is_none; int last = FALSE; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || (((Method *)n)->scope != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD)) continue; m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) last = FALSE; else last = TRUE; if(g_hash_table_lookup(marsh,m)) mar = g_strconcat("marshal_", (char *)g_hash_table_lookup(marsh,m), NULL); else mar = g_strdup("gtk_signal_default_marshaller"); is_none = (strcmp(m->gtktypes->next->data,"NONE")==0); sig = g_strdup(m->id); g_strup(sig); out_printf(out,"\tobject_signals[%s_SIGNAL] =\n" "\t\tgtk_signal_new (\"%s\",\n" "\t\t\tGTK_RUN_%s,\n" "\t\t\tgtk_object_class->type,\n" "\t\t\tGTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (%sClass, %s),\n" "\t\t\t%s,\n" "\t\t\tGTK_TYPE_%s, %d", sig,m->id, last?"LAST":"FIRST", typebase,m->id,mar,(char *)m->gtktypes->data, is_none?0:g_list_length(m->gtktypes->next)); g_free(mar); g_free(sig); if(!is_none) { GList *l; for(l=m->gtktypes->next;l;l=g_list_next(l)) out_printf(out,",\n\t\t\tGTK_TYPE_%s", (char *)l->data); } out_printf(out,");\n"); } out_printf(out,"\tgtk_object_class_add_signals (gtk_object_class,\n" "\t\tobject_signals, LAST_SIGNAL);\n\n"); } static void set_def_handlers(Class *c, char *oname) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE || (((Method *)n)->scope != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != VIRTUAL_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD && ((Method *)n)->scope != OVERRIDE_METHOD)) continue; m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD) { char *s; s = replace_sep(m->otype,'_'); g_strdown(s); out_printf(out,"\t%s_class->%s = %s_%s;\n", s,m->id,funcbase,m->id); } else { if(m->cbuf && *m->cbuf->str) out_printf(out,"\t%s->%s = _real_%s_%s;\n", oname,m->id,funcbase,m->id); else out_printf(out,"\t%s->%s = NULL;\n", oname,m->id); } } } static void make_arguments(Class *c) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\n"); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Argument *a; GString *flags; GList *l; char *s; if(n->type != ARGUMENT_NODE) continue; a = (Argument *)n; if(a->get && a->set) flags = g_string_new("GTK_ARG_READWRITE"); else if(a->get) flags = g_string_new("GTK_ARG_READABLE"); else flags = g_string_new("GTK_ARG_WRITABLE"); for(l=a->flags;l;l=g_list_next(l)) g_string_sprintfa(flags," | GTK_ARG_%s",(char *)l->data); s = g_strdup(a->name); g_strup(s); out_printf(out,"\tgtk_object_add_arg_type(\"%s::%s\",\n" "\t\tGTK_TYPE_%s,\n" "\t\t%s,\n" "\t\tARG_%s);\n", typebase,a->name,a->gtktype,flags->str,s); g_free(s); g_string_free(flags,TRUE); } out_printf(out, "\n\tgtk_object_class->set_arg = __object_set_arg;\n" "\tgtk_object_class->get_arg = __object_get_arg;\n"); } static void add_inits(Class *c) { GList *li; for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Method *m; if(n->type != METHOD_NODE) continue; m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == INIT_METHOD) { if(m->line_no>0) out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"static ","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); if(m->line_no>0) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out,"{\n"); if(privates>0) { out_printf(out,"\t%s->_priv = " "g_new0 (%sPrivate,1);\n", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, typebase); } } else if(m->scope == CLASS_INIT_METHOD) { if(m->line_no>0) out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"static ","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); if(m->line_no>0) out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out,"{\n"); if(signals>0 || arguments>0) out_printf(out, "\tGtkObjectClass *" "gtk_object_class = " "(GtkObjectClass*) %s;\n", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); if(overrides>0) add_overrides(c, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, (signals>0 || arguments>0)); out_printf(out,"\n\tparent_class = "); if(for_cpp) out_printf(out,"(%sClass *)",ptypebase); out_printf(out,"gtk_type_class (%s_get_type ());\n", pfuncbase); if(signals>0) add_signals(c); set_def_handlers(c, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); if(arguments>0) make_arguments(c); } else continue; if(m->cbuf && *m->cbuf->str) { out_printf(out," {\n"); out_addline_infile(out,m->ccode_line); out_printf(out,"%s\n",m->cbuf->str); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out," }\n",m->cbuf->str); } else { out_printf(out,"return;\n"); } out_printf(out,"}\n"); } } static void add_getset_arg(Class *c, int is_set) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\nstatic void\n" "__object_%s_arg (GtkObject *object,\n" "\tGtkArg *arg,\n" "\tguint arg_id)\n" "{\n" "\t%s *self;\n\n" "\tself = %s (object);\n\n" "\tswitch (arg_id) {\n", is_set?"set":"get",typebase,macrobase); for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; Argument *a; char *s; GString *cbuf; int line_no; if(n->type != ARGUMENT_NODE) continue; a = (Argument *)n; if(is_set) { cbuf = a->set; line_no = a->set_line; } else { cbuf = a->get; line_no = a->get_line; } if(!cbuf) continue; s = g_strdup(a->name); g_strup(s); out_printf(out,"\tcase ARG_%s:\n" "#define ARG (GTK_VALUE_%s(*arg))\n" "\t\t{\n", s,a->gtktype); g_free(s); out_addline_infile(out,line_no); out_printf(out,"%s\n",cbuf->str); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out,"\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n" "#undef ARG\n"); } out_printf(out,"\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n}\n"); } static void print_checks(Method *m, FuncArg *fa) { GList *li; int is_void; is_void = (strcmp(m->mtype->name,"void")==0 && m->mtype->stars == 0); for(li=fa->checks;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Check *ch = li->data; char *s; if(is_void) out_printf(out,"\tg_return_if_fail ("); else out_printf(out,"\tg_return_val_if_fail ("); switch(ch->chtype) { case NULL_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s != NULL",fa->name); break; case TYPE_CHECK: s = make_pre_macro(fa->atype->name,"IS"); out_printf(out,"%s (%s)",s,fa->name); g_free(s); break; case LT_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s < %s",fa->name,ch->number); break; case GT_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s > %s",fa->name,ch->number); break; case LE_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s <= %s",fa->name,ch->number); break; case GE_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s >= %s",fa->name,ch->number); break; case EQ_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s == %s",fa->name,ch->number); break; case NE_CHECK: out_printf(out,"%s != %s",fa->name,ch->number); break; } if(is_void) out_printf(out,");\n"); else { out_printf(out,", ("); print_type(out,m->mtype,TRUE); out_printf(out,")%s);\n", m->onerror?m->onerror:"0"); } } } static void print_preconditions(Method *m) { GList *li; for(li=m->args;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; if(fa->checks) print_checks(m,fa); } } /* put in code if it's needed */ static void put_in_gen_code(Method *m) { /* now we only have the freeing of the private structure */ if(privates>0 && m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD && strcmp(m->id,"destroy")==0) { out_printf(out,"\tg_free (%s (%s)->_priv);\n" "\t%s (%s)->_priv = NULL;\n", macrobase, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, macrobase, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); } } static void print_method_body(Method *m, int pre) { out_printf(out,"{\n"); if(pre) print_preconditions(m); put_in_gen_code(m); out_printf(out,"\t{\n"); out_addline_infile(out,m->ccode_line); out_printf(out,"\t\t%s\n",m->cbuf->str); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out,"\t}\n"); out_printf(out,"}\n"); } static void put_method(Method *m) { char *s; int private = FALSE; int is_void; is_void = (strcmp(m->mtype->name,"void")==0 && m->mtype->stars == 0); out_printf(out,"\n"); switch(m->scope) { case PUBLIC_SCOPE: out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); print_method_body(m,TRUE); break; case PRIVATE_SCOPE: out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"static ","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); print_method_body(m,TRUE); break; case PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD: case PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD: private = TRUE; case SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD: case SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD: out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,private?"static ":"","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out,"{\n"); s = g_strdup(m->id); g_strup(s); if(strcmp(m->mtype->name,"void")==0 && m->mtype->stars==0) { GList *li; print_preconditions(m); if(((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name) out_printf(out,"\tgtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (%s),\n" "\t\tobject_signals[%s_SIGNAL]", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name,s); for(li=m->args->next;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; out_printf(out,",\n\t\t%s",fa->name); } out_printf(out,");\n}\n"); } else { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\t"); print_type(out,m->mtype,TRUE); out_printf(out,"return_val;\n"); print_preconditions(m); out_printf(out,"\tgtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (%s),\n" "\t\tobject_signals[%s_SIGNAL]", ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name,s); for(li=m->args->next;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; out_printf(out,",\n\t\t%s",fa->name); } out_printf(out,",\n\t\t&return_val);\n" "\treturn return_val;\n}\n"); } if(!m->cbuf || !*m->cbuf->str) break; out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"static ","\n_real_"," ","\n",m,FALSE); print_method_body(m,FALSE); break; case PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD: private = TRUE; case VIRTUAL_METHOD: out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,private?"static ":"","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); out_addline_outfile(out); out_printf(out,"{\n" "\t%sClass *klass;\n",typebase); print_preconditions(m); out_printf(out,"\tklass = %s_CLASS(GTK_OBJECT(%s)->klass);\n\n" "\tif(klass->%s)\n", macrobase, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name, m->id); if(strcmp(m->mtype->name,"void")==0 && m->mtype->stars==0) { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\t\t(*klass->%s)(%s",m->id, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); for(li=m->args->next;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; out_printf(out,",%s",fa->name); } out_printf(out,");\n}\n"); } else { GList *li; out_printf(out,"\t\treturn (*klass->%s)(%s",m->id, ((FuncArg *)m->args->data)->name); for(li=m->args->next;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { FuncArg *fa = li->data; out_printf(out,",%s",fa->name); } out_printf(out,");\n" "\telse\n" "\t\treturn ("); print_type(out,m->mtype,TRUE); out_printf(out,")(%s);\n}\n", m->onerror?m->onerror:"0"); } if(!m->cbuf || !*m->cbuf->str) break; out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"static ","\n_real_"," ","\n",m,FALSE); print_method_body(m,FALSE); break; case OVERRIDE_METHOD: out_addline_infile(out,m->line_no); print_method(out,"static ","\n"," ","\n",m,FALSE); s = replace_sep(m->otype,'_'); g_strup(s); if(is_void) { out_printf(out,"#define PARENT_HANDLER(args...) \\\n" "\t{ if(%s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s) \\\n" "\t\t(* %s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s)(##args); }\n", s,m->id,s,m->id); } else { out_printf(out,"#define PARENT_HANDLER(args...) \\\n" "\t((%s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s)? \\\n" "\t\t(* %s_CLASS(parent_class)->%s)(##args): \\\n" "\t\t(", s,m->id,s,m->id); out_printf(out,"("); print_type(out,m->mtype,TRUE); out_printf(out,")%s))\n", m->onerror?m->onerror:"0"); } g_free(s); print_method_body(m,TRUE); out_printf(out,"#undef PARENT_HANDLER\n"); break; default: break; } } static void check_duplicate(Class *c,Node *node,char *id, int line_no) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; char *nid; int nline_no; char *s; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; nid = m->id; nline_no = m->line_no; } else if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE) { Variable *v = (Variable *)n; nid = v->id; nline_no = v->line_no; } else continue; if(n==node || line_no>=nline_no || strcmp(nid,id)!=0 || n->type != node->type) continue; s = g_strdup_printf("symbol '%s' redefined, " "first defined on line %d", id,line_no); print_error(FALSE,s,nline_no); } } static void check_duplicate_symbols(Class *c) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; check_duplicate(c,n,m->id,m->line_no); } else if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE) { Variable *v = (Variable *)n; check_duplicate(c,n,v->id,v->line_no); } } } static void check_bad_symbols(Class *c) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if((m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == VIRTUAL_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD) && strcmp(m->id,"__parent__")==0) { char *s; s = g_strdup_printf("'%s' not allowed as an " "identifier of signal " "or virtual methods", m->id); print_error(FALSE,s,m->line_no); g_free(s); } } else if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE) { Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(strcmp(v->id,"_priv")==0 || strcmp(v->id,"__parent__")==0) { char *s; s = g_strdup_printf("'%s' not allowed as a data " "member name",v->id); print_error(FALSE,s,v->line_no); g_free(s); } } } } static void check_duplicate_named(Class *c,Node *node,char *id, int line_no) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; char *nid; int nline_no; char *s; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) { nid = m->id; nline_no = m->line_no; } else continue; } else if(n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; nid = a->name; nline_no = a->line_no; } else continue; if(n==node || line_no>=nline_no || strcmp(nid,id)!=0) continue; s = g_strdup_printf("named symbol (argument or signal) '%s' " "redefined, first defined on line %d", id,line_no); print_error(FALSE,s,nline_no); } } static void check_duplicate_signals_args(Class *c) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) check_duplicate_named(c,n,m->id,m->line_no); } else if(n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; check_duplicate_named(c,n,a->name,a->line_no); } } } static void check_public_new(Class *c) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope!=PUBLIC_SCOPE && strcmp(m->id,"new")==0) print_error(TRUE, "'new' should be a public method", m->line_no); } } } static void check_vararg(Class *c) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(!m->vararg) continue; if(m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == VIRTUAL_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD) { print_error(FALSE, "signals, overrides and virtuals, " "can't have variable argument " "lists", m->line_no); } } } } static void check_firstarg(Class *c) { GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->args) continue; if(m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == VIRTUAL_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_VIRTUAL_METHOD) { print_error(FALSE, "signals, overrides and virtuals, " "can't have no arguments", m->line_no); } } } } static int count_signals(Class *c) { int num = 0; GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD || m->scope == PRIVATE_SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) num++; } } return num; } static int count_arguments(Class *c) { int num = 0; GList *li; for(li=c->nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) num ++; } return num; } static int count_overrides(Class *c) { int num = 0; GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; if(m->scope == OVERRIDE_METHOD) num++; } } return num; } static int count_privates(Class *c) { int num = 0; GList *l; for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE) { Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(v->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) num++; } } return num; } static void open_files(void) { char *outfile,*outfileh,*outfileph; if(!for_cpp) outfile = g_strconcat(filebase,".c",NULL); else outfile = g_strconcat(filebase,".cc",NULL); if(no_touch_headers) outfileh = g_strconcat("#gob#",filebase,".h#gob#",NULL); else outfileh = g_strconcat(filebase,".h",NULL); if((privates>0 || always_private_header) && !no_private_header) outfileph = g_strconcat(filebase,"-private.h",NULL); else outfileph = NULL; out = fopen(outfile,"w"); if(!out) { g_error("Cannot open outfile: %s",outfile); } outh = fopen(outfileh,"w"); if(!outh) { g_error("Cannot open outfile: %s",outfileh); } if(outfileph) { outph = fopen(outfileph,"w"); if(!outph) { g_error("Cannot open outfile: %s",outfileh); } } } static void generate_outfiles(void) { char *p; GList *li; time_t curtime; gboolean found_header; time(&curtime); out_printf(outh,"/* Generated by GOB (v%s)" " (do not edit directly) */\n\n",VERSION); if(outph) out_printf(outph,"/* Generated by GOB (v%s)" " (do not edit directly) */\n\n",VERSION); out_printf(out,"/* Generated by GOB (v%s) on %s" " (do not edit directly) */\n\n",VERSION,ctime(&curtime)); p = replace_sep(((Class *)class)->otype,'_'); g_strup(p); out_printf(outh,"#ifndef __%s_H__\n#define __%s_H__\n\n" "#include \n\n",p,p); if(outph) out_printf(outph,"#ifndef __%s_PRIVATE_H__\n" "#define __%s_PRIVATE_H__\n\n" "#include \"%s.h\"\n\n",p,p,filebase); g_free(p); if(!for_cpp) { out_printf(outh,"#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern \"C\" {\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n\n"); if(outph) out_printf(outph,"#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern \"C\" {\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n\n"); } p = g_strconcat(filebase,".h",NULL); found_header = TRUE; if(!g_list_find_custom(include_files,p,(GCompareFunc)strcmp)) { out_printf(out,"#include \"%s.h\"\n\n",filebase); found_header = FALSE; } g_free(p); /* if we are creating a private header see if it was included */ if(outph) { p = g_strconcat(filebase,"-private.h",NULL); if(!g_list_find_custom(include_files,p,(GCompareFunc)strcmp)) { out_printf(out,"#include \"%s-private.h\"\n\n", filebase); if(found_header) print_error(TRUE, "Implicit private header include " "added to top of\n" "\tsource file, while public " "header is at a custom location, " "you should\n" "\texplicitly include " "the private header below the " "public one.", 0); } g_free(p); } for(li=nodes;li;li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *node = li->data; if(node->type == CCODE_NODE) { CCode *cc = (CCode *)node; FILE *fp; if(cc->header) { fp = outh; out_printf(fp,"\n"); } else { fp = out; out_printf(fp,"\n"); out_addline_infile(fp,cc->line_no); } out_printf(fp,"%s\n",cc->cbuf->str); if(!cc->header) out_addline_outfile(fp); } else if(node->type == CLASS_NODE) { Class *c = (Class *)class; GList *l; out_printf(outh,"\n#define %s\t" "(%s_get_type())\n", macrotype,funcbase); out_printf(outh,"#define %s(obj)\t" "GTK_CHECK_CAST((obj),%s_get_type(),%s)\n", macrobase,funcbase,typebase); out_printf(outh,"#define %s_CLASS(klass)\t" "GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass),%s_get_type(),%sClass)\n", macrobase,funcbase,typebase); out_printf(outh,"#define %s(obj)\t" "GTK_CHECK_TYPE((obj), %s_get_type ())\n\n", macrois,funcbase); if(privates>0) out_printf(outh,"\ntypedef struct _%sPrivate %sPrivate;\n",typebase,typebase); out_printf(outh,"\ntypedef struct _%s %s;\n",typebase,typebase); out_printf(outh,"struct _%s {\n\t%s __parent__;\n", typebase,ptypebase); for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == PUBLIC_SCOPE) put_variable((Variable *)n,outh); } if(privates>0) out_printf(outh,"\t%sPrivate *_priv;\n",typebase); out_printf(outh,"};\n"); if(privates>0) { FILE *outfp; /* if we are to stick this into the private header, otherwise stick it directly into the C file */ if(outph) outfp = outph; else outfp = out; out_printf(outfp,"struct _%sPrivate {\n", typebase); for(l=c->nodes;l;l=l->next) { Node *n = l->data; Variable *v = (Variable *)n; if(n->type == VARIABLE_NODE && v->scope == PRIVATE_SCOPE) { out_addline_infile(outfp,v->line_no); put_variable(v,outfp); } } out_addline_outfile(outfp); out_printf(outfp,"};\n"); } out_printf(outh,"\ntypedef struct _%sClass %sClass;\n", typebase,typebase); out_printf(outh, "struct _%sClass {\n\t%sClass __parent__;\n", typebase,ptypebase); for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) put_vs_method((Method *)n); } out_printf(outh,"};\n\n"); out_printf(outh,"guint\t%s_get_type\t(void);\n",funcbase); if(arguments>0) { out_printf(out,"static void __object_set_arg " "(GtkObject *object, GtkArg *arg, " "guint arg_id);\n" "static void __object_get_arg " "(GtkObject *object, GtkArg *arg, " "guint arg_id);\n"); } for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { put_pub_method((Method *)n); put_priv_method_prot((Method *)n); } } if(signals>0) { for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { add_signal_prots((Method *)n); } } } add_enums(c); add_get_type(); make_method_pointers(c); out_printf(out,"#define GET_NEW (gtk_type_new(%s_get_type()))\n", funcbase); add_inits(c); if(arguments>0) { add_getset_arg(c, TRUE); add_getset_arg(c, FALSE); } for(l=c->nodes;l;l=g_list_next(l)) { Node *n = l->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { put_method((Method *)n); } } out_printf(out,"#undef GET_NEW\n"); add_bad_hack_to_avoid_unused_warnings(c); } else g_assert_not_reached(); } if(!for_cpp) out_printf(outh,"\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "}\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n"); out_printf(outh,"\n#endif"); if(outph) { if(!for_cpp) out_printf(outph,"\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "}\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n"); out_printf(outph,"\n#endif"); } } #if 0 static void usage(poptContext optCon, int exitcode, char *error, char *addl) { poptPrintUsage(optCon, stderr, 0); if (error) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", error, addl); exit(exitcode); } #endif static void print_help(void) { fprintf(stderr,"Gob version %s\n\n",VERSION); fprintf(stderr,"Options:\n" "\t--help,-h,-? Display this help\n" "\t--exit-on-warn,-w Exit with an error on warnings\n" "\t--no-exit-on-warn Don't exit on warnings [default]\n" "\t--for-cpp Create C++ files\n" "\t--no-touch-headers Don't touch headers unless they " "really changed\n" "\t--always-private-header Always create a private header " "file, even if it would be empty\n" "\t--no-private-header Don't create a private header, " "put private structure inside c " "file\n"); } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int got_file = FALSE; int no_opts = FALSE; filename = NULL; for(i=1;i /dev/null",hf,hfnew); if(system(s)==0) { if(unlink(hfnew)!=0) print_error(FALSE,"Can't remove new header file",0); g_free(hfnew); g_free(hf); g_free(s); return; } g_free(s); if(unlink(hf)!=0) print_error(FALSE,"Can't remove old header file",0); } if(rename(hfnew,hf)!=0) print_error(FALSE,"Can't rename new header file",0); g_free(hfnew); g_free(hf); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #if 0 int c; poptContext optCon; struct poptOption optionsTable[] = { { "exit-on-warn", 'w', 0, &exit_on_warn, 0, "exit on warnings" }, POPT_AUTOHELP { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, argv, optionsTable, 0); poptSetOtherOptionHelp(optCon, "[OPTIONS]* [filename]"); while ((c = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) >= 0) ; filename = poptGetArg(optCon); if(!(poptPeekArg(optCon) == NULL)) usage(optCon, 1, "Specify only one file", ".e.g., filename.gob"); if (c < -1) { /* an error occurred during option processing */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(c)); return 1; } #endif parse_options(argc,argv); if(filename) { yyin = fopen(filename,"r"); if(!yyin) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: can't open file '%s'\n", filename); exit(1); } } else filename = "stdin"; /*yydebug = 1;*/ if(yyparse()!=0) g_error("Parsing errors, quitting"); if(!class) print_error(FALSE," no class defined",0); exit_on_error = FALSE; signals = count_signals((Class *)class); arguments = count_arguments((Class *)class); overrides = count_overrides((Class *)class); privates = count_privates((Class *)class); make_bases(); make_inits((Class *)class); if(privates>0) make_destroy((Class *)class); check_bad_symbols((Class *)class); check_duplicate_symbols((Class *)class); check_duplicate_signals_args((Class *)class); check_public_new((Class *)class); check_vararg((Class *)class); check_firstarg((Class *)class); exit_on_error = TRUE; if(got_error) exit(1); open_files(); generate_outfiles(); fclose(out); fclose(outh); if(no_touch_headers) compare_and_move_header(); #if 0 poptFreeContext(optCon); #endif return 0; }