%{ #include /* the next line is not mandatory, but if gob finds an include in one of the %{ %} sections above the class definitions, it will not put it in the file itself. So you can this way select where the include file is at */ #include "gtk-weird-button.h" static void jjjj(void); %} %h{ void bubu(void); %} class Gtk:Weird:Button from Gtk:Button { public int i; argument INT i set { self->i = ARG; } get { ARG = self->i; } ; private int j; public GtkWidget * h; public char *bleh; init(object) { GtkWeirdButton *but = GTK_WEIRD_BUTTON(object); but->i=0; } class_init(klass); public GtkWidget * new(int j (check > 0)) { GtkWidget *ret; ret = GTK_WIDGET (GET_NEW); GTK_WEIRD_BUTTON(ret)->_priv->j = j; return ret; } private int blah(self, Gtk:Widget * wid (check null type), int h (check > 0)) onerror -1 { gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(self),wid); return h; } signal last INT (POINTER, INT) int bleh(self, Gtk:Widget * wid (check null type), int h (check > 0)) { return blah(self,wid,h); } signal first NONE (NONE) void bloh(self); virtual void * bah(self, int h (check > 0)) onerror NULL { beh(self,h); return NULL; } virtual int beh(self, int h (check > 0)); override(Gtk:Container) void add(Gtk:Container * self (check null type), Gtk:Widget * wid (check null type)) { PARENT_HANDLER(self,wid); } public int consttest(self, const gchar *text, ...) { return 25; } signal private first NONE (NONE) void googlegoogle(self) { puts("TEST1"); googlegoogle2(self); } signal first private NONE (NONE) void googlegoogle2(self) { puts("TEST2"); testprivvirtual(self); } virtual private void testprivvirtual(self) { puts("TEST3"); googlegoogle(self); } } %{ static void jjjj(void) { } void bubu(void) { jjjj(); } %}