/* GOB C Preprocessor * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 the Free Software Foundation. * Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. * * Author: George Lebl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "treefuncs.h" #include "main.h" #include "util.h" void error_print(int type, int line, const char *error) { const char *w = NULL; const char *fname = NULL; switch(type) { case GOB_WARN: w = "Warning:"; if (exit_on_warn) got_error = TRUE; break; case GOB_ERROR: w = "Error:"; got_error = TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } fname = filename; if (fname == NULL) fname = "gob2"; if (line > 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s %s\n", fname, line, w, error); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s %s\n", fname, w, error); if (exit_on_error && got_error) exit(1); } void error_printf(int type, int line, const char *error, ...) { va_list ap; char *s; va_start(ap, error); s = g_strdup_vprintf(error, ap); va_end(ap); error_print(type, line, s); g_free(s); } char * remove_sep(const char *base) { char *p; char *s = g_strdup(base); char *q=s; /* don't eat C++ :: thingies */ if (for_cpp && strstr (s, "::") != NULL) return s; for(p=(char *)base;*p;p++){ if (*p!=':') *q++=*p; } *q='\0'; return s; } char * replace_sep(const char *base, char r) { char *p; char *s = g_strdup(base); /* don't eat C++ :: thingies */ if (for_cpp && strstr (s, "::") != NULL) return s; if (r == '\0') { while ((p=strchr(s,':')) != NULL) { char *t = p; while (*t != '\0') { *t = *(t+1); t++; } } } else { while ((p=strchr(s,':')) != NULL) *p = r; } if(*s == r) { p = g_strdup(s+1); g_free(s); return p; } return s; } /*separate the namespace part and then replace rest of separators with r*/ void separns_replace_sep(const char *base, char **ns, char **name, char r) { char *p; char *s = g_strdup(base); *ns = NULL; /* don't eat C++ :: thingies */ if (for_cpp && strstr (s, "::") != NULL) { *name = s; return; } if((p=strchr(s,':')) && p!=s) { *p = '\0'; *ns = g_strdup(s); p = g_strdup(p+1); g_free(s); s = p; } while((p=strchr(s,':'))) *p = r; if(*s == r) { *name = g_strdup(s+1); g_free(s); } else *name = s; } /* make a macro with some prefix before the name but after namespace */ char * make_pre_macro(const char *base, const char *pre) { char *ns, *name; char *s; char **v = NULL; if(strchr(base, ' ')) { int i; v = g_strsplit(base, " ", 0); for(i = 0; v[i] != NULL; i++) { if(*v[i] && strcmp(v[i], "const") != 0) { base = v[i]; break; } } } separns_replace_sep(base, &ns, &name, '_'); if(ns) s = g_strconcat(ns, "_", pre, "_", name,NULL); else s = g_strconcat(pre, "_", name, NULL); gob_strup (s); g_free(ns); g_free(name); g_strfreev(v); return s; } /* here we will find out how inconsistent gtk really is :) */ /* the commented out types mean that these types don't actually exist. so we "emulate them" with an equivalent */ typedef struct _OurGtkType OurGtkType; struct _OurGtkType { gboolean simple; char *gtkname; char *cast; char *type_name; char *type_pointer; int special; }; const OurGtkType our_gtk_type_table[] = { { TRUE, "NONE", "void ", "void", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "CHAR", "gchar ", "gchar", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "UCHAR", "guchar ", "guchar", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "UNICHAR", "gunichar ", "gunichar", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "BOOLEAN", "gboolean ", "gboolean", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "INT", "gint ", "gint", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "UINT", "guint ", "guint", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "LONG", "glong ", "glong", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "ULONG", "gulong ", "gulong", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "INT64", "gint64 ", "gint64", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "UINT64", "guint64 ", "guint64", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "ENUM", /*"enum"*/"gint ", "gint", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "FLAGS", /*"flags"*/"guint ", "guint", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "FLOAT", "gfloat ", "gfloat", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "DOUBLE", "gdouble ", "gdouble", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "STRING", /*"string"*/"gchar *", "gchar", "*", -1 }, { TRUE, "POINTER", "gpointer ", "gpointer", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "BOXED", /*"boxed"*/"gpointer ", "gpointer", NULL, -1 }, { TRUE, "OBJECT", "GObject *", "GObject", "*", -1 }, { TRUE, "PARAM", "GParamSpec *", "GParamSpec", "*", -1 }, /* FIXME: VALUE_ARRAY, CLOSURE */ /* Note that those have some issues with g_value_ calls etc... so * we can't just add them */ /* Do we need this??? */ #if 0 { FALSE, "SIGNAL", /*"GtkSignal"*/"___twopointertype ", SPECIAL_2POINTER }, { FALSE, "ARGS", /*"GtkArgs"*/"___intpointertype ", SPECIAL_INT_POINTER }, { FALSE, "CALLBACK", /*"GtkCallback"*/"___threepointertype ", SPECIAL_3POINTER }, { FALSE, "C_CALLBACK", /*"GtkCCallback"*/"___twopointertype ", SPECIAL_2POINTER }, { FALSE, "FOREIGN", /*"GtkForeign"*/"___twopointertype ", SPECIAL_2POINTER }, #endif { FALSE, NULL, NULL } }; static GHashTable *type_hash = NULL; static void init_type_hash(void) { int i; if(type_hash) return; type_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); for(i=0; our_gtk_type_table[i].gtkname; i++) g_hash_table_insert(type_hash, our_gtk_type_table[i].gtkname, (gpointer)&our_gtk_type_table[i]); } const char * get_cast (const char *type, gboolean simple_only) { OurGtkType *gtype; init_type_hash (); if(strncmp(type, "BOXED_", 6) == 0) gtype = g_hash_table_lookup (type_hash, "BOXED"); else gtype = g_hash_table_lookup (type_hash, type); if (gtype == NULL || (simple_only && ! gtype->simple)) return NULL; return gtype->cast; } Type * get_tree_type (const char *type, gboolean simple_only) { OurGtkType *gtype; Node *node; init_type_hash (); gtype = g_hash_table_lookup (type_hash, type); if (gtype == NULL || (simple_only && ! gtype->simple)) return NULL; node = node_new (TYPE_NODE, "name", gtype->type_name, "pointer", gtype->type_pointer, NULL); return (Type *)node; } static void mask_special_array (const char *type, gboolean *special_array, gboolean *any_special) { OurGtkType *gtype; init_type_hash(); gtype = g_hash_table_lookup(type_hash, type); if(gtype && gtype->special >= 0) { special_array[gtype->special] = TRUE; *any_special = TRUE; } } gboolean setup_special_array(Class *c, gboolean *special_array) { GList *li; gboolean any_special = FALSE; memset(special_array, 0, sizeof(gboolean)*SPECIAL_LAST); for(li=c->nodes; li; li=g_list_next(li)) { Node *n = li->data; if(n->type == METHOD_NODE) { Method *m = (Method *)n; GList *l; if(m->method != SIGNAL_LAST_METHOD && m->method != SIGNAL_FIRST_METHOD) continue; for(l=m->gtktypes; l; l=l->next) mask_special_array(l->data, special_array, &any_special); } else if(n->type == ARGUMENT_NODE) { Argument *a = (Argument *)n; mask_special_array(a->gtktype, special_array, &any_special); } } return any_special; } char * get_type (const Type *t, gboolean postfix_to_stars) { char *s; int i; int extra; GString *gs; s = remove_sep(t->name); gs = g_string_new(s); g_free(s); extra = 0; if (postfix_to_stars) { const char *p; /*XXX: this is ugly perhaps we can do this whole postfix thing in a nicer way, we just count the number of '[' s and from that we deduce the number of dimensions, so that we can print that many stars */ for (p = t->postfix; p && *p; p++) if(*p == '[') extra++; } g_string_append_c(gs, ' '); if (t->pointer != NULL) { g_string_append (gs, t->pointer); for (i=0; i < extra; i++) g_string_append_c (gs, '*'); g_string_append_c (gs, ' '); } return g_string_free (gs, FALSE); } char * gob_strup (char *str) { char *s; for (s = str; *s; s++) *s = g_ascii_toupper (*s); return str; } char * gob_strdown (char *str) { char *s; for (s = str; *s; s++) *s = g_ascii_tolower (*s); return str; } int gob_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { return g_ascii_strcasecmp(s1, s2); } char * gob_str_delete_quotes(char *str) { char *p, *i; p=i=str; while(*p!='\0') { if(*p=='\"') { p++; continue; } *i=*p; p++; i++; } *i=*p; return str; } char * make_me_type (const char *type, const char *alt) { if (type == NULL) return g_strdup (alt); /* HACK! just in case someone made this * work with 2.0.0 by using the TYPE * macro directly */ if ((strstr (type, "_TYPE_") != NULL || strstr (type, "TYPE_") == type) && strchr (type, ':') == NULL) return g_strdup (type); return make_pre_macro (type, "TYPE"); }