This document is intended to be a complete description of the function of the data files found in Moo2. Within a section, files should be sorted alphabetically. Content will be added as more is understood. Movies: These are not actual LBX archives, but simply renamed Smack! video files. libavcodec can decode these. amebafin.lbx - An amoeba floating in space. I've never seen this ingame. anatkfin.lbx - Antarans teleporting into our galaxy. anwinfin.lbx - Victory against the Antarans. dimtvfin.lbx - Teleporting to attack the antarans. genwinfn.lbx - You have won the game. intro.lbx - "This is Alpha Niner, calling science station Hermings." loserfin.lbx - You have lost the game. orionfin.lbx - Victory at Orion. plntdfin.lbx - Destruction of a planet. wininfin.lbx - Victory at the Galactic Council. Music: stream.lbx - The main music tracks in the game. streamhd.lbx - Short music tracks (audience screens, etc). Graphics: logo.lbx - Simtex and Microprose logo images. mainmenu.lbx - Graphics for the main menu. Use fonts.lbx.006 for palette. ships.lbx - Ship graphics. Use fonts.lbx.012 for the base palette. Every 50th image contains an override palette which will colour the ships for a particular player colour. science.lbx - Contains the mouse cursor and the textbox/swirling mist animations for tech screens. Use the mouse cursor image as the override palette for the other two. tanm_###.lbx - The spinning tech animations used on the tech screens. One file for each tech. There appears to be some data between the LBX header and the first file in the archive. sr_r#_XX.lbx - The background of tech screens. Three for each race: science, spying, and military. Uncatalogued: antarmsg.lbx antaroom.lbx app_pics.lbx beams.lbx billtext.lbx bldg0.lbx bldg1.lbx bldg2.lbx bldg3.lbx bldg4.lbx bldg5.lbx buffer0.lbx cmbtfgtr.lbx cmbtmisl.lbx cmbtplnt.lbx cmbtsfx.lbx cmbtshp.lbx colbldg.lbx colgcbt.lbx colony.lbx colony2.lbx colpups.lbx colpusp.lbx colroads.lbx colsum.lbx colsysdi.lbx colveggi.lbx combat.lbx confirm.lbx council.lbx councmsg.lbx credits.lbx custmstr.lbx design.lbx diplomat.lbx diplomse.lbx diplomsf.lbx diplomsg.lbx diplomss.lbx dipstars.lbx engmsg.lbx eventmse.lbx eventmsf.lbx eventmsg.lbx eventmss.lbx events.lbx filedata.lbx firepts.lbx fleet.lbx flticons.lbx fonts.lbx game.lbx gstar.lbx help.lbx herodata.lbx ifonts.lbx inbox.lbx info.lbx install.lbx jimtext.lbx kentext.lbx loadsave.lbx mainpups.lbx maintext.lbx monster.lbx msgeng.lbx multigm.lbx ndata.lbx newgame.lbx nextplyr.lbx ocpol.lbx officer.lbx planets.lbx playspec.lbx plntsum.lbx raceicon.lbx racename.lbx raceopt.lbx racerprt.lbx races.lbx racesel.lbx racestuf.lbx refitpup.lbx score.lbx shipname.lbx skildesc.lbx sound.lbx sphersfx.lbx starbg.lbx starname.lbx sysdisp.lbx techdesc.lbx techname.lbx techsel.lbx textbox.lbx turnsum.lbx warning.lbx